But obviously this blowing snow.

He has always been strong and has a talent for co-ordination, and is in the position of a leader.

This wave completely laid everything down.

It's his metal knight.

In vain missed such an opportunity, his eyes were dark, and he felt that his heart ached and it was difficult to breathe.

This is a high-level warship that can navigate the universe.

The technology contained in it, even if you eat a little thoroughly, can bring great leaps and breakthroughs to human civilization.


Now it's regret, very regretful.

And the scene here.

Blowing snow clapped its hands and fell from the sky.

Returning to Tiantong Mugen and Su Bai, they all smiled and nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Yes, this trick is very handsome. "

"There was momentum and power, and it burst Poros at once. "

"Yet. "

Tian Tong Mu looked into the distance even more surprised.

"Aren't you going to pick up your sister? "

"It's okay. "

"My sister is not injured, she is fine, she will fly back by herself later, she is such a big person, where do I need to worry so much." "


Her previous feathers were not given for nothing.

On the contrary, Mu and Su Bai here are more family, and Su Bai is still his own man.

Mu was even more amused.

What a crumb sister, the rolls are numb.

Just kidding, of course.

"It's Mu Geng, you didn't make a full shot this time, I killed it alone, originally you could also show your might." "

"Oh it's okay, at least I've shown 27 twice before. "

"I also bombarded it with an earth harmonic gravity fist." "

In the development of the Rock Law, wood has extended a lot of gravity moves.

After all, the characteristic of rock law is gravity!

The power of the earth.

Because the earth is the surface of the stars, the power of the stars is developed later.

Like the name of the Ninth God's Key [Star of Eden] at the beginning, it is called the Star Sea Harmonic.

Then the name, blowing snow is used.

In the future, [Earth Harmonic Gravity Fist] will be further advanced, which is [Star Sea Harmonic Gravity Fist]!

It's cool to think about!

This power category of his own also has great potential, and there is a lot to explore.

"If Poros is the enemy of my world, I'm afraid I will directly make a move, the tyrant of the sky, oh no, the overlord of the sky, see the appearance of the stars shattered!"

"Good fellow, you sound so forced. "

"You can go to Bang Tie and be a pioneer, big-headed soldier. Remember whether it was the Legion of Destruction or something, Vanguard single-handedly destroyed the Star. "


Mu Geng's face turned dark, I can't wait to strangle this guy, can't you let me be proud first?

You have to pour some cold water on me.

Only fools go to be pioneers.

Am I not good to continue developing here and enjoy life?

It is clear that it is only necessary to continue to develop, the future is bright, why consider anything else.

"Besides, you blow snow no better than me. "

"Where, I can continue to become stronger and develop, but the sentence just now, what a tyrant in the sky, sounds strangely familiar." "

" is a classic line in Honkai III. "

Su Bai responded with a smile.

In the past, the anti-entropy organization wanted to build mecha, that is, the giant fighter mech [Alahato].

But there are too many resources consumed, and there is no money.

As a result, Inverse Entropy went to do animation, and the "Alahato" series of animations became a hit and was widely acclaimed, especially in this part of Europe, where it was on TV everywhere.

This great success brought a steady stream of profits and wealth to reverse entropy.

So that you can secretly create real mechs.

Little children don't know that the mecha on TV is actually real.

Even many fans and fans were amazed.

To hell with it.

This animation is also too realistic, as if the creative team has actually built mecha!

Inverse Entropy: What do you say?

As a result, this animation has follow-up works, and "Magic Sword Machine Alahato" is even more popular, affecting countless young people, including that Zigfei.

As a child, he immersed himself in this work and excitedly shouted there - shout with me, Alahato!

And deeply influenced his life, choosing adventure and running away from home.

Pursuing the future he wants.

This caused Otto to be furious.

Order all the troops of the Mandate of Heaven to be sent!

It is necessary to capture Ziegfried.

It was his mother who begged for intercession to let Otto let him go.

By the way.

Otto also likes this animation and is deeply addicted to it, just seeing what kind of heavenly tyrant he will giggle in his heart.

Very engaging.

He didn't know it was made of inverse entropy.


A lot of things go together.

In the second collapse, Alahato's engine was transformed into a prototype "Moonlight Throne".

