But it's nothing in Liyue, it's just a magic technique.

But then they were shocked.

"Such a prosperous civilization, we have been to many worlds, we have never seen you like this, even there is a big city in the sky, and there are warships flying everywhere. "

"Is that your spaceport?"

Or rather, the port of the Quantum Sea?

"Is there also a series of small spaceships, there is a peculiar plant spaceship feeling, is it through light and action?"

"Wouldn't it also be possible to collect and store energy through stellar light radiation?"

"And thus a long voyage?"


A powerful civilization capable of freely exploring the Quantum Sea.


On their other side of the world, they can drive these warships and shuttle between the planet and the galaxy.

There is no doubt that Liyue is a very developed civilization.

And this feeling of being completely different from technology gives people an amazing and unique new experience.


Stars appeared in the eyes of the two girls.

What they saw, in addition to Xianzhou, was also the recently issued civilian version of [Thousand Tree Ship].

It was put into service as a small spaceship.

Even this elder constantly sighed, compared to the hidden head and tail of their clan, the large and prosperous country of "317" here is really enviable.

And this kind of thousand-tree ship, does it mean that Liyue is also very well studied in plant technology?


The many elf shops here also attracted their attention.

The wind goblin with wings on his back, the grass goblin who runs a bookstore like a forest spirit, the fire goblin who is shouting like a fire, and the water goblin who is as tender as water and attracts countless people, and so on.

Seven-element goblin.

"Wow, is there also an inhuman race to survive here, Liyue is not just human?"

At this time, they have a vacant area.

Everyone respects and worships automatically stays away from here, not disturbing Lord Su Bai's shopping with friends, so you have to look far away to notice those Liyue people coming and going.

And in the shop in front of them, there is a wind fairy lady selling all kinds of grown products.

Behind her, there is a pair of blue wind colored wings.

Very handsome.

And also took the initiative to say hello with a smile.

"Lord Su Bai, hello, and these two guests, hey, it seems to be three, do you need to buy something?"

"I've just been transported here from the fairy field, it's fresh, it's all freshly picked and harvested. "

"Variety, good quality and low price, and satisfactory package." "

They were all surprised.

Did you notice Elder Jin Ping Sugar all of a sudden, it stands to reason that in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a strange black ball of yarn, right?

Like a pet?

But she seems to be sure that this is an intelligent creature?

After uttering this doubt.

Sister Wind Fairy tilted her head cutely, puzzled.

And pointed to the black sugar that mimicked as a Valkyrie, and then pointed to Elder Jinping Sugar.

"Aren't you the same race? So I'm not wrong." "



What kind of eye is this?


Definitely a master!

And the wind fairy sister took out a potted plant, which was planted with plants that looked like vines and small trees, and also bore a lot of shiny fruits.

"Do you want to try this, our Liyue is popular on the mainland [crystal sugar]. "

"The taste is sweet, delicious and you will fall in love as soon as you eat it. "


These words startled Shi Yuqiluo, her name in the Xiuges family is crystal sugar.

But this is a misunderstanding.

This sugar comes from the [Earth Fault] world, is expensive, and is popular among the nobles enjoyed by the upper class, produced in the underground labyrinth, and Su Bai has also taken it out for Lei Movie to taste before.

Crystal sugar and another gem fruit were transplanted and cultivated in Liyue.

It is the best food for those who like dessert snacks!

Elder Jin Ping Sugar also spoke out curiously.

"Hello, then, isn't it strange to see us like this?"

Wind Goblin: ???

"What's so strange about that. "

"All kinds of strange creatures, everywhere. "

For these goblins, here in Liyue, they have long seen an unknown number of intelligent life forms, all of which live perfectly and harmoniously in this country.

Now, it's just a black hairball the size of a lychee.

What's the point.

Isn't it commonplace?

So they looked at the crowd in the distance, what orcs, and girls with two tails, and a few young rock dragon lizards talking, and a purple bat or something the same flew down from the sky.

Can also speak human language.

Pure Thunder Elf: ??? you're like a bat.

And high in the air, a fire dragon flapped its wings and flew directly to the other side.

Everyone is not surprised.

It's all a very normal expression.


How many races are there in this Liyue?

At low altitude, there are also a series of Thousand Rock troops stepping on flying swords, and in the distance, there are soldiers patrolling with machine beasts.

