The Correction Group was directly shaken, and this knowledgeable lord with the same status as the sage was also taken down on the spot, and was beaten by Hua Ling and fainted.

At that time, the Holy Decree will continue to interrogate and deal with it.

For a while, these members of the correctional group who were staying here were at a loss, but the side of the Holy Decree began to act.

They said you guys ~ it's okay.

Nothing will be done to you.

Rest assured.

The desert alchemy cart also drove further inside the area.

After going deeper.

The scenes in the field of vision began to surprise the students of the Teaching Academy, and they saw that there were strange white salt-like stones and stone cones on the ground in the distance.

It's as if condensed.

Many of them are large.

There seems to be purple energy flowing in it.

And at a glance, on the ground in front of you, there are everywhere you are sitting.

I also felt that there seemed to be a very faint feeling of discomfort.


It's not a good thing, weird, disgusting.

Everyone is confused about this.

The flower spirit Lusha who chose to follow is also located in the car.

As soon as it wanted to explain this situation, Nasida spoke up first.

"This is a gray remnant, in the past, there was black fire in Canrea, burning the earth, causing a lot of filth to rage, and constantly began to expand and grow."

"After being purified by the aura, these gray crystals are the gray residues."

"It's a legacy of filth that needs to be disposed of."

Slusha spoke up for this.

"Then collect the aura here, as long as there is aura, you can eliminate it."

"Either you will solve this crisis with me, and I will allow you to come and be my patron, record our appearance, praise the great deeds, and leave a name in history!"

"It continues to turn into epics and legends, circulating on this land. Do you want to think about it? "

She looked at Ying and Yelan.

After all, it is impossible to say it to the god of grass.

Yelan refused with a smile.

Ying was also confused.

Praise the Lord what it is.

Odd name.

"That is, I, the great spirit of the Flower Spirit clan, will sacrifice my life in order to extinguish the heavenly phenomenon of burning the truth! This is the mission of our flower spirit, noble and great. "

"You need someone to sing about my deeds, otherwise wouldn't it be a great regret if no one in this world knew about it?"

"So being able to record my posture, how grateful is Dade, is it already touching the mess?"


It turned out to be a bard of record!

And this way of speaking, really weird.

It reminded her of a certain girl in Mond, and even Yelan quietly spoke in Ying's ear.

"I remember that there was a Fischer in the Mond Adventurers Association who claimed to be the queen daughter of the Judgmental Queen, and her husband in the past said that it was a middle second disease, and perhaps, this flower spirit is also the same."

"Maybe I'm young, I read a lot of strange books or something. Or maybe it was influenced by the Lord just now. "

"But it's okay, kids are like this. It's much better to grow up a little more. "

Flower Spirit Slusha was furious.

"Hey! I can hear it! What kind of whisper are you, don't hide it at all! "

"What a second disease! Sling the bull! "

I didn't understand it, but I didn't feel like a good word.


Look down on me less!


She is indeed not very old.

It was also not recognized by the Yuan Ancestor's Hua Ling Zuerwan.

You must first become the [Brave] among the flower spirits and get the double-horned flower crown in order to gather these spiritual lights scattered on the ground.

To put it bluntly, it is the young and hot-blooded middle two flower spirit who has been fooled by others.

I intend to sacrifice myself bravely to save this place.

After all, Meru's side likes to focus on a tone that sacrifices itself, and you will find that it is all like this, and they love to play this set all the way.


This is related to Meru's ecological and environmental background.

Pay attention to the cycle of a leaf falling back to the root, falling into mud, and returning to the earth.

And Nasida spoke up.

"Actually, there is no need to sacrifice."

And these people in the Decree House began to act, using strange short-knotted young leaves of wood, and began to remove the gray residue here, and the flower spirit Lusha who looked at it was stunned.

"So, what is it, why can you remove this pollution without using aura?"

A series of people began to move and dispersed.

Everyone set off in all directions.

Some people crouched on the ground, carrying out their homework, and the void terminal they carried began to record.

He looked forward to it.

"This time, you have to perform well and accumulate contributions!"

As long as the more you eliminate, the more you contribute, and there is a void terminal throughout the process, so you don't have to worry about missing or not writing things down.

And all of them are very good in combat.

Because with these spreads, many monsters will become more violent.

