So Ye Ruo was slowly studying the thunderbird to see if there were other roles and ideas.

The life of walking birds begins.

The other side.

Ying and Paimon continue to commission them.

When they arrived at the port, they naturally noticed a new mode of water transportation.

You can travel to other islands on a large water creature that looks cute.

It's a lot more expensive than an ordinary ship.

But it's fast and smooth.

It's no problem to be able to ride hundreds of people at a time.

Small ones, can also easily dozens of people.

Very popular with people.

The way is led by those who follow the Heavenly Leader.

Such a creature looked confused for a while, but he didn't have it when he came to Inazuma before.

I heard that it is called Dragon Ride.

It is Qingming, that is, Ye Ruo's "zero three zero" group.

It should be a dragon beast.

It looks blue and creamy, like a blue elf in the water, which is quite cute.

That guy is really amazing and weird, always able to come up with a bunch of very new things.

I don't know where he got it from.

When they came here, they were all sighing.

"It's really convenient to ride the dragon, and where you used to take a boat for more than a day, you can now get there without half a day."

"It's so fast, perfect for those in a hurry."

"It's just a little more expensive."

"Hahaha, look at what you said, this is the family of Lord Qingming, who came to build and help us Inazuma Water Industry."

"If it's cheaper, you won't be tired of riding dragons." And ordinary sailing ships cannot develop, the dragon riding is too strong. "

"Much better than a boat. There are so many things that can be done. "

The talking Inazuma gestured for his companion to look to the other side.

In front of them, there are two dragons pulling cargo ships, transporting them quickly.

It was a big ship loaded with goods.

As a result, the dragon helped out, and the speed was more than a little faster.

Now, with the addition of the dragon family, it has greatly promoted the connection and help between the islands.

In this way, in the future, Tianlingxing can quickly send personnel there, and no matter what emergencies occur, they can be solved as soon as possible.

Then he also pointed in the direction of the distance.

"I heard that there will be two water races in the near future, and Tianling will be the organizer, and then they will set aside an area as a track, and the participants can choose a dragon rider as a companion to compete around the island."

"It's all about the same size dragon ride."

"They need to collect all kinds of things along the way, and then they can get rewards according to the order of arrival and the number of items they collect."

"Lots of Mora and objects."

"It can be said that many people are interested and enthusiastically participated."

"Then there is a competition behind, the participants are also one by one, riding the dragon, going to the sea to catch big fish, whoever receives more goods, who is the king of fish in that session!"

"It is very suitable for the kind of masters who often fish in the sea, and there are also many good hands who go to sea."

"It's all interesting."

Listening to the conversation, Paimon and Ying's eyes lit up.

Especially Paimon.

It's even more exciting.

"Did you hear that, Mighty Mora!!"

"If you can win the championship, you will make a profit, right?"


Sure enough, Paimon knew that the money was in his eyes, like she thought the game itself was very interesting.

If you participate, it will be fun!

However, they still stood on the dragon first, and soon returned to Narugami Island.

In this process, looking at the crazy retreat of the surrounding sea and the smoothness without any shock, Ling Ying couldn't help but admire.

This dragon ride is so powerful.

Too comfortable too, right?

You can still sit on it.

If you have such a partner, wouldn't you come and go freely in the sea and die comfortably? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

You can explore other seas.

There may be undiscovered islands.

After all, the ocean is so big!

If you find something completely new, it may be full of treasures and magical plants that ordinary people can't see, life and the like.

It's an exciting adventure to think about!


The Dragon Rider family is cared for and taken care of by the Heavenly Leader, and it is an item that does not belong to the individual.

They are all Ye Ruo's dependents.

He put it in this sea to live.

Ying can only regret, after all, she is also embarrassed to ask ah, people riding dragons seem to live well here, and there are people to take care of, often feed them.0

It's been a good day.

For them, they are a hammer, they are not familiar at all.


Life is not easy, Ying sighed.

On the other side of Inazuma, the port here on the outlying island.

A new fleet of ships from another country came.

It was a diplomatic team from the Winter Kingdom, led by Alechino, the executive codenamed [Servant], who planned to consult with the Thor of the Kingdom of the Narukami in the name of the Empress of Solstice.

Trying to exchange for the heart of God.

After all, the skirmishers' operations failed, and the next step could not be carried out.

Even the old nest was served.

Many of the fools in Inazuma were imprisoned, and they were all decisively sold by skirmishers and sold their teammates.

But the winter side thinks it's okay.

At least the executive officer was not caught.

The incident in Liyue before had already made their foreheads explode.

That Heavenly Power Condensation Light in the Seven Stars of Liyue made them pay a great price to exchange for the executive officer Dadalia.

At the same time, the layout is losing a lot.

Fortunately, here in Inazuma, the fools did not invest much.

They all colluded with the Kujo family in the Sanxing before to transport some precious resources back to the Winter Kingdom, and the rest were used on the spot to build the Evil Eye Factory. 3.6

Work is carried out to produce evil eyes and experiment with evil eyes.

After all, the island is stupid like a pig, and it only takes two quiet strokes to get them fighting.

In pushing out the evil eye by the way, some fools will use it.

Or the willing kind.

Isn't the experimental data available?

What the fools want, but not an evil eye in the hands of the executive, this has long been achieved.

What they want, but the army below has one!

Think about it.

Thousands of warriors with evil eyes, if they can be perfected, there will be no side effects.

That would be equivalent to an army with the Eye of God in its entirety.

How amazing this strength is!

It's a pity that Inazuma's side was destroyed without any experiments, and the success fell short.

The evil eye failed to experiment, and the heart of God was not obtained.

It's a bit of a loss.

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