Now the words.

In this way, we can only try to obtain the heart of God through consultation and communication.

After coming to Inazuma.

Alecino and these fools also noticed the activity of the dragon riders here, after all, this large creature, there are still many people sitting on it.

If you swim in the sea, it is indeed very conspicuous.

This also made them strange and puzzled.

What is it?

Dragon beasts?

I didn't have it last time I came to Inazuma.

How did such a creature suddenly appear, the most important thing is that they have never seen it, this is strange!

Their foolish footprints have spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms, and the news network has been established everywhere.

A lot of intelligence was gathered.

As a result, this dragon beast is still an unknown creature seen for the first time, and it seems that its strength is not weak.

An army of water elemental dragons and beasts?

How did Inazuma suddenly have such a biological population?

By hearing those people's conversations, they extracted a key person's name.

Sunny and bright.

The legendary Onmyoji who used to enjoy 30 honors in the past and was famous as a country.

It seems that the influence and changes of that Onmyoji on Inazuma are more than just a little bit in the intelligence.

Alecino thought thoughtfully.

If she had time, she would like to see it.

To be so famous.

As the ancestor who created the Onmyoji Sect, there must be something extremely outstanding.

But for now, it is important to consult with that Thor.

So after landing on the outlying islands, they took the boat from Inazuma's side to Narugami Island, and rightfully headed towards the castle tower.

Blue Dragon Small World.

At this time, Ye Ruo, Youra, and Rosalyn were all sitting on the grass, and a piece of fabric was placed on it, as if everyone was having a picnic here.

Actually, it's pretty much the same.

Who let this place be vast, with large meadows and forests?

Very easy to play.

It realizes the advantage of being able to travel without leaving home.

Lisa's words, because Kazuto has something to deal with, so she is not here.

The three of them sat here happily, looking like a happy family.

"This small world is so convenient, there are all kinds of resources in it, it is too convenient."

"And it's all our own, we can use it however we want."

"The freedom and comfort is really pleasant."

"You can switch between the two sides and go wherever you want."

While speaking, Rosalyn also took a bite of the dun peach in her hand, and the moisture was clearly visible.

This is a forest shrub fruit of Meru.

It tastes crisp and delicious, sweet and delicious, with a lot of moisture.

It also has a calming effect.

Rosalind, who was puffed up by the flesh, also teased Ye Ruo.

"My dear, how can there be plants in any country."

"You are also too capable of digging, you have completely dug up all seven countries."

"Sumeru alone, I have seen a series of plants such as spicy fruit, Meru rose, dundun peach, jujube palm, tree king holy mushroom, moon lotus and so on."

"Even the big chicken you got involved last time should also be a mushroom beast of Meru, obviously not an ordinary creature."

Eura also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, even Fontaine's plants I have seen, including their most famous vetiver iris, cranberry, prune in water, Venus star fruit and the like."

"Even if you have a volcano on one of your islands, I noticed a plant that only opens near volcanoes, silver sword chrysanthemum."

"It just hasn't blossomed."

Ye Ruo first took out the gourmet tablecloth and placed it here, and then chuckled.

"Fortunately, I got it all before."

"Silver sword fire chrysanthemum is a Nata volcanic plant that only blooms once in 60 years, and it is normal that you can't see it for the time being."

"Okay, it's noon. Say what you want, and gourmet tablecloths can be turned into any food you want. "

Looking at this gourmet tablecloth, even Eura twitched. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fortunately, this thing is only taken out occasionally in the wild, otherwise it would be too shocking for her as a housewife if it was often used at home.

Isn't it devastating for her, who likes to cook?

How could there be such an outrageous thing!

Just say the food you want, and this tablecloth will conjure up.

And it's also the steaming, fragrant kind.

There is meat, vegetables, soup, and rice!

After smelling the fragrance, people drool, and they can't wait to eat in large pieces!

It's amazing.

How could Ye Ruo always come up with such strange, unheard of and unseen things, and the effect was more amazing than the other.

Before, she also suspected that Ye Ruo had dug up some ancient ruins.

If you look at it this way now, I'm afraid you have dug more than one, right?

And while she wanted to.

Rosalind's side has appeared.

The finest steaks, hot grilled fish, crystal shrimp, crisp vegetable soup, dry bacon and so on.

If you want, the cuisine of each country can emerge.

Various, full of sights.

At this time, there was also a beautiful female figure on the other side of the house in the distance, and after walking a little, you could find that it was Condensing Light.

The Heavenly Power Star among the Seven Stars of Liyue.

She had an elegant and charming smile on her face, and a pair of slender jade legs faintly appeared under the hem of her skirt.

With that slender waist that was grasped, he slowly walked here.

Then sat down next to Ye Ruo.

After giving him a passionate kiss, she looked at the other sisters.

"It seems that I came at the right time, thinking that after 997 affairs today, I can find a place to eat some big meals."

"I thought of going back to the small world, maybe Eura is there, then I can have a mouthful."

"I didn't expect you to be having lunch, so it's better to come early than to come?"

Eura and Rosalyn also praised her.

Just right indeed.

After developing fixed-point teleportation, Ye Ruo naturally gave Condensing Light one, so that she could also freely enter and exit the small world and often gather with everyone.

At that time, Ning Guang smiled, afraid that after he passed, Ye Ruo would have a better chance to bully himself.

A weak woman herself, where can she resist him?

It's really a lifetime of being bullied by this bad guy.

But it doesn't hurt.

She would love to.

So sometimes, after condensing light and relaxing, they will come to the small world to relax, and occasionally run into other sisters.

Gradually, everyone became acquainted.

After all, Ning Guang had known their information for a long time, and Yelan had put the information documents on her desk at the beginning, not to mention Rosalind's words, she had known them from the beginning.

So it was also a pleasure to get along.

Looking at Condensing Guang's smooth thighs, Ye Ruo was a little surprised.

"Strange, why didn't you wear stockings today."

"Oh, it will be torn apart by you anyway, isn't it better now?"

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