Just when Yae Miko wanted to speak for the third time, Kitsunomiya finally made a surprised look.

Walked over and looked up and down.

"Hey, how come there's a little fox here."

"It looks familiar. In a flash, it has grown so big. "

"It's all crooked, it's all drooping."

"Oh, could it be that I didn't teach you this in the first place? Fainting. "

Yae Miko: ....

This made a pound sign pop up on her forehead.

Stop! This is not the gentle Kitsunomiya Lord in my mind at all.

How it feels more crumb than yourself.

But at this time.

After the fox palace finished teasing, he finally showed a gentle smile like water, and hugged Yae Miko softly.

Whispered in her ear.

"Long time no see, little Yae. Did you miss me? "

These words made Yae Miko also feel a little like crying instantly, and there was a slightly aggrieved tone.

Also leaned in.

"Lord Kitsunomiya Palace, it's great to be able to see you appear again. 29"

"I said I would take me to eat oily tofu, but you went and never came back."

"I was the only one left, and in such a young state, I was forced to take over the position of the palace master of Narujin Taisha Shrine, and tried my best to stabilize here."

"At that time, I was not prepared at all."

"It's not exactly about driving ducks on the shelves, but also having to face the fact that you have passed away, and the other fox clans have turned into stone statues."

"I'm even more lonely."

"And now, a full five hundred years have passed. The shadow guy also made a doll and hidden. The friends are gone. "

Fox Palace also sighed.

Reassuring her.

From Yae's mouth, she learned about the changes over the years.

Sure enough, Kage came back to stop everything and save Inazuma.

It's worthy of Ah Ying!

It's just that because everyone passed away one after another, Kageya's mentality collapsed, creating the current Raiden General doll, and she herself entered the pure land of one heart.

It hasn't been out for a long time.

It has always been the puppet general who is in charge.

Until now, Raiden General has a new vision of eternity and has taken action.

As for whether this process is driven by both the puppet and the shadow, it does not matter.

Because Inazuma is really messy.

The people have no means of making a living.

Even Yae Miko was powerless to stop this scene, after all, she was only a dependant of Thor.

Shadow is so stubborn again.

A self-respecting, self-respecting style.

The will of those who control the world coerces Inazuma.

Yin Yang Liao has also weakened, and the main inheritance has been severed.

All that is left is some foundation.

It's no longer the place it used to be.

There are quite a few clansmen left by the Oni Clan and the Tengu Clan. The words of the ghost clan, because they were all in a situation where their bloodlines were getting thinner, with the help of the Yin Yang Technique, they also rose for a while and recovered some of their glory.

Then there were quite a few deaths at that time, and another wave of weakening.

After so many years of development, it has now mixed with humans and has recovered a lot of vitality.

Those new generation of ghost races are also becoming more and more human-like.

The gradual thinning of ghost blood is also an obvious fact.

Of course, this shortcoming of being afraid of beans is still there.

Many of those people joined the shogunate and served the Raiden shogun as samurai.

There are also those who are not complete, and they have engaged in some kind of barren faction.

Pulled a bunch of strange people, shouting in the streets every day.

From time to time, he was caught by the soldiers of the Heavenly Leader.

At this time, he had to rely on another person named Kuki Shinobu to save him.

Yae Miko shook his head.

As for the Tengu family, as they like to live deep in the mountains and forests, they also retained some vitality back then. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So it's not too secluded.

Still working for Raiden Shogun.

A stable new generation joins the shogunate and holds various positions, including soldiers, captains, and officials.

Of course, the most outstanding is the Tengu Terao.

A long time ago, the patriarch of the Tengu clan was the famous Great Tengu, and a general named Tengu Sasa Yuri was also born in their clan as one of the left and right arms of the Raiden General.

And now, the new general of the shogunate is this Tengu Terao.

Also trusted by Raiden Shogun.

This has also led to the fact that today, the Tengu family and the Kujo family do not deal with each other, and the relationship is relatively open and secret.

Because the Tengu side is a standard shogun faction.

The Kujo family pursues as a celestial leader, and in normal times, everyone is in the same boat and is in the same law enforcement system.

The general Tenkaku is responsible for maintaining Inazuma's law and order and in charge of all aspects of military force and national strength.

The leader family is this Kujo family.

As a result, the Kujo family has been secretly connecting with the fools, secretly selling the precious resources on the island to each other and transporting them to the winter solstice.

He also made a series of acts of betraying Raiden General and eating inside and out.

It can be described as deception and concealment, yang and yin.

In deception and misinformation.

There is no difference from treason.

Usually they have a high prestige, and the tengu side is also convinced.

It's just that now, the Tengu family senses something is wrong and begins to check these traces.

Yae Miko also observed this phenomenon.

However, she is waiting for the most critical moment to deliver another thunderous blow.

Now, she is secretly guiding the actions of the Tengu line.

After all, this is not the main source.

The source is, the opinion of the general/shadow.

Without changing the general's opinion, the closure of the country and the order of eye hunting will still be carried out.

Problems at the bottom will still arise.

This made Fox Palace's eyebrows rub.

At this time, the three of them were in a room at the shrine.

"Why is the current Inazuma 900 a mess, what is this."

"This guy in the shadow actually closed himself for five hundred years? It is worthy of being a martial artist, and this will is still extremely strong. "

"But Lord Zhen didn't teach her how to manage back then, and now it seems that it was a serious mistake."

"Hey, Shadow is a heavyweight who has been driven to the shelves, has been fighting and killing, and exists as a shadow warrior. In terms of the level of governance, it is completely a small white. "

"It's too difficult to let martial artists do the literary work. The profession is not right, okay. "

Kitsunomiya complained and made Yae Miko listen to it.

However, she held back this smile and could not let Lord Kitsunai Palace and Lord Qingming find out.

After all, he is a dependant of the shadow, and he cannot show this image of schadenfreude.

Be steady, be steady!

You can't spoil yourself in their eyes.

Although the inner smile blooms.

On the contrary, Ye Ruo coughed twice.

"Ahem, the good general Raiden has also worked seriously in the past few hundred years, that is, the chaos that has occurred in recent years."

"Illustrating shadows are still a little bit improving."

Fox Shrine gave him a blank look.

"You are the lover of the shadow, but you will say good things to her."

"But it's okay before the shadow, but now, it will definitely be corrected."

"Hey, those of us who are friends and lovers are really heartbroken."

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