But everyone was still dumbfounded.

"Isn't this still flowing out and trying to control, I didn't expect you to have quietly reached this step, woo-woo, so powerful."

"You and Luo Hao, how can one be fiercer than the other."

"If it is done in the future, remember to be rich and noble!"

"Yes, yes, big guy! Is it still time to hug your thighs. "

Everyone kept blinking their eyes all at once, and each of them was cute and cute.


Relying on the larger world background board, the potential is amazing.

But yes.

It is impossible for Su Bai to ignore the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, put it there all the time, and sit idly by, not to mention that with his research ability and personality, it is strange not to study.

So he quietly went to study the tree.

Looking at them like this, Su Bai shook his head funny and whispered.

"Sit down, aren't we always perfect partners and best friends, more trustworthy and reliable than confidants and best friends."

"So the relationship is so good that there is nothing to say, how can I not care about you, naturally I don't have to worry about it."

"Not to mention the continuous growth, thanks to everyone's presence."

At this time, Luo Hao snorted coldly speechlessly.

There are dogs here!

I don't say who.

Everyone was sitting here laughing.

At this time, it was a round table, with coffee and teacups in front of them, and everyone was happy and celebrating.

Then they thought of something else.

"Oh yes, if that's the case, Su Bai, presumably you also observed and studied Otto's connection tree, right?"

"Gained a lot of experience from 27?"


Su Bai nodded slightly.

After all, it was a good tool man and experiment.

Don't look at the white, don't look.

And also got a series of experience and information, at least with the same connection with the tree, will not work, will be directly welded to the tree, become a slave of the tree, no autonomy.

It's like a cloud of small data confluencing with an infinite amount of data, and it is assimilated in a moment.

You are a part of it.

It's not that it becomes a part of you.

It's miserable.

You're just a small part, firmly fixed to a huge plate, and you're no longer free.

Even what you want to do with power, even such an idea, can not be realized.


Su Bai is constantly researching other methods.

That is another kind of addition, his current power is also imaginary number energy, the only imaginary number energy that belongs to himself, which combines an unknown number of power systems.

The level is also very high.

Much beyond the ordinary imaginary number energy.

Then, slowly erode the power on the tree, convert those imaginary number energy into Su Bai's special imaginary number energy and reason, and constantly circulate and spread between the trees.

Because they are all one system, they are all imaginary numbers.

So it's hard to find.

After all, Su Bai said, I am here to join you.

Tree of imaginary numbers, you open the door!

You're opening the door!

Is it very familiar, Luo Hao also has this concept.

In essence, it is to lure wolves into the house, occupy the dove's nest, and turn the power of others into their own, so that they can continue to grow themselves.

Slowly incorporate your own rules and reason.

Make it gradually take its own shape.


In this process, the time will be centered on the world of Tivat, connected to the tree, and returned to the tree.

Connections like this are normal, fine, and different from Otto's.

Then, it's connected.

It's time to start planning.

For this reason, Valhalla is only a façade, a by-product of a plan.

The true Valhalla is what assists him, speeding up and spreading, making it safer and more special.

Acts as an amplifier, converter, diffuser and a range of other functions.

Constantly flowing out in secret.

So that this plan can be carried out all the time, there is no need for Su Bai to sit there all the time.

He can go about his own thing.

In the end, the most important and key is Su Bai himself, and all the power is his, even if he destroys that Yingling seat.

Just create another one.

Just like the relationship between Luo Hao and the sword of reincarnation.

But the project that Su Bai engaged in was much more vast and grand than her one.

So the tree of imaginary numbers also has to be dumbfounded, isn't it normal that a world has returned, but it doesn't know that a world has quite ideas about it and quietly flows out.

Kiana was stunned.

"Diffusion of imaginary energy, diffusion of avalanche energy, made me recall the other universe of Honji, using and studying and fusing with avalanche energy, dominating the entire universe, and setting my sights on another universe."

This, mentioned a little earlier.


The universe they observed was really, too far away.

"I remember that in order to send a trace of collapse over, the experiment for this took a long time, during which it seemed to burn hundreds of billions of galaxies, which was very costly."

"What a madman civilization."

Their Honkai energy is different, and it is completely different from Honkai III.

