And at this time.

Raiden Bud Yi also came over with a knife and looked at Kiana with a smile on her face.

"Kiana, how is my wave."

"Ok. It's too middle two. "

"Secondary two?"

"Well, Bud Yi, why do you like to shout the wind so much and surrender to me. It's so shameful that I can't shout like I can't say it, at this point, I really admire you! Hey! "

"Of course, I mean that Nakaji is also cute."


Bud Yi was first speechless, and then trembled with anger.

It seems like.

She also realized her words, and she was indeed ashamed.


With the sound of cannons, there was a gradually clear sound of motorcycles.


A blue streamer flew over quickly.

It was Bronia riding her beloved little motorcycle and surrounded by a lot of floating guns flying to attack.

The blue light hit the bodies of those quantum monsters in the distance, destroying them one after another.

Then Bronia came here as well.

No angry spit.

"Kiana, Sister Bud, don't watch the show, come and fight together."

"Say yes and run the tacit understanding of our squad together?"

This made Kiana nod.

"That's right, it's coming, by the way, it will also allow you to control the power of the core of the Law of Reason, and the province will be revoked at every turn."

"Bronia won't have her driver's license revoked or something, Kiana, you are talking nonsense."


"I almost believed it."

At this moment, many large quantum sea monsters entered in the distance, they had tall bodies, exuding energy fluctuations that were far more powerful than those monsters before.

When they move, there is a huge movement.

This made Bud Yi also throw off his divine key once again to cleanse the seven thunders of sin.

"Good, let's go up!"


"Bronia, no problem!"

So they trained again, there is a steady stream of enemies here, they will continue to impact here, this is the consequence of connecting with the quantum sea space.


Su Bai wanted this effect in the first place.

Endless monsters.

How interesting.

It has been inexhaustible, and it can maximize the development ability and sharpen the killing experience.

Even for the strong, it's great.


There are really many powerful creatures in the Quantum Sea.

It's just a matter of whether he is willing to pull it over.

Chat groups.

Riveria: "In other words, what happened to the spider over there, it should have evolved again, right?" Like what was last time, a small poisonous spider monster? "

The other group members were also interested.

You Bean: "Well, if you continue to rise, it will be the sickle of death and the shadow of death, right?" With her abilities, it should be fast.'" "

"Provided there are no accidents."

"Remember that what El Luo big maze, most of the monsters are poisonous, corrosive, can completely brush resistance ah, after all, this evolved spider, remember that the skill is self-detonation type."

That is, when you kill the enemy, you will also hurt yourself.

What Seven Wounds Fist?

So you can't forget that you have to brush a wave of resistance first, remember whether it is corrosion resistance or acid resistance, or whatever?

With this, you can just offset that side effect.

This is why [Death's Scythe] symbolizes an ominous rare spider monster.

After unleashing the attack, he was killed on the spot.

Therefore, it is difficult to reach the spider monsters in the [Shadow of Death] posture, after all, before this, you have to use skills to kill other monsters to try to upgrade and evolve, but you will die if you use a corrosion attack.

It's in a wonderful state.

If you don't kill your enemies, you can't upgrade and evolve.

Then you him.

But with skills, you will die.

It can only be recommended to put it on the table.

And what about this labyrinth, full of monsters, you die if you don't fight.

If you fight, you will die.

The horizontal and vertical are such a result, very engaging.

Therefore, this evolutionary path [Scythe of Death - Shadow of Death - Queen of the Undead Spider] has led to no spider monster in the world that has successfully evolved to the last stage.

Spider is the first.

Blowing Snow: "In this way, like Riveria's ground faulted world, after leveling, there will be a choice to develop abilities, among which there is an [abnormal resistance], which is one of the most representative abilities of adventurers." "

Able to resist various anomalous effects in the dungeon.

Especially poisonous.

It's really the same end.

Resistance sounds ordinary, but it's actually important.

Conna: "But Riveria's land is wrong here, the development ability is rising very slowly, but the spider can brush wildly in a short time, so that the resistance level continues to increase." "

Well, it's more convenient to have a spider sub-world.

The main thing is that the ground is wrong here, and the abnormal resistance will occupy a grid.

The further down you go, the more important this ability becomes.

Anyone who likes to play RPG games knows how disgusting the effect of poisoning continues to shed blood. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Connor: "Spider this is just like the game, it must be faster than Riveria's, although this upgrade is also very risky game."

