After all, you can often see a group of little foxes running on the plain, lively and cute.

And the Fox Palace, which is the bloodline of Bai Chen, is even more amazing at this point.

So much so that she went over to find the big Tengu of the Tengu clan to test the speed.

The other party is a female patriarch.

Her daughter is the Guangdai of the Shadow Direction, the Black-winged Tengu who accompanies Yu Daoqi to practice swordsmanship.

Looking at Inazuma, the speed of the Tengu clan can overwhelm the fox clan.

However, the current Inazuma is still the fastest in Kitsunaga.

Her speed is superior to that of the fox clan.

Even Yae Miko is far from comparable, and he was able to dodge the general several times without asking ~ questions.

However, when Fox Zhai Palace just wanted to release water, he found that Ye Ruo suddenly came to his side, this speed? -!!

Shocked her.

Then she snorted.

Thrown to the ground.

Feeling the itch, Fox Palace, hurriedly laughed and laughed.

"Ouch, what are you doing?"

"Don't tickle me! After so many years, why are you still like this! "

"Stop, stop."

"Oh? Sometimes the moves are not old, they just work. "

"I'm afraid of you, give, the tail is touched for you."

So the big white fluffy tail appeared here again, making Ye Ruo nod in satisfaction.

Well, still familiar hands.


It is worthy of being the most concentrated Baichen bloodline.

The two of them lay right here.

Blowing the breeze, feel the peaceful years and the beauty now.

Then feeling the sensation coming from the tail, Fox Saimiya's eyes became more and more confused, and his cheeks were pink.

This scoundrel.

The fox's tail can't be touched.

And don't stop yet!

Never mind.

It's your words, just fine.

On the streets of Inazuma after that.

At this time, Ye Ruo came out shopping with Lei Movie, browsing the scene and human environment of Inazuma today.

Walking here, the shadow also sighed.

"Today's markets, stores, and the people who trade in these merchants have changed a lot."

"It's two different landscapes compared to five hundred years ago."

"But there is also that nostalgic feeling, by the way, I still use Mora."

Ye Ruo took one of Ying's hands and nodded.

"Of course, Mora is still the main currency in circulation in the Seven Kingdoms, after all, it was made by the rock god Morax."

"It's hard to have a new currency that can replace Mora."

"After all, Mora is not only money, but also as a material in alchemy, among other things."

"People have long been accustomed to Mora."

Hearing the God of Rock, Ying also remembered the past, as well as Ye Ruo's other identity.

"I remember that in the past, the seven gods used to gather often."

"We met at Liyue Port, because Morax, the rock god, is the oldest, so my sister and I have also been there. I am the shadow warrior, and my sister is the ruling. "

"At that time, the other six gods will all come."

The relationship between the former seven gods is quite good.


Get along.

After all, as the seven rulings of the earthly world, they are actually colleagues.

Everyone runs their own country.

Then the whole is under the jurisdiction of the sky island above.

A pyramid system was formed.

However, later, among the seven gods, there were successive events of the first god and the new god, and one after another new gods were changed.

The initial friendship dissipated.

The new gods are not coming to Liyue Port either.

Then Shadow asked curiously.

"So, Qingming, are you actually a friend of Morax too? Also a friend of the Wind God? "

"There are three gods at once."

"That's nature. I was still having dinner with Morax some time ago, listening to a play. "

"Huh? Isn't he dead? "

Shadow was a little stunned.

Wasn't there just news of the death of the rock god in Liyue before?

Could it be that I heard a fake news?

"It's not oh, he just felt tired and should let go, so it was logical to fake his death and retire."

"If you have time in the future, you can have a gathering of the three gods, and it is good for everyone to gather together."

"After all, whoever it is, it is an acquaintance to me."


"It's been many years, and there hasn't been a gathering between gods."

For this idea, Kage also felt good. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all, the years have changed, and there are fewer and fewer friends who can sit and chat together.

This is the helplessness of the immortal species.

The people around who have good relationships will gradually disappear into time one by one.

Occasionally when I meet friends from the past, I can feel a lot of emotion.

And Shadow also saw it.

After she appeared, the people on the street were taken aback.

After all, in peacetime, even generals don't come over much.

The management of the street is carried out by the Heavenly Leader.

So seeing the appearance of the shadow, everyone was a little panicked, and thought that something big was going to happen.

From time to time, someone quickly bowed his head and spoke out in awe.

"Lord General!"

But she is quite comfortable and does not care about this little thing.

In fact, this is quite normal, after all, it is a god of a country, and if you come to travel in person, it will naturally cause a huge sensation.

People also slowly relaxed their moods.

With respectful eyes, he sent Ray Movie away.

After seeing Ye Ruo and Ying's actions, they were also taken aback, and their faces were full of shock.

There are a lot of people with their mouths wide open.

I can't say anything.

Is that novel actually true?

Lord Qingming and Lord General really are lovers!

They all held hands and met together on the street.

That says it all.

It's amazing.

What a miracle and incredible thing it is to be recognized by Lord General.

Oh, my God.

It is worthy of Lord Qingming.

This also made some people who did not see the book curious and inquired about the name.


Ying and Ye Ruo walked to a small stall.

Ye Ruo invited her to eat dango milk and Sancai dango.

As for Mora or something, there wasn't even a single hair on Shadow.

But Ye Ruo has money.

For this new sweet, she feels pretty good.

But it's still the sweets Ye Ruo made at the beginning that are more delicious, so let him go home and make sweets together.

Ye Ruo said that there was no problem.

But he seemed to remember something, and reminded her with a serious face.

"Kage, don't interfere then, I'm afraid that the taste of the work will change greatly."

Ray Movie: .......

Shadow can only be aggrieved, isn't this looking down on her cooking skills?

Obviously, after my sister ate it last time, her face froze first, and then she said without changing her face, which is not bad.

Praise her for doing a good job, but next time let Makoto come by herself.

It shows that her craftsmanship is still okay!

Ye Ruo shook his head.

"By the way, I recently built a photographic device that can create moving images."

"So I wanted to make an Inazuma movie from five hundred years ago."

"It's time to push the imaging industry forward."

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