As for the heart of God or something, he directly dismissed this idea.

Small lives matter.

Not to mention that next to that Yae Miko, there seems to be a stronger guy.

It made his face change drastically.

So when I fled from Inazuma on a boat.

Looking at this familiar place, and I want to escape like this.

The skirmishers couldn't help but gloomy their faces, and the thunder ball in their hands exploded.

Crush some of the wood on board!

Frightened the other fools, they panicked, and while staying away from here, they also asked the skirmishers to lightly hand ~ light.

Or the ship will sink.

For this grumpy, - gloomy executive.

The fools also find it too difficult to get along with.

In this regard, the skirmishers did not pay attention to them.

Instead, he whispered angrily to this ocean.

"Damn it! Why is it only me on Inazuma's trip this time! "

"Can't you send another executive over?"

"The Ph.D., too, knows to ask for these materials. If he sends himself a slice, my pressure can be much less. "

"Oh, I really think of me."

"I heard that the lady was still missing, so I searched it vigorously here in winter, and there is no whereabouts so far."

"If this is killed, you don't know the murderer."

"What a useless fellow!"

The skirmishers are a little speechless.

Of course, he didn't care about any lady, let alone other executives.

It's just that such fools give him a very unreliable feeling.

It's not worth selling.

All he cares about is himself.

Sooner or later, he will be able to control his own destiny without looking at anyone's face!

For this.

He needs great strength.

But for now, I'm not enough.

There is no way, you can only go back to winter first.

And the castle tower here.

Raiden Ma also settled here.

After all, many years ago, this was the place where Thor.

Represents the center of Inazuma's power.

Now, regarding Inazuma's transfer of power, Kageji said to let her take charge.

However, it was really refused.

This time, I really plan to let Kagewa General continue to rule Inazuma, and he can serve as a behind-the-scenes teacher and assistant.

My sister will grow up eventually.

No more.

Today's ruling is no longer true.

Anyway, the shadow force is already so strong.

If she were taught how to govern a country, wouldn't that be a full-fledged god?

If you don't like to fight, it's better to retire honestly.

It is no longer the time of the first gods like myself.

It's the age of shadows.

However, because Inazuma is currently full of problems, she is still helping Kage.

So sometimes people find it strange.

How is the character of Lord General as if he has changed a person.

So gentle.

It's like the thunder and lightning described in that novel is really an adult.

And at this time.

Ye Ruo, Lei Dian Zhen, and Lei Movie are dealing with official business together.

Ye Ruo looked at these documents and shook his head.

"There is a pollution of the gods on the island of Hachiyu, which has caused many people to fall ill and produced a large number of patients."

As a result, the Kujo family owner sent soldiers over and brought them to the ship. It was actually transported to the sea, and the ship sank directly, drowning all these people. "

"Then use this as an excuse to throw off the forces on Haiqi Island and increase conflicts and contradictions."

"Oh, there's still the collected text. I see, the nine edicts of the head of the family, and also came a sentence so as not to disturb the general and eternity by the little god of worship. "

"Gee, Shadow, you must not know about this, right?"

This made Shadow's face look bad.

After taking the documents and taking a look, her face became darker and darker.

There are flashes of thunder on the body.

"This Kujo family master, really damn it." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is simply a deception.

Then she also saw that some soldiers were crazy because they were contaminated by the gods, and they even made sacrifices in the village of Scarim.

Dedicated to the so-called "God".

Who else can this god refer to?

Isn't it God-worshiping.

Coupled with the intrusion brought by the power of the gods, those soldiers vomited blood one after another, their bodies festered, and the whole army was destroyed there.

Thus leaving so much information.

Got by Yae them.

As for the behavior of the shipwreck, it also produced a sea area polluted by the power of gods on the sea.

It's like that wastewater area.

There lives a fish called "Thunder Immortal".

There are connections between many things.

And if you look at it this way, the situation on Yasai Island is very bad.

However, this is the case, but the news does not reach Raiden General at all, and many of them are blinded.

There are many other things as well.

The heart of the Stepping Sand Shadow Furnace is seriously polluted, like any singing grass and everything is polluted.

For this reason, Ye Ruo had already let Huang Maoying pass.

She was also given the power to command the shogunate army.

After all, if that Imperial Shadow Hearth exploded again, countless people would see their grandmother, who had already died.

Inazuma's broken things are really many.

I don't know if I don't look, but I'm shocked when I see it.

Moreover, at the beginning, Ye Ruo, as a yin-yang master, once suppressed Chongshen and released a lot of town objects to seal the power of Chongshen .

After all, it is difficult to eliminate the filth of God in a real sense.

It is quite possible that you eliminated this one, and it condensed elsewhere.

The better aspect is the seal.

As a result, there were some fools in the Haiqi army, and they ran to destroy these suppressed things, which had already passed for more than five hundred years, and the power in the town had disappeared a lot.

So even these mortals can destroy.

Here it goes.

The power of the gods came out, causing all kinds of strange diseases to occur in both the shogunate army and the Kaijima army.

The source of this matter on Bayu Island was done by this group of people.

As a result, a large number of villagers and miners have contracted serious illnesses and their lives are in danger.

None of the local doctors could do anything.

Thus countless deaths and injuries.

Ye Ruo, who watched, was speechless.

On the Haiji Island side, some goods are not good things.

All kinds of trouble.

It is also easy to be fooled by the fools.

Brainless, and easily impulsive.

Isn't this a good tool man?

It's a bunch of rotten jobs.

Whether it is the Heavenly Leader of the Kujo family, or the forces of Kaiji Island.

Both sides are heavyweights and meet opponents.

Even when Raiden really saw it, he kept sighing.

The shadow face can't hang on.

So Ye Ruo said.

"I plan to reopen the Yin-Yang Liao, and those people from the Tuyumen family will be teachers and teach the Yin-Yang Technique."

"Train more new batches of Onmyoji to deal with this filth problem everywhere."

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