Skahá: "However, Riveria's resistance is an integrated version, right?" Ability to work on a variety of effects. "

"It's not like a spider, it's too separated."

What acid resistance, thunder resistance, physical resistance, magic resistance, corrosion resistance, dizziness resistance and so on a whole lot.

It's outrageous.

This is also too fine!

Moreover, the power obtained by the spider through the system is virtual after all, and finally it has to manage to turn into real power.


This is indeed a shortcut.

It's fun.

It is to fight wits and courage with the evil gods.

Spider: "Hello, early, I found that you were discussing me when I entered the group, and now, I have evolved to the Scythe of Death, and then to the Shadow of Death." "

"Unfortunately, those who want to work hard to continue to upgrade and strive to usher in the next stage." As a result, he was inexplicably beaten by a bunch of dragons, and he would always find a location. "

"Ah, that boring and hateful evil god, almost got it."

Everyone shook their heads when they saw it.

Obviously, it seems that the spider has had a smooth life, which makes the evil god feel unhappy.

It was deliberately blocked.

It is difficult for her to upgrade, and she can only run around.

The evil god likes to watch this kind of escape and struggle, and such a picture can please her.

I remember that after the spider evolved to the [Shadow of Death], he practiced hard and obtained a strong attack skill before he had the confidence to deal with the earth dragon Alaba.

It was tough, but I won.

So if there are more earth dragons in the maze, the spider can only run away.

Thirty-six counts go for the top!

Connor: "This may be that the spider had a good life in his previous life, and this time it happened to be conserved by Europe and Africa and reached a balance."

Spider: "Climb! What you said is that the card drawing game is played too much, the law of conservation of Europe and Africa has come out, my life as an ordinary person is indeed comfortable, but there is no need to be played by the evil god like this now? "

She was sweating.

No, no!

Spider: "~ Besides, I have developed my space skills very well, running around and playing guerrilla." That's why I'm not afraid, if you can't kill me, it will definitely make me stronger. "

"Well, and I also have space magic [Kongna], Su Bai, do you want those two delicious monsters, I can give you the corpse, if you live, it will be difficult to catch, and it is easy to attract attention."

"As for Kiana, when the time comes, I will also kill a few more dragons and give you one of the corpses."

"In this way, Nha Yi can use her power to transform and enhance it, so that a thunder dragon will appear, hey, should I kill the head thunder dragon?"

Mainly in this Elro Great Labyrinth, the most diverse is [Earth Dragon].

Because it's underground.

Therefore, those who are active here are basically the Earth Dragon family.

It's the middle level of the environment here.

It is possible to produce a fire dragon.

The water dragon is in the sea outside, the wind dragon in the sky, the ice dragon in the ice and snow environment, and the thunder dragon should be the thunder and lightning environment.

I remember that in the original work, there was a pair of reincarnated people.

Their weapons are made from the claws of the thunder dragon and the bones of the wind dragon, and they are very powerful.

Look at it this way.

How do dragons with many attributes feel the smell of various elements of Tivat?


And space magic [Kongna], in the words of the first life, space + (Wang Qian Zhao) ring?

Anyway, it is the ability to put things into different spaces at any time and take them out when you want to use them, which is a panacea.


Upload some things to the chat group through this alien space yourself, and it should be no problem.

After all, when storing food, taking out a bunch of monster corpses through this ability, and throwing them to those little spiders, they are used like this.

The evil god is too lazy to pay attention to this.

Na Cargo prefers to see the scene where he is being hunted down.

Anyway, it really doesn't work.

What can you do with me.

Fighting wits and courage with the evil gods is over.

She has a way back.

Kiana: "Really, Thunder Dragon?!! Woohoo, great, thank you so much Spider, although the thunder dragon of your world remembers that it is an S-class monster, not an upward mythical level. "

"But it's almost, anyway, you can strengthen it, after all, Beibeiron is not strong enough, and it is also an invincible, big boo kind."

"And, maybe you can get better in the future, it's awesome."

In this way, Bud Yi has a thunder dragon.

The complete Thunder Law appeared, and the Raiden General cried with envy!

As for the consequences of killing the dragon, provoking another god or something.

I believe that the spider has planned it for a long time.

That is to pull the tiger skin, with the power of the evil god.

It's all routine.

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