"Completely bury everything!"



"Did I hear you right, the whole surface?"

"Ah, ah, I also hope that I am wrong, but this explosive energy index, I have seen it for the first time in my life. "

After the frightened voice and Emperor Tong affirmed this again.

The heroes present all gasped, and the unprecedented shock and cold swept through their bodies, making their bodies tremble.

Cold sweat.

Such a terrible fact.

And so it was in front of them!


It's even more exaggerated than they thought.

This, is this the overlord of the universe?


Everyone underestimated each other too much.

I didn't expect such a trick!

This makes the heroes pale and terrified, what kind of joke, destroying the entire human civilization at every turn?

It's hard to do.

That Porus.

Have you ever destroyed the same intelligent races and civilizations as humans on other planets in this way?

Let all life on the planet wail for it.

Can only struggle and destruction in the midst of pain and despair?


He started this trick again?

Do you want to destroy mankind completely?

What kind of shit overlord is this, if you can't beat the blowing snow, you will try to wash the floor, and "zero one zero" intends to kill everyone all.

Is there still a little bit of hegemonic pride and dignity?

Is life so insignificant in his eyes?

Destruction that can rage?

Damn it!

Why did such a terrible guy come to Earth?

They were all trembling, their tones staccato.

Can't stop being afraid.

"Sure enough, being able to bring destruction to the entire human civilization, there is no doubt that Mr. Su Bai is right, this is indeed a crisis that surpasses the dragon and may become a god!"


"It's God, because this situation is already in front of you!"

Who let.

This time it was observed by the Hero Association.

And seeing that the terrible shock wave had fallen from the sky, their faces were shocked and trembling.

"Blowing snow, can it be stopped?"

I saw that at a certain height, Blowing Snow and her god monarch stood there, just like ancient gods and heavenly generals, giving people an amazing sense of security and trust.

I didn't expect that blowing snow would have such a move.


This is an attack that can destroy the entire human civilization.

As a result, they also have no bottom in their hearts.

Some were even dazed and muttered.

"It's over, it's over humanity. "

Fear filled their hearts.

Even the headquarters of the Hero Guild is no different from them.

It also fell into extreme panic and confusion.

There was a lot of noise and screams.

There are also some staff members who are sincerely praying, hoping that Fuyuki-sama will win.

If it's you.

And can it work miracles?

And here in Blowing Snow, she just watched this scene quietly.

Suddenly laughed.

"The strongest power that wreaks havoc on the universe? "

"It also seems that my universe is too embarrassing. "

"In the end, the strongest fighting power is still on Earth? "

"Well, but if you think about it, this is also true, many works are earth, which is the center and origin of the story." "

"Then, [Wind God Law God Monarch]. Get on it!"

Blowing snow just gave a command.

The monstrous god monarch behind him began to wave the giant long-handled weapon in his hand, which was also made of ideal fluid, and did not show any obvious weapon characteristics.


As long as the wind and snow are willing.

This weapon can be a gun, a spear, a go, or a halberd!

So she thought a little.

That weapon instantly turned into a domineering Wind God Halberd, handsome and heavy, and looked amazingly powerful.

And so it goes.

The majestic and tall God Monarch moved this divine halberd and slashed at the Crashing Star Roaring Cannon that was raging in the sky, and the two forces collided violently, which was really vast and amazing.

It's like an ancient myth playing out here!

Even the tornado on the ground widened its eyes.

"Blowing snow, is it so amazing?"

"Even such an attack can be blocked and fought against it?"

"Have you grown so horrible? "

And Poros was also taken aback, and then roared and bloomed all his strength, even if he completely squeezed himself out, he would destroy all of this place!

Even this terrible powerhouse.

Same too!

Therefore, his posture began to gradually age and dry up, which means that he is indeed using all his life to carry out this most terrifying move!


Under the sudden increase in the energy impact, the sky shook, and the terrible impact raged on.

"Drink aaaa

This moment.

Under the roar of Poros.

Even that huge god monarch seems to have begun to be repelled?

See such a scene.

Poros was in good spirits!

Sure enough, he is the strongest.

As a result, the next moment, the Divine Monarch just stepped back a little and remained still.

And then suddenly.

Its attack rushed at once!

It's like, fool, I just teased you.

You won't take it seriously, will you?

"No, how is this possible?!"

Poros vomited blood angrily.

A force far beyond him roared, crushed strongly, and directly pushed back all the way, as if there was no pressure and obstacles, and instantly killed!

