She is that kind of golden pupil.

At this time, I was still a little confused.

Gradually, however, he regained his sanity and reason.

The smart look that represents wisdom has also returned.

So she saw Ye Ruo directly.

Then the eyes instantly widened!

"Clear, sunny ?!!"

"Really fake, could it be that this is already the world of the dead?"

"Strange, your statement is feasible, and after death, life is not just integrated into this land."

"Huh? Why are there witches walking around behind you? "

"Strange, this place looks a little familiar. No, it's getting familiar. "

The puzzled Fox Palace looked left and right at this moment, and then was rubbed in the face by Ye Ruo.

"Yo, sure enough, when you are a little fox, you are also quite cute."

"It's a pity that when I told you to change, you didn't live or die" 020. "

"It's not in my hands yet, how did that voice come out?"

"By the way, !! Qiu"

Kitsunenomiya: ....

Your sister's!

Still so shameless!

However, Ye Ruo's next sentence also came over.

"By the way, welcome Inazuma five hundred years later."

This made Fox Palace look shocked.

Resolutely let smoke appear on his body, and then turned into a human form.

The humanoid Fox Palace appeared here.

It's still the same as it was back then.

She was as beautiful and dexterous as she was at the beginning, with a slender figure and a special witch's robe, and she was much taller than ordinary people.

Then she hugged Ye Ruo fiercely.

Tightly refused to let go.

After a while, Ye Ruo felt that his shoulders and back were wet.

It was Kitsune's tears, and even her cries and complaints could be heard.

"You bastard!"

"I thought you were really dead! Just know what big heroes to pretend to be, what self-sacrifice to engage in there! "

"Have you considered my feelings?"

"If you are better than me, you can send me away at will, right?"

At this time, Ye Ruo felt that another person had entered this enchantment.

But he didn't care.

Because it was originally laid out casually, there was a person who could break into this shrine.


It is also she who has been managing this shrine here.

At this time, what Ling Ye Ruo didn't expect was that the Fox Palace kissed him directly and kissed fiercely.

He had to hold this guy too.

Make her a little more stable.

So when Yae Miko came in here.

Seeing such an amazing and explosive scene, she was stunned in place.

A little dumbfounded.

Originally, she had just returned from Yaedang today, came to the shrine to deal with things, and then molested a few witches by the way, and then went to the city to eat some oily tofu and barbecue and the like.

It was a wonderful day to pass.

As a result, when she came here, she found that there was an enchantment in the sacred cherry tree?


It turned out to be a driving enchantment.

Isn't this Yin-Yang technique long lost to those wastes today?

Yae Miko can use it herself, but she won't teach those colors.

At that time, the fox tribe had always been able to practice the secret arts and secret methods in the clan.

Then because of the birth of the Onmyoji Qingming, he also passed on his Yin-Yang Art to the fox clan, which is more numerous and detailed than the human side.

So the fox clan has two power systems at the same time.

So the curious Yae Miko cast a spell and walked in.

As a result, she was suddenly stunned.

The two people who appeared in front of them.

No matter who it is, it is a very deep figure in her memory.

One is Onmyoji Qingming.

One is the Fox Clan's mother Fox Palace.

The former once took care of her and gave her delicious oily tofu.

Very nice people.

He also said that he wanted to be a god.

The latter is his idol, the mother of the fox clan, who has always taken care of himself and taught himself a lot of knowledge and experience.

Often take yourself around to play.

Both of them are like relatives.


How did they all come back to life?

Is this an illusion? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That strong sense of unreality made Yae Miko stick in place, his eyes widened.

A look of disbelief and disbelief on his face.

Especially now.

What did she see?

How did Lord Kitsunomiya and Lord Qingming kiss affectionately, etc., were they in this relationship before?

No way!

Remember that it should be a close friend.

The kind of confidant friends who often play lip service and quarrel together are just like brothers.

Big grin, not shy away from contact between men and women...........

Frequent fighting.

But there really is no such feeling of romance.

This could not be clearer than Yae Miko, who had stayed by their side in the past.

Because it is Ying and Qingming who fall in love.

In this process, I heard that Lord Fox Shrine also made a push effect, and kept paving the way for them, and after working hard for a long time, they finally became this pair.

As a result now, this?

So Yae Miko is excited again, ecstatic, and his brain is white.

Then try to make a sound.

"So, Kitsunomiya and Lord Haruaki?"

And Kitsunomiya after finishing his own actions.

Looking at Ye Ruo, who seemed to have doubts on his face, he smiled mischievously.

"What, don't you allow me, a dear friend, to go any further?"

"Before I saw you and Yingxiu love every day, I was really full of dog food, and sometimes I had a trace of envy in my heart."

"But it wasn't much at the time."

"Until you planned to sacrifice yourself, I felt a huge hollow in my heart, which was painful and I almost lost consciousness."

"Only then did I know what you mean to me as a fellow."

"So I don't want to be your brother anymore, I want to be your lover too!"

"Just say yes or no."

This made Ye Ruo hug her deeply into his arms again.

"I treat you like a brother, but I didn't expect that now you want to sleep with me."

"In that case, what else can I say, of course, yes."

"Otherwise, if you wait to cry 0.7, I won't end well, and if I want to persuade you, it's very troublesome."

Fox Saimiya