The simulation training room is just the icing on the cake!

Greenhouses can't raise real warriors, real Valkyries!

So think about it this way.

Teresa once again admired Su Bai, in order to sharpen these Thousand Rock Army, he actually spent so much effort to build a battlefield.


Such a space area is really suitable for fighting.

Specific effects.

Just look at the spirit of those warriors.

There is a blazing flame in the eyes! High morale! Unafraid of the consciousness of strong enemies!

Not to mention that at the beginning of teleporting to this space, the completely different atmosphere was very shocking!

Already stated.

How good is the role of military training here!

It is worthy of Su Bai.

Being able to train so many excellent soldiers.

It's awesome.

Compare that.

This bishop of his own destiny is really far behind.

And heard.

In addition to this [Quantum Region] battlefield, there is a mythical forest in Liyue, and the Thousand Rock Army stationed there will fight against the Celtic giants living in the forest.

In case they shock out.

It is also a place for military training.

Although when she first heard this, Teresa couldn't hold back.

What is it called, Celtic Giant?

Is that the Celtic myth I thought?

Why does Liyue, a country with such a strong Shenzhou style, have life from a completely different myth?

But gradually. Plus this out.

Teresa understood.

24 Su Bai dry.

His hand pulled the space of the quantum sea in, and it was enough to react to how that mythical forest came about.

Su Bai is a god who is good at space.


The mythical forest also came from a certain world bubble, and then he pulled it over and placed it here.

Look at it this way.

He is very similar to Kiana.

It's all about the ability of space.


Why is Kiana not as powerful as him.

When I go back next time, I have to urge Kiana more, and I can't let her go down so salty anymore.

The lawyer of space.

Obviously, he is also good at many spatial abilities!

In theory, you should be able to do a lot of incredible things!

Why do you only eat rice made by buds?

That big rice bucket!

Although, Nha Yi cooking is indeed delicious.

Teresa couldn't help but reminisce, well, delicious.

But he and Kiana are different.

Delisa .jpg

So soon, she also groped out of the maze, not to mention, this experience is quite novel.

Teresa then went to the main battlefield.

Looking at the monsters of the dense quantum sea rushing over, what swooping flying spurt shadow, like a jellyfish-like starry sky color UFO shadow, will disappear in an instant, crab-like quantum creatures that move in space.

As well as a very large number, all kinds of irregular monsters full of quantum sea style, some are like several crystals suspended in the color of the starry sky.

Some are super large giants, which require a lot of Thousand Rock Army to fight together.

There are so many varieties.

Teresa's eyes widened.

"Wow, it turns out that there are so many kinds of monsters in the Quantum Sea, it is really good to be able to contact them in advance and have experience in battle."

She was moved.

The spectacle was spectacular, with explosions and battles everywhere.

The energy roars.

At one point, there was an energy shock raging from afar.

The wave of qi directly produced a great storm.

And the number of soldiers of the Thousand Rock Army invested here is very large, and it is even more amazing to face quantum monsters that are far more than several times greater.


Teresa heard that Liyue built the Immortal Boat and explored other world bubbles.

But it really scared her!

What a super civilization this is!

Has it all come to this point?


I have taken the initiative to move beyond the world and started to move forward positively.

That's awesome.

Now just seeing such a scene, it is really amazing, this kind of military training scene of a country, a large-scale battlefield directly opened up, for the Mandate of Heaven, is very shocking.

I think those Valkyries must be even more shocked when they come here, right?

And in the area on the other side.

"Fierce wind, surrender to me!"

As the thunder and lightning descended into the world, the terrifying power instantly cleared the place, and countless thick thunder arcs constantly flickered, bringing a crackling roar, as if the wrath of the gods.

A large area of quantum sea monsters were eliminated in an instant.

And the blow of the opponent's split directly stretched endlessly, raging an extremely long distance, killing from one end to the other!

It was a knife from Lei Guang!

The monster group was cleared of a very conspicuous vacancy.

Leave them without bones.

Faced with such a scene, those Thousand Rock soldiers in the distance, both men and women, showed shocked eyes.

So strong.

Such a sense of strength is as if Inazuma's god of thunder has come.

It is much stronger than the power of Lord Yuheng Xingqing.

Although I don't know how it compares with that Thunder Immortal, this is far beyond the level of the Thunder Immortal, right?

Although everyone is a little confused.


Aren't you the power of thunder.

Why do you say that you want to surrender to the wind?

