So it was changed to a thick cloud.

Su Bai fell into deep thought, this should also be regarded as a coincidence, laughing.

Since studying the mechanical beast [Golden Retriever Roar], I finally took advantage of this experience to study other mechanical beast categories, and this is a new one.

Of course.

The name made Su Bai find it interesting.

But it didn't stop the clouds, didn't it.

If you think about it this way, are there many names that are wonderful?

But in fact, most of them are developed from the characteristics of Liyue itself.

It's like Dandingsi.

Luofu Xianzhou has a Dan Dingsi, but it really doesn't matter.

Because the Liyue Immortals have those three kinds of untold secrets, Danding, Fu Qi, and Exterior.

Then they work it out, and then they build departments.

It's Dandingsi.

Si is also Liyue's style.

Don't believe you ask the General Services Division?

There used to be a maritime division.

And the cave sky is also the exterior ability of the immortals, they have created a lot of cave sky, and now it is further developed, and the sky port is full of cave heavens.

Luofu Xianzhou also has many caves.

Even the lamp dragon fish, that is still the clear fish dragon lamp day first.

It's just that it looks like this feeling, and it's wonderful.

It's like the commonality of civilizations.

For example, Liyue and the Shenzhou of Honkai III also have many similar characteristics, drinking tea or something, are ancient methods of brewing tea.

Change to other civilizations, tea?

Milk tea or coffee?

Or Coke?

Just like the name of the style of immortal, it is generally 27 What their civilization will have.

It is a characteristic of Eastern civilization.

And the martial arts hall and whatnot, it is also their kind of scene.

It can only be said that Luofu Xianzhou, Liyue, and Shenzhou are all places with many similar cultures.

Looking at this artifact, Su Bai groaned.

"However, someone has already booked the design of this Dandingsi guard, and she should come right away." "


In the end, he was taken aback.

What the heck.

Is there anyone else to grab work with themselves?


It's not easy to earn some contributions by yourself, it's clear that the plan of a large-scale organ fortress city requires a lot of resources to achieve, and you can find a way to earn more to fill it.

And at this time, there was a sound of laughter from the entrance.

"Hahaha, my great lady of the Law of Knowledge, here it is again!"

Hearing this voice, many people bowed their heads in respect.

After all, this is a big man in Dan Dingsi, who has studied a series of elixirs and has a very great reputation.

Even the end suddenly realized.

"So it's Aji?"


Zhibao came here, and she also knew about this matter, and directly snorted.

"That's not okay, although you have a good relationship with me in the end, but if you escort, I have been getting it for a long time, this is my hard work!"

"Good fellow, fortunately I rushed over, otherwise I wouldn't have been in vain?"

"Xiaogui, give it to me this time. "

In the end, his face twitched, his green tendons exploded, and he was angry.

Why do you always have a louder tone than me?

And in the end, she also looked at the row of white chickens she brought.

I don't know what to say well.

It took half a day to hold back a sentence.

"How can your chicken be better than my mechanical beast? "

"Hey, don't look down on my chickens, I'm a professional when it comes to raising chickens in Taifushan!"

Zhibao was suddenly unhappy.

Who do you look down on!

"These chickens of mine are very good, they can devour those useless elixirs and convert them into energy, this is the [Medicine Chicken] sequence, and it is no problem to deal with those herb residues or something." "

"And the other batch is [Tai Huang Kung Fu Chicken], they can each fight and run, come, perform for everyone to see!"

So in the end, I saw these white chickens lifting stone hammers and constantly flexing their muscles.

Lift it up, throw it off.

And put on a kung fu pose.

Soon he smashed the large stone in front of him at once.

And the speed is very fast, like a glimpse, and suddenly from a far away, pecked a medicinal herb back.

It seems that there is a wail in the distance.

"Who stole my herbs!!"

"There are thieves!"

In the end: ...

At this time, Zhibao was still proud.

"And my chickens, compared to your organs, have a great advantage, that is, after being domesticated by me very intelligent and obedient, they can lay eggs and reproduce!"

"This kind of white chicken is a special breed that I have only developed with great difficulty, and I plan to develop various types of chickens based on this." "

It is precisely because it can give birth that it does not need to be like a mechanical beast.

The beast has to be made more and has to be made.

Spend materials, spend money.

And this of their own, invisibly, saves a lot of money and contributes.

Saying this moment, even Zhibao was shocked in his heart, obediently, am I really an unparalleled genius?

Did you even notice this early on, and thus set off with Warcraft and dangerous species?

She wanted to laugh maniacally.

It only takes one batch, and after a while, there will be many!

Awesome, good!

This was exactly what she had imagined before, and Yura was shocked when she went to her before.

And don't say it.

Today's white chickens, each obedient.

Recognize human nature and act positively!