Pierced this so-called Crashing Star Roaring Cannon at once!

And Poros included it all.

He let out a miserable cry.

However, it was only for a moment, and it was instantly annihilated!

Even the resurrection just now can't be done.

In the end, only fear and stunned remained in his eyes, why?

It is clear that there is still a stalemate at the beginning.

Why was it instantly overwhelmed by the other party?

It's hard to do. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Until this time, is it the real strength of the other party?

As a matter of fact.

Poros did not notice that the halberd in the hand of the God Monarch suddenly had an indescribable cyan wind flowing.

The second move of blowing snow has been unconsciously covered on it.

This is exactly the stronger version of the wind that splits heaven and earth!

【Ideal fluid chops the stars of the Arashi wind!】

Compared to the so-called Collapse Star Roaring Cannon of Poros, it shouted what Crashing Star, and the result was only to destroy the surface.

Too much to live up to the name.

Blow snow this.

But directly a lot higher than him.

As the name suggests, its power is the same as the name!

Able to cut the stars!

Therefore, for Poros's attack, it was naturally a veritable crush and shattered at the touch of a touch, causing his Collapse Star Roaring Cannon to be vulnerable!


After destroying this Crashing Star Roaring Cannon, the wind that split the stars suddenly rushed into the universe.

Shuttling through the depths of the starry sky at great speed.........

Cut a star in an instant!

Only then disappeared.

This is still blowing snow to leave her hand, otherwise her wind spreads, and she can explode the stars at once.

This is after the Law of the Wind has been developed to a certain extent.

Expressed power.

The law of the three collapses is indeed very high-ceiling.

Much stronger than the wind god of Tivat.

And this is still blowing snow, there is another trump card is useless, with the ideal fluid of wind law, to create and release the absolute breath of the stars!

And it can continue to be developed in the future.

The prospects are considerable.

Therefore, after observing that Polos' attack was instead burst, the god king who blew snow was instantly crushed.

The Hero Association was dead silent at first, and then there were pieces of sensational cheers!

That's great!

The crisis of the extinction of mankind has been solved!

Even the heroes opened their mouths.

One by one, they were stunned.

What's more, he wiped his eyes.

It's unimaginable.

Can destroy the surface of the planet and bring desperate energy to human civilization, so the huge giant that was blown snow, directly bombarded back the same way?


This is too perverted!

It turns out that blowing snow is the real hegemon!

What Poros, that thing is simply a false hegemon!

At the end of the day, it's up to our planet!

Therefore, many heroes subconsciously swallowed their saliva, thinking that she was already the top combat power in the association, not comparable to these S-class heroes below.


This gap is also too big, too outrageous!

One heaven, one earth!

It's not a dimension at all.

As a result, everyone's eyes were filled with awe and trembling, which was much more terrifying than a tornado.

It is worthy of being the face of the Hero Guild!

So even the metal knight, the S-class hero, he didn't come to the meeting.

However, robots were sent to observe the battle from a distance.

And the result.

His face turned blue when he saw it, and he sat on the ground in fright.

His essence is actually a crazy white-haired scientist with four large buck teeth.

His name is Dr. Beauvoy.

It's just that he is now remorseful, his intestines are almost repentant, did he miss 0.4 a big opportunity?

Those spaceship wrecks, I don't dare to take them.

That blowing snow, the combat power is so against the sky.

Even the overlord of the universe can press others to fight and unilaterally directly explode and kill.

Before the tornado was with her, it was obvious that the tornado dragged down people.

If you make people take care of your hands and feet, you have to consider cooperating with the tornado.

And that's exactly what happened.

No tornadoes.

This blowing snow immediately became a fierce mess.

It's a monster.

So it looks like this.

This blowing snow is not only terrifying.

There are also tornadoes beside him, as well as the mysterious Su Bai, and the woman who manipulates gravity and suddenly confronts the universe overlord, what is this!

He was scared to death.

The legs are soft.

How dare you mess with these monsters.

It seems that he didn't go to participate, and people didn't care at all, they didn't put him in their eyes at all.

This also means.

If you don't play this game together, you can't melt in.

At least this wave, those S-class heroes must be the first to blow the snow, isn't this cohesion there?

And they got a lot closer.

At least, comrades who have dealt with such a terrible force together.

The S-class had this problem before, loose and crumbling, and there was no sense of teamwork.

Poor cooperation.

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