And you beans, you a Vulcan, cold hair!

Watch me stab you with a flaming gun!

Oh, no.

It seems that the Yan gun is of little use to her.

However, Luo Hao was still pondering about the spider and the evil god.

"Anyway, if the reincarnation sword can't work, then I have something else! Simulate the idea of the Creator Vestment! Cosmic Ultimate Sword Idea! Wait, after these two reincarnation swords are achieved, it is good to start conducting and researching. "

"Then the law of cause and effect collapsed? Simulating a singularity explosion? Dark Celestial Creation? Enhanced version of the Heaven and Earth Opening Ritual? "

"Which one shall I take to clean up the evil gods, or a few together?" After all, there is still a underworld, and if you dare to obstruct, you will fight together! "

Looking at this pile of things whose names exploded the sky, the spiders sweated in panic.

"Sister Luo Hao, calm down, calm down!"

Because this information was posted in the chat group while everyone was talking here, Luo Hao moved consciously by the way.

After all, didn't she come over?

Then you can't let her not know.

So at the beginning, some chats are synchronized in the chat group, and the spider can know it by scanning the information.

But she's really panicking now.

What is this stuff?

How do you feel that one is more exaggerated than the other, and it won't fight and the place will be lost when the time comes, right?

"Four Nine Zero" This is definitely not just this planet.

I am afraid that it will affect a large area.

But she only now plans to become a god and slowly go through this period of weakness, what she needs is a stable environment, how can it suddenly become like this now?!!

It feels like the evil god D is dead!

Who do you mess with, you mess with, forehead, as if you messed with yourself.

Spider: "Sister! I called you sister! Everyone is a sister, let's hear me first, okay? "

Luo Hao: "Well, you said. "

Spider: "It's that I already regard this as a challenge in my life, let me take my time first, it's really not okay for you to go again, and there is no need to be so outrageous." "

The first is to say, erase the evil god D?


Although he said that he would burst her gold coins and find her to settle the account.

But I didn't say that I killed her directly.

Sister Hao, no, no!

Why are you so powerful?

Hearing God is like beating chicken blood?

If you look at the original work, in fact, the evil god D is still mixed, he is speechless, but the people are not absolutely bad, it is the god of pleasure, so bad saved a planet, and finally clapped his hands and went back.

The most bitter is the spider.

Spider: What? I'm not human?

She's really not human.

Then the evil god D goods, hit her a few times.

Sin does not lead to death.

Her spider is not so outrageous, she really didn't want to make such a big trouble.

It always felt like Luo Hao's idea.

The universe is going crazy.

So the spider said, let me do it myself.

In fact, Su Bai knew what she meant for a long time, so he didn't say anything.

But this time, about the absence of spiders.

Luo Hao had an opinion.

It also made the spider wipe the sweat, so terrible, I calmed Su Bai, the big guy.

I didn't expect Luo Hao to be so outrageous.

Sure enough, everyone is the same kind.

Especially the two of them.

Because just some time ago.

Su Bai also sent similar advice to her, which scared her so much that she almost fell into the lake.

The spider was also relieved.

Evil God D, big sister, you have a long heart.

Do you know that you are going to be finished just now!

In the group on my side, all perverts and madmen.

Obviously, Su Bai said that he might not be able to beat it initially.

But take a look later.

It is clear that they are secretly researching how to engage evil gods.

Dark underhand.

A range of plans are available.

It's outrageous.

But for everyone to care about her so much, Spider is still very happy.


So, Sister D, you should thank me for saving your life!

Although the other group members did not know about Su Bai, they were all shocked when they saw the string of things Luo Hao said.


What is this!

Seeing that the spiders were obviously panicked, they were also constantly sweating.

Worthy of you.

Luo Hao!

Can make the god killer world view into that ghost Ji eight, early everywhere in parallel universes, many worlds running.

also provoked so many disobedient gods, dropped everything, and went all out to hunt her down.

What a special anti-Luohao gods alliance, the last king of all colors, piles and piles of gods who do not follow.

Even mythology has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It affected countless gods.

It's so capable.

What kind of multiverse terrifying god killer, so that subsequent god killers can not be easily produced, veritable heaven and earth are the only one.

I didn't expect you to have so many hole cards?!!

Why are you so perverted?

It seems that during this time, you are still doing it silently.

It's so ruthless.

Peerless and ruthless.

Why did she treat evil gods like chicken blood?

That's because Luo Hao is a god killer.

Kill God.

What gods have not dealt with?