To put it bluntly, Honkai energy has a will, because it is a kind of life that merges with Honkai energy.

It was sent over for human use.

The more you use it, the wider the channel connecting the two universes will be, and then we will come!

Even the power used is ours!

What to fight with us!

Fight Honkai with Honkai? That's a real win.

So Kiana didn't want to see the emergence of this universe and the two worldviews of Honkai, she was saying, or Honkai Three Happiness, what good energy, what I Qitian Emperor suppressed everything.

Like what kind of civilization, it has been sending large-scale replacement weapons over. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Human research is a joy.

People are happy to see it.

It is much better to study the underlying logic and composition of the collapse energy, to thoroughly understand the nature and self of this power, rather than to study the so-called weapons and by-products.

Like this invasion of another universe, send weapons over, replace it with the collapsed iron world, people may be vigilant as soon as they come.

Just build the wall.

Block the connection.

So as to avoid a violent invasion and war between the two universes, affecting countless galaxies.

It still depends on the level of development of the world.

The others were taken aback.

"Yes, but the star god Creper has indeed been building a barrier around the galaxy, as if there is some legend that this star god sees a crisis that will annihilate the universe."

"Then this behavior of building walls and defensive barriers all the time is very similar to the fear that there will be enemies outside the universe, sweeping the flames and dust of war and dust in the universe, turning countless places into ashes."

It is because it is necessary to defend the outside that the city wall will be built.

Foreign enemy, invasion.

This is a very classic situation of war.

As a result, there are bosses who invade other universes on Benji's side, and it is also another universe, maybe there will be many of this type?

"Or maybe it's the same enemy?"

"Not likely."

Estes shook his head wordlessly.

"It reminds me of my previous life, when I collapsed and collapsed, I was constantly making up in my brain, the connection between the two worlds. Behind the original god, he guessed that the dark disaster was a collapse crisis. "

"The seven gods are lawyers, or something."

There are all kinds of speculations and assumptions.

What fusion warriors.

The Ark Project.

Escape the world of Crumbling and come to the world of Tivat, where the Torah rules the world.

In order not to allow the collapse crisis to come, the development of science and technology is prohibited.

It has been eliminating the ancient country that developed science and technology.

Forbid them to overstep.

In fact, in the back, it seems that Canrea will be destroyed if he has caused a big trouble.

Hearing this, Riveria also covered her mouth and smiled.

"Yes, the result is outrageous, until the end of the plot of the three worlds of Honkai and the end of the main line, I didn't see the relationship between the three worlds of Honkai and the original god world, not even a single hair 477."

"Guessed for a long time, all empty. So it's better to wait for the actual result. Even Honkai II and III were directly cut and became both sides, and even the former faintly felt that it was not in the tree sea system. "

This act of speculation can be described as going all the way.

And then came the collapse iron.

It's starting again.

Luo Hao also smiled smugly.

"Fast forward to the new worldview, wars everywhere, cosmic invasions, someone escaping this universe and heading elsewhere."

"Then I guessed that Creep, the star god, escaped from that universe."

"In fact, the Star Iron Universe is one of the universe sequences under its command, and the enemy will fight sooner or later, so the Star God is constantly defending, and then the Star Iron ends, and it is the soldiers and forwards of that universe that fight."

Or small bosses.

Follow-up leads to a new work and pulls off a larger plot.

Tsuchima's face twitched.

You understand the plot.

Matryoshka dolls, huh?

Don't end all this when the time comes, and the result is the same as the Honkai three, and you can't see a dime in the relationship.

So Morgan drank the tea gracefully and smiled slightly.

"That's it, so we still have to wait for the real information to come out, but for us, it's already a past life, it doesn't matter, what we face now is reality."

So it doesn't make any sense.

What they are in is what they really need to face.

Subject to what is seen.

Su Bai's voice continued to sound.

"Unlike them, my gaze is not on the series of worlds on the tree, but on the tree itself, which is the key and subject."

is what he really planned and sought.

All that is on the tree is just fruit.

How is it possible to lose watermelon for sesame seeds.

"So those worlds develop normally or whatever, you can."

"Maybe in the future, the world of Tivat can be connected and interacted with those worlds, and a series of stories will continue to unfold and proceed."

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