After all, the power of reverence has spread.

It's easy to get maddened or get all sorts of strange diseases you've never seen before.

Ye Ruo had seen hundreds of them at the beginning.

One can imagine the degree of harm to people caused by worship of gods and evil.

The average person simply can't take this kind of thing.

This was also the case in Liyue in the past.

All sickness.

Because everyone is essentially the wreckage of the demon god.

And what about Inazuma today.

Many places have their own disasters and problems.

There are a lot of them.

Coupled with the leakage of the power of worship, it will trigger a series of disasters.

For Ye Ruo.

That must be to train a large number of professional talents to deal with it.

Onmyoji was born for this.

And the people of the Tuyumen family still made Ye Ruo very satisfied. "910"

After all, in this long time, they still adhere to the will and ideals of the past, secretly helping those civilians.

They are a group of people who really understand the difficulties of the villagers.

That's why they will be seized of power.

Just like the Gunhild family.

As the original Mond guardian family, the Lawrence family was behind them.

Then it was the Lawrence family that ruled Mond.

This is because some people like to fight for power and profit when they don't do business, and waste a bunch of people.

And the family that really sticks to the will is not willing to do this kind of thing.

It's just that the Yin-Yang Technique circulating in the Tuyumen family is actually nothing, and the elite is all dead at the beginning, and the green and yellow are not accepted.

So Ye Ruo planned to teach them first.

As for the village of Scarlet, things have happened a long time ago, and now there are no people in the entire island.

The war is also over.

So next.

Ye Ruo went to Yin Yang Liao in the morning and returned to the Heavenly Pavilion in the afternoon to deal with affairs.

The first members of the Yin-Yang Liao were the Tsuchimon family and the shogunate army.

It's all about hiring people from within.

The best among them will be the initial teacher.

As the intermediate backbone of Yin Yang Liao, it supports this huge system.

Therefore, when they heard that they were going to recruit new students to learn Yin-Yang Arts, those soldiers were very excited and enthusiastically signed up.

Just like Ye Ruona's memory of more than five hundred years.

There are humans, there are ghosts, there are tengu.

So a new round of inspection qualifications has begun.

Then Ye Ruo pulled a group of people from the fox clan by the way, all of them were the kind of witches who could change human form and had good mana and yin-yang art attainments.

After all.

These guys were the same ones they taught themselves five hundred years ago.

Because of the "passing" of the Fox Palace, they used the secret art of the clan to seal themselves into stone statues, and only recently returned to the world.

With them, Inazuma's strength has grown a lot.

These are all very good spirit foxes.

As for why most of them are witches, it is because the fox clan has always been yin and yang.

Nothing strange.

In this way, the foundation of Yin Yang Liao will become!

When you teach this batch well, you can smoothly get on the right track, and let these people teach the second batch.

Then Ye Ruo himself can be used as a palm cabinet again.

After all, he eats fine, what is he doing overtime for himself?

So many people, of course, let them play a role.

Ye Ruo also likes to retire, and playing with people he likes is what he should do.

His character is doomed and will run around.

It's like the wind of freedom.

During this period, with teaching so many people, naturally there were also people who recognized Ye Ruo's identity in Mond.

I was shocked.

Some people have been to Mond.

Naturally, it is known that there is a famous legendary knight - the Wind Knight.

And Ye Ruo will participate in the Wind Flower Festival every year, and naturally there will be foreigners who know his appearance. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a result, Ye Ruo didn't say anything himself, but these people made up a bunch of brains.

They think that as the legendary Great Onmyoji, I am afraid that they have studied the ritual of reincarnation and resurrection of the gods, and the séance ceremony may not be anything.

After all, Lord Qingming arrived at the existence of the Divine Domain with Yin-Yang Technique.

As a mortal, side by side as a god.

So it's quite possible to have that kind of ability.

So Lord Qingming was reborn in Mond.

Grew up there!

Now that he has recovered his memory, he has come to Inazuma to relieve the chaos that has plagued the place for a long time.

The five bodies that made everyone amazed and admired the ground.

It's just amazing.

It is worthy of a legend, worthy of the great Lord Qingming!

That's also awesome.

Even if he is reincarnated, he can still make such amazing achievements in Maundermond and have such prestige................

He also became a friend of the wind god.

Not to mention Lord Qingming's novel, if it really happened back then, wouldn't it mean that he was also Lord General's lover?


But everyone does not dare to think about this matter.

It can only be said that Lord Qingming is too strong, no matter where he is, he can become quite a remarkable person.

And at first, everyone was worried that Lord Haruaki had already died fighting for Inazuma once.

All the obligations have been fulfilled.

Will you stay in Mond in the future?

After all, the current Mond is already quite developed and beautiful, and it is no problem to dump Inazuma for ten streets.

Various technologies are advancing enthusiastically.

Mond's advanced alchemy, even in a blockaded country like Inazuma, can be heard.

The environment there is good.

Green water and green mountains.

It's easy to linger and don't want to come back.

Before there were people who fled, went to Liyue or Mond, but did not return.

What level Inazuma is, everyone also knows in their hearts.

The seven kingdoms are all countdown.

It can't be compared.

What is this comparison with?

But looking at the behavior of Lord Qingming now, this is still worried about their Inazuma.

Who let a figure like Lord Qingming, no matter what country he goes to, he will definitely be able to get extremely high treatment.

This is a legend comparable to that of a god!

Which country doesn't want it?

Then these people also said with a serious and respectful look that they would definitely help Lord Qingming keep this secret.

Won't go out and talk nonsense.

After all, reincarnation or something, it's incredible.

In this regard, Ye Ruo just smiled and did not speak.

This is nothing again.

In fact, he doesn't care about this himself, you think it's a reincarnation.

Only I know that it is essentially using my present self as an anchor and inserting past history.

If you count from the beginning, it is that he was born in the winter and grew up in Mond.

Then with this as the key, it extended out the development behind.

It looks like it's a thing of the past.

But for Ye Ruo's own life scale, it is the future.

It's like the needle has turned around and returned to the point in the past, but time has moved into the future.

For him personally, it is always moving forward.

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