Evil gods, wisdom gods, war gods, justice gods, ancient gods, titan gods, sword gods, military gods, etc., that experience is called a rich and outrageous ah.

Special attack on God.

This wave of evil gods escaped.

But in this case, you still have this?

No wonder you say this about Nanuk, the god of destruction, indeed, the star throwing core is really a gadget for you.

It's just a small trick.

With such advanced combat power and strength as Star God, just make this move?

Can it be bigger?

Luo Hao: That's it?

Shame, you kill yourself.

Look at her, chased all the way, affecting countless worlds, and the whole human natural disaster.

Luo Hao couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, a beautiful and strong woman like me is really rare in the world, I am so wonderful and excellent, how can there be someone as powerful as me?"

"Wait, what are you looking at?"

Being stared at by everyone with the gaze of a monster without moving away, Luo Hao really couldn't hold back. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Her beautiful eyes were speechless.

"Hey, obviously I'm very good to everyone, I'm a very good person to get along with, I have said it a long time ago." Moreover, the guy who really hides his merit and fame and hides behind it should be that guy, right? "

Luo Hao gestured to Su Bai, who was slowly drinking tea at the table.

She said something else.

"Don't you think it's strange, Su Bai is such a person who can study, he let go and handed over so much to you, and enjoy life in the name of beauty, which is very unreasonable."

Even if you rest again.

It can't be salted like this.

It can only mean that he himself has something he wants to study, and he can no longer divide a lot of energy.

And Morgan should have been assisting him.

"So I was very puzzled before, your Valhalla is borrowed from the Valhalla of the type moon, why do you keep calling it a temple..."

What about the name behind?

What about seats?

Eaten by you?

After all, Valhalla sounds like a Nordic mythology.

It was the temple where the god king Odin received the souls of the dead.

"Now that I have a bold guess, you guys aren't going to be making seats, are you?"

"You shall flow out and spread to the tree of imaginary numbers."

"And the world of Tivat has been in the Quantum Sea, why not go back to the tree, are you waiting for some opportunity?" Or is the time not ripe? "

Su Bai's movements paused.

Even Morgan looked over, and his expression was still smiling.

Others blew up their nests.

"What the hell, outflow? Is Su Bai thinking about this? "

"That's asking God, right?"

"Please, sister, it's a domineering god, well, the way of seeking does not flow out at all, the difference between the two is one outward and the other inward."

The path converges inward, forming a humanoid universe.

It's overbearing.

It is to expand outward, to spread to the universe with will and strength, and change the world.

To seek the Tao is to change oneself.

To put it simply, the God of Seeking: None of you want to care about Lao Tzu!

Overbearing God: You all have to listen to Lao Tzu!

"Heh, it seems that Luo Hao also likes to play at every turn, let the world dye its own color, this action of throwing the sword of reincarnation, has that smell, and constantly spreads to cover the universe."

Instead, Su Bai smiled gladly.

"Come, Luo Hao, sit down."

Seeing him waving like this, everyone else felt that you wouldn't quarrel again, right?

However, Luo Hao sat directly next to him.

There was no contradiction this time.

She glanced at these people wordlessly.

"Although I do often have a tense atmosphere with Su Bai, these are all trivial things, and in essence, they are not as needle-to-needle as you think."

"Causing conflict or something."

And Su Bai's chuckle sounded again.

"Yes, after all, her reincarnation sword integrates all the powers of Indian mythology, constantly looking for and researching the possibility of the reincarnation sword, and then after its own success, those previous powers can still be used normally."

"In fact, this principle refers to my Origin 4.1 power."

The same is all-in-one.

One is many, and all things are many.

Therefore, such an extreme product was formed - [Indian mythological Supreme Theory Reincarnation Sword].

"It's the ones you said are domineering, in fact, it doesn't matter much, just a reference, in the end, the research has always been our own things."

It's in this direction.

That's right.

Su Bai intends to shroud his power over the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, so that everything will gradually dye his own color and reason.

But this is the same as the previous alchemy project.

It is a mythical name used, and the ability is very similar, but the essence is still very different after all.

It's two things.

Like Luo Hao's reincarnation sword, it is also a reincarnation sword, but it is also very different from the original one.

They are all filling with the power and power they have.


Research out, it's just their own style of things.

"So don't care about those, just know that my goal is indeed the Tree of Imaginary Numbers, after all, such a big tree is here, it is impossible to let it go."

Gradually spread, cover!

Thus seizing the power of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers!.

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