The world of curiosity.

And after tasting this crystal candy, their eyes were pleasantly surprised.

"Delicious, delicious!"

Especially the brown sugar of the Hughese family, she is even more happy.

They're creatures that love candy.

I like it, and I doubt that I was a sugar in my last life.

And then they also tasted a lot of similar candies, the desserts of the fairy series made them cheer, and the gem fruit was also amazing!

I feel like I can use it to make delicious sugar.

As they traveled all the way, the large [Fairy Chocolate] Tian that was reclaimed by the goblins in the distance also blinded them.

Look stupid one by one.

"This? What is this?"

"Can chocolate grow in the ground? "

And here are the Thousand Rock Army patrolling, picking these chocolates with the wind goblins, and after Su Bai handed them to eat, the black sugar that was imitated as a Valkyrie was excited and happy.

"Wow, this tastes great, if you use it to make a series of milk chocolate pudding, chocolate ice cream, chocolate mille-feuille, milkshake, biscuits, bread, milk tea. "

"That's not too beautiful!"

"Did I come to heaven?"

Super tempting okay! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

And she found that these wind goblins are very good at cultivation, but it seems that making desserts has not been studied in depth?

On the contrary, you are very good at making wine?

What a shame!

However, they are absolute experts in sweets and desserts!

With so many magical fruits, how many new kinds of food can be made by giving them them?

Oh, my God.

The clansmen are going crazy, right?

At this time, Su Bai said that the rest of your clansmen could also come over, so a bunch of black hairball life appeared, eating chocolate here strangely scene, cheering hands dancing one by one.........

It made the wind goblins laugh.

What kind of life is this?

It's interesting.

And Brown Sugar looked up at the elder.

"Elder, do you want to think about it? It feels very good!"

The other Huges clans also looked at it with their eyes open.

The elder fell into deep thought.

Liyue is indeed a highly developed and interesting country, and because it has been pitted by humans, it is already very cautious.

After all, it is the old man.

But Liyue here, how to say.

The people here and the people on the original side of the earth are different, completely different, there is a big difference.

Very welcoming and helpful.

In terms of mental outlook and style, they are very different, so strange, the people here seem to be friendly.

Help and laughter were everywhere.

It seems to be a highly developed civilization not only in material terms, but also in spiritual terms.

However, the elder was cautious and planned to observe for a while longer.

The intrigue and intrigue of human beings really scared them, and it was easy to bring them all to the ditch of destruction.

It was almost finished last time.

They need a race that is reliable and trustworthy.

So after a while, the Xiuges family fell into a sensation, and they found in disbelief that this place in Liyue seemed to be a perfect match for their family.

So later.

This world bubble joined Liyue.

He has become another member of many races in Liyue, and has continuously studied many desserts, supplying the market with a large number of novel candies, filling and perfecting this aspect.

And sometimes moving in the sea of quantum.

Helping and observing a series of situations, passing information to the Xianzhou side.

Their technology is very interesting, after all, they are races that can run around in the starry sky and the quantum sea, and they are full of points in terms of running.

Instead, Shi Yuqiluo looked at a loss.

This girl is confused, I, have I joined a civilization again?

She scratched her head.

Forget it, it doesn't seem to be bad.

It seems to be interesting here, and the candy house has also begun to expand, and in 5.5, there are many more Liyue specialty candies, and new candies are used to create houses and buildings.

They're creatures, it's just that amazing.


"Su Bai, what do you think of my mechanical beast [Thick Cloud Golden Toad]?"

At this time.

In the end, she is excitedly introducing a new work of hers, which is a golden toad beast surrounded by clouds, which is actually composed of mechanics and can use a series of rock element abilities.

"As a protector and guard, I think it's no problem, it's a suitable beast like a guard. "

"How about it, let Dandingsi purchase this?"

"Cute Dust King's new work!"

Su Bai's face was surprised.

"How did you come up with the name?"


"Is there anything strange, I am the demon god of rock and dust, so the characteristics are golden, and I originally wanted to call it Liuyun Golden Toad." "

After all, doesn't it sound more like an immortal?

Stay in the clouds, stay in the clouds.

Its name is to keep the clouds in the sky, cast fairyland, ah, how wonderful!

However, considering that her friend Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun, she didn't call it this name.

It's kind of weird after all.

The impact is not good.

People are cranes!.

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