I can only say that you have a lot of tricks.

My old man can't keep up with the times.

More words though.

I really don't care.

After all, it is a matter for the small couple, and they should not interfere too much.

Anyway, sunny and measured.

It's no problem to take care of the stupid shadow and the general.

Or maybe it's a kind of daily routine for them.

That's kind of interesting.

It didn't take long for Makoto to stop thinking about it and shift the topic to somewhere else.

"Qingming, you said that regarding the distribution of functions over there, do you need to dock with other families?"

Somewhere at the root of the sacred cherry tree.

"Hey, hurry up, plant 50 flowers here." Get 30 over there. "

"Come on, it's time to be busy, Lord Honguji invites you to eat oily tofu and barbecue."

"Hmph, that's delicious."

At this time, there were more than a dozen witches from Narujin Taisha Shrine who were busy.

They were digging holes with shovels and tools.

Then plant a purple lightning element plant into the soil, carefully care for it, and pour some water.

The plant has a green rhizome on the underbody, but it is short.

The upper body is a magnet with a red predominantly red body, and the top is a little black, and you can see that they have small eyes, but they have a bit of cuteness.

The thunder light that permeated its body explained its attributes.

Thunder element plant - magnetic mushroom.

And the one who commanded them was the smiling Yae Miyaji, who looked here from time to time and looked there from time to time.

The witch passing by, if she has a better figure, will suddenly be hit by her salty pig hand.

So that the witch can only exclaim.

Then looked at Miko with a helpless expression.

After all, Yae Miko likes to tease their adults like this, no way.

Looking at the past, there are hundreds of magnetic mushrooms here, which is really a spectacular sight.

Words to the wild.

It is impossible to find this thunder element plant so densely rooted.

However, Yae Miko, after performing a gagula (strand-grab) act, let go of the witch and then looked back curiously.

"Lord Fox Palace, Lord Qingming, can this magnetic mushroom really work?"

"It can absorb the filth under the ground and purify it?"

"It just so happens that this is the root of a sacred cherry tree, and the filth of Inazuma's land will slowly gather in this place."

Fox Zhai Palace and Ye Ruo stood together.

In fact, Fox Palace is also quite surprised, Qingming this guy is rich?

How (CJBE) was able to come up with such a large number of thunder element plants.

It's like wholesale.

And she has never seen this kind of plant at all, what kind of strange appearance is this?

For the doubts of the two of them, Ye Ruo just gestured.

"Look at the plant in the far right corner."

So Yae Miko and Kitsunomiya both looked over, only to find that the magnetic mushroom was glowing brightly, and then they could see that there was some filth that had been extracted from the roots of the tree buried in the ground.

It was firmly attached to its head.

It has that strong magnetic effect.

Then the magnetic mushroom stopped moving, as if it had lost its luster.

Fox Palace: ???

Yae Miko: ???

That's it?

Isn't this just sucking out the filth?

Is there any difference with the sacred cherry tree?

At best, one more, one less.

But if it can't be purified, it's still equivalent to a storage container.

But not long after, when they wanted to ask Ye Ruo again, they swept away the light and were surprised to find that the filth on it was slowly decreasing.

It is as if it has been absorbed or purified by this plant.

This plant is indeed able to purify filth!

Then the two watched as the plant grew up a little after absorbing the filth, and became healthy again.

Exudes the luster of the thunder element.

Then it sucked in some more filth and continued to repeat the process just now.

After other magnetic mushrooms adapted to the environment here, they also began to suck in filth.

The witches all stood in the distance because they had completed their task. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Look at this amazing picture.

More than a hundred magnetic mushroom plants, the movement is not small.

The filth extracted by them is also gathered in large quantities.

Fox Palace looked at this scene with surprise in his eyes.

"Such a powerful plant, although it is far from being powerful at one time from the purification ritual, but the frequency of this purification is quite amazing after a long time!"

"They can even grow by purifying filth."

"The effect will be better and better, and there will be no need to hold ceremonies here in the future."

"The sacred cherry tree gathers filth, while the magnetic mushroom purifies it, forming a perfect cycle."

"Wow, Qingming, you are a genius, where did you get this elemental plant?"

"Unheard of, unseen!"

The happy Fox Palace threw himself directly into Ye Ruo's arms.

For them, this is an act that they used to do.

After all, as a diehard party and best friend before, it was nothing to do like this.

Now, Fox Palace's face turned a little red between the frictions.

Rough nerves, she obviously realized something.

But Fox Palace still pretends to be nothing, anyway, isn't this all confessed before?

It doesn't matter if he is comfortable.

Then Yae Miko took the witch and went to the next tree root.

Ye Ruo brought an entire spatial ring magnetic mushroom this time.

There are thousands of flowers.

After all, that Zen garden, as long as you have enough resources, except for the rare plants that have a limited number.

Most of them are mass-produced.

Naturally, for a resource holder like Ye Ruo, it is a small meaning.

The degree of sprinkling is just that.

So you can plant these magnetic mushrooms everywhere in Inazuma and let them eat these filth, anyway, those roots are set up with enchantments.

Then Ye Ruo reminded them.

"These magnetic mushrooms will grow bigger and bigger because of filth, so remember to move them when the time comes."

"Don't be too dense, causing all the space to be squeezed."

"Maybe in the future, a giant tree-sized magnetic mushroom will appear."

"At that time, the power to absorb filth will be powerful, and it will become the scenery of Inazuma by the way."

"Big and small mushroom groves or something."

Yae Miko said that it was no problem, just leave it to her.

When the time comes, let the witch check it out after a while.

Anyway, she said that there are so many witches, there is no need to use them in vain.

Fox Palace was fighting with Ye Ruo on the plain.

She gave the matter to Yae Miko, who gave the matter to the witches.

It's really amazing, these two people deserve to be in the same vein.

Dump the pot thief 6.

And Ye Ruo's voice also sounded here.

"Fox Palace, where is your big white tail?"

"What for?"

"Of course I can put away the tail."

"I'm going to touch."

"Whoops! Don't give! "

"Hahahaha, don't try to catch me. Anyway, I just won't touch you! "

Facing Ye Ruo wanting to grab her, Fox Zhai Palace ran with laughter.

It turned into a white shadow.

As a fox, the speed is very fast.

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