And seeing what Su Bai was studying, Mu Geng and Chuixue both looked over curiously.


What spatial operation is Su Bai doing.

"What are you doing?"

For their doubts, Su Bai looked back and chuckled.

"I'm thinking of an idea. "


"Right. "

Su Bai pondered and came up with a playful idea.

"I want to create the shadow of space, so it may not be easy to understand, so take the [Condensation Shadow] in the collapsed iron as a metaphor, that is, to deal with those monsters, you can keep brushing." "

Their eyes lit up.

In this way, it can indeed react at once.

"Oh, that is, the afterimage left behind, the trace of this space, right?"

To put it bluntly, it is a false monster, a kind of phantom that stagnates here.

Then Su Bai wanted to create an afterimage Poros, or directly call it [Condensation Phantom Poros]! (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

This is not a Buddha-figure.

It's just a remnant, to put it bluntly, it's just a shadow of reality, a fake toy.

So that it is made and placed somewhere.

As a battlefield of trials or something.

By challenging this phantom, increasing experience and practicing moves, isn't this wave not only blowing snow, but also Tiantong Mu has failed to show her strength and make her proud black hole.

But if this idea comes true, not only Mu Geng in the future, but others can also try to challenge!

That's it, high-level quest elite monster.

It can also be reused.

Just wait for the recovery.

In this way, it is wonderful, and Poros's words are just the beginning.

Some enemies in the past, and many enemies in the future.

These large and small [Condensation Phantoms] can be manufactured, which are just perfect experimental products for afterimages, and they will always stop there on weekdays, motionless.

When challenged, you can activate.

Blowing snow mused.

"It sounds really great, but the aftersounds and afterimages of this kind of space should be quite restrictive, after all, it is not a Buddha-figure, just a series of false traces." "

"If it is possible, it can only be fixed in that space. "

"And it feels very difficult, I don't have a clue, I can't understand this." "

"Me too, I don't know where to start. "

Mu also said that he did not understand.

That's not what the two of them are good at.

Su Bai smiled smugly.

"It's okay, I have already thought about the manpower envisaged in this research, and there is one who can definitely help me, and it will be more convenient if I study it with her." "

"After all, it is the shadow of space, and it is an afterimage, and it is a phantom. "

"Think about it, is it very close to someone. "



Blowing snow first thought about it, who.

But the next moment, she and Mu Geng's eyes lit up.

"Shadow, the space of shadows, the queen who rules the country of shadows!"

"It's Skaha!"

They spoke in unison and said this crucial answer.

That's right.

This is also too suitable for Skaha to study.

She was originally in that magic realm shadow country, and the other side of the light 077, everywhere she went was the place of shadows, the queen of survival and watch.

The concept of shadow is closely related to her.

And everyone also knows that Skaha is perfecting and recreating her Shadow Country.

Turn it into a scary move.

A realm that can directly summon shadows in battle and deliver a direct oppressive blow!

And Mu was even more surprised.

"But Su Bai, don't you have the ability of Skaha, you can also do your own research." "

"This is not such a saying, there is one more person, one more force, can play the effect of 1+1 is far greater than 2, three stinkers, and a Zhuge Liang." "

"So there must be a lot of people, everyone together, the research is smoother, what kind of inspiration, and it is easier to inspire." "

"Such benefits are not something that can often occur in a person's stuffy research." "

He also often studied it with Morgan.

It's very comfortable to have companions together.

Blowing snow smiled ambiguously.

"Mu Geng, you idiot, let alone say such a thing, wouldn't Su Bai be able to get along with Skahadodo and get closer to each other?"

"The two of them were in the lab together or something. "

"Yes. "

This made Mu Geng pat himself on the head.


Indeed, studying with Skaha has many benefits.

Maybe research research, just .

“... You guys are serious, I really mean research, I didn't think too much about anything else. "


The playful tone of the two women sounded here.

"Don't tell us you don't have an idea about Skaha. "

Everyone, who is with whom!

Can you still not understand this?

And Skaha's figure, hot and sexy, tall and charming, blowing bombs can be broken at the same time, and very powerful.

Excellent hand feel.

Mu nodded fiercely.

"Indeed, Skaha is very hot in stature, but his personality is arrogant and cold, and when he faces us, he is a gentle big sister, which is quite perfect. "。

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