It's clear.

This time it is equivalent to exercising and sharpening these people, as if it were used to train troops.

Those short woods were all made by the Great Cishu King.

So it's simple to get rid of some of the remaining filth.

But this also made Nasida very sad, she was really weak, obviously she should have made this prop, but the result was that the Great Compassion Tree King was considerate of her youth.

When will she become strong? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And it goes on like this.

Not to mention catching up with the sun, it is difficult to become the moon, she is a star.

Is there a god who is more delicious than himself?


However, Hua Ling Si Lusha saw this, especially after separation, Nasida stayed, it seemed that the main action was dominated by Ying and Yelan, and it quickly followed.

As a result, it was noticed that the scattered aura was absorbed by Yelan.

It's all cracked!

Why can you do the behavior of the brave in the Flower Spirit clan?

Like other flower spirits can't do it!

Well, it seems that they are enough.

So I go?

Hua Lingsi Lusha wanted to cry without tears, and she was hit one after another without confidence, how did she do it!

Why is this!

Are you a flower spirit or am I a flower spirit?

In fact, Yelan was absorbed by the secret method that Su Bai gave her, and this trip came because Yelan had cultivated into a great god immortal a long time ago.

And gradually became the top among the top immortals.

Came to condense her own powers.

Under normal circumstances, Yelan itself could not absorb the aura, because the source of this thing was the power of the flower god, and the mistress of the flower, the aura was a point in her flower heart.

It's special and critical.

The spirit of flowers is the essence.

is a grass element.

So Yelan is such a water element, can't absorb it.

However, the spiritual light scattered today is all fused with the [Sea of Manna] power left by the water god after his death, and it has become a sea of flower spiritual light.

Then it has the properties of water.

When the conditions are met, Yelan can operate.

And the original ritual was to remove the filth, and [ten thousand mother trees] would blossom and sprinkle manna all over the earth, and this time it would be absorbed by Yelan, which was the purest water, the primordial water.

In a sense, divine power sounds very good.

It's inexplicably pressing.

It is no wonder that it is regarded as a good synthetic material.

Water God: ???

You've insulted me three times! Three times!

So this time, Yelan wants to carry out a method given to her by Su Bai, forging and synthesizing new powers, and the water powers that are normally condensed are a bit ordinary.

It also takes a long time for Yelan.

On the contrary, as it is now, a very interesting power may be born.

It is still based on the power of the water god, referring to this act and history of the land of Meru in the past, gathering the three powers of plants, trees, manna and flowers, and the characteristics of the night orchid itself.


And thus give birth to a new power!

This can be done because grass and flowers can be matched and fused with the power of water, and replaced with sand directly wasted, withered, and sucked dry.

From this there can be a new water, no, a new sea, a new source.

The danger is small.

Because the precedent for success is already here.

Yelan is an extension of this foundation.

So she and Ying began to act, and took this flower spirit Slusha on an adventure together, began the process of collecting spiritual light everywhere, and also helped some flower spirits return to the flower sea.

The number of flower spirits is actually particularly large.

They are born from the sea of flowers, and they continue to go outside, and many of them will gradually die and turn into Linggu wood, as long as they collect the pure light condensed by Linggumu.

Place it in the manna pool.

The flower spirits can wash themselves again and return to the sea of flowers!

And in the sea of flowers, that flower spirit [Zuerwan] also gave Yelan a large spiritual light that he hidden, which made Yelan understand.

Did Su Bai say hello in advance?

So they began to perform the ritual of departure, which is actually to awaken the tree with the power of spiritual light and enter the ten thousand mother trees.

Start the final purification.

But this time Yelan took out something else, it was a small white holy spear in the palm of his hand, different from Morgan's, this was really the power of purification.

There is more than one way or power to destroy filth and the power of the abyss.

When she threw this into the 10,000 mother trees, the dazzling white light spread out, causing everything to grow again.

The manna was taken by Yelan.

This was the Water God Power, the key power she needed, and it fused with those auras.


Even the power of ten thousand mother trees is being transmitted.

In a burst of earth-shaking, visions arose.

Just when Yingdu looked at this scene in shock, Su Bai suddenly appeared here, looking at Yelan.

This made her sigh instantly.

You really keep an eye on Ah Yi.

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