This is all influenced and done by her power as a person of knowledge, and even Fu Hua cannot do this kind of continuous cultivation and improvement.

It is her unique advantage of treasure recognition!

It's just that the teeth of the final qi are itchy, but you are a stinky little knowledge!

In the past, it was Su Bai's alchemy that pressed me, then Ah Ping's music and Qingping Sword, now it's your turn to be a monster chicken?



My magic is the best! (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Hmph, being able to reproduce is indeed an advantage. But don't forget, my beast can last for a long time, and it only needs to maintain and replenish energy. "

"And your Warcraft Chicken has a lifespan, and it must be impossible to surpass my organs at this point!"

"And these [Thick Cloud Golden Toads] of mine can also be constantly modified and added to their functions, and when they encounter strong enemies, they can even merge and become super large organs [Heaven-Swallowing Thick Cloud Giant Golden Toads]!"

"Fit, fit? And such a trick?"

The person who knew the law was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the organ could be like this?!!

But she thought about it immediately.


"But there are too many organs, if any enemy suddenly appears to control them, won't they all turn against each other at once and pit our side?"

"Impossible, how can there be enemies who control my mechanical beasts!"

In the end, his eyes widened.

She has a cute and breathy forked waist.

He is a genius god of mechanics, how can the works he creates be controlled so easily?

The two of them were at a stalemate, and an argument ensued.

Su Bai smiled and said nothing, it was really two living treasures.

Soon, after their eyes came together, Su Bai said, let's compare it.

So the duel between the Tai Void Kung Fu Chicken vs the Mechanical Beast Thick Cloud Golden Toad.

Straight to the unfold.

I saw that the Tai Void Kung Fu Chicken reacted quickly, constantly dodging the attacks of the Thick Cloud Golden Toad, paying attention to a left-right jumping technique.

And suddenly rushed up, using a conspicuous inch!

Knocked the Thick Cloud Golden Toad out.

And chasing after the victory, a set of kung fu combos, the mechanical beast that hit could not fall, and the face was very dark in the end, careless!!

The main thing is that this is a mechanical beast that is biased towards auxiliary and artillery batteries.

I already knew that I would input a series of such close combat methods to it, where could I have thought that a treasure would rush out and intervene?


On the side of the organ beast Thick Cloud Golden Toad, it was defeated.

Ling Guihui was very unwilling in the end.

"Damn, if it is compared with my mechanical beast [Golden Retriever Roar], it must be me who wins!"

"But don't underestimate me, the mechanical beast thick cloud golden toad combined!"

After receiving this order, for a while, these thick cloud golden toads began to pile together, and the organs on their bodies began to change and supplement, gradually forming a large organ beast.

It looks majestic, and the clapping of palms is a huge momentum.

The turmoil set off made the Tai Void Kung Fu chickens dodge.

This made 507 Treasure also order.

"You guys go and help too. "

A bunch of white [Tai Void Kung Fu Chicken] joined the battle, and suddenly, Zhibao flashed.

"Use that martial art I taught you, what's the name, oh yes, Shaolin, bah, too virtual eighteen bronze formation!"

The kung fu chickens also quickly formed a formation and surrounded the large mechanical beast.

Ling was speechless.

What the heck?


A bunch of monster chickens, can you still make this kind of troublesome thing that needs to be coordinated.

Their sense of battle is indeed not simple!

So the two sides fought inextricably, or after that, the Tai Void Kung Fu Chicken side was better, and after using another secret technique, he brazenly defeated the final organ beast combination.

It made her angry.

I already knew that there was a competition, so I brought the Golden Retriever Roar Legion here.


Since it is a guard competing for here, the golden retriever roar that specializes in fighting is still not suitable, after all, the thick cloud golden toad has many auxiliary functions.

So this time, it was indeed she who lost.

In the end, gritting his teeth.

"Hmph, Ah Zhi, count you as winning this time, but you will also be my opponent in the future, wait, I will defeat your Kung Fu Chicken then." "

"Then the guards of the Dandingsi here will be my mechanical beasts again. "

"Come on, I'm not afraid!"

The two exchanged eyes for a while, as if there was lightning exploding.

Then he finally left here with the mechanical beast.

Treasure booth hands.

Obviously I came first, right?

However, in the end, under the impatience of anger, he actually accelerated the flow of power in his body, so that the Demon God-level elemental martial arts [Samadhi Divine Wind], which had been cultivated for so long, was able to cross the bottleneck.

It's done.

She was shocked.

Worthy of her!

Sure enough, people's physiques are different, and I was once in a fit of anger to make the demon god martial arts great, hahaha!

Hmph, but I'm still a little depressed.

Got it.

This is to go to Ah Ping to fight.

Beat her out of breath.

Ping: ???。

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