What a strong wind.

It's just that facing such an area, many Qianyan Army consciously stayed away from here and directly handed over to their group. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The provincial one was injured by mistake.

At this time, the thunder lawyer who held the third god's key to cleanse the seven thunders, the thunder bud clothes, also slowly fell to the ground, and this weapon turned into a long knife in her hand, looking majestic.


There was a purple thunder light flowing above the blade.

In the previous days, Kiana went to the World Serpent and captured the Divine Key.


This thing was originally used by ravens.

But as she retired, she was temporarily placed in the base, and finally cheapened Kiana.


Anyway, this is the civilization of the previous century, using the Third Law [Thunder Law Core] to create a weapon, with seven different postures, with the ability to break the enemy into atoms.

It is a very powerful God Key.


It is best to match this God Key.

This does not.

As soon as it came to Bud Yi's hands, it directly became a knife, like a sniper rifle when a raven used it, and when it was unlucky, this weapon even turned into the form of a slingshot.

Unexpectedly, weapons have a degree of phase.


But bud clothes and its phase, full marks!

The lawyer is still equipped with a weapon incense.

And now after this weapon turns into a knife posture, it should be called [Seven Thunder and Thunder Seeing], with [Ming] as the different name of this look!

It can pull out the sword light and apply the state of [Thunder] to the enemy.

Thunder God! Shame on you!

Ling Kiana sighed, Nha Yi can come to Tivat to make a cameo appearance as Raiden General, what Naruto?

I believe that if Bud Yi sees the Ray movie, it should be very fun, right?

But speaking of performance.

That's still a thunder movie is even more showy, slashing the snake demon god to death, making Inazuma such an obvious trace, and winning the victor of the demon god war with his own force.

As the ultimate martial art, the unthinkable sword shocked the world.

The image is too good.

The lonely god of heaven is forced into place.

Although after changing from a general to a shadow, he inexplicably became a lot more humble.

The original coldness and contempt changed in an instant.

But the overall is still outstanding.

And what about the bud clothes, the upper limit of the thunder law is indeed higher, but there is no way, the bud clothes have been deflated too many times, and even reduced to the level of cooking, which is too miserable.

If the original plot does not become thunder law again, Bud Yi will even become a passerby with a high probability.

Can't keep up with the main plot.

The early stage was more miserable, resulting in not many highlight moments, etc., Kiana fell into deep thought.

How many times does Bud Yi come highlighted?

Of course.

That beating of himself can't be counted!

And that's the matter of the original plot, what does it have to do with her Kiana?

So Nha Yi is a little embarrassed, I always feel that her strength is still not as good as Lei Movie, after all, people's thousands of years of martial arts and practice are already top 030 in the demon god.

But that's nothing.

Lawyer can keep getting stronger.

No, the weapon is also available, and then develop and research its own strength, and then it can directly soar!

Direct big leap.

The demon god of Tivat cried with envy.

After all, when will Kevin jump out again in the future?

That kind of dead brain, can't Kiana say, call Su Bai over again.

They had to stand up.


It's the moment when she and Bud Yi and Duck Duck fight Kevin together!

Go head-to-head!

Not to mention the fierce battle to the end in the future, what hugs, what assimilation, what can't be beaten to join?

None of it.

Wouldn't it be nice to just run over it with dignity!

But now.

Let's let Ji Yan be the experience package provider, have more strength, and feed everyone constantly first, hum.

You dripping can, we want it!


It's got to keep getting stronger.

And Kiana seems to vaguely remember that later there was a new villain, what kind of outsider?

Will run to harvest and plunder the collapse energy?


It's really invincible on earth, alien enemies in the sky, right?

Who did you learn this from?

Hey, Kiana retreated too early in the first place, and I can't remember it well anyway.

Leave him alone.

Come and come, just as dry flip!

After all.

Who abandons his homeland and fears future enemies?


In her Kiana's words, only the reason why I took the initiative to attack you, how can there be a reason why you called, and I still ran away?

Cut you and you're done!

Dare to rob us of our Collapse Energy?

This has long been booked, do you know, do not understand the rules!

On the contrary, the other party must have a large amount of collapse energy reserves, right?

So keep getting stronger, and it's still beautiful.

Wait for the enemy to come to the door.

Then lick the bag and fight back!

So Kiana was eager to try, and she never wavered.

After all.

Only by becoming strong can the world and destiny turn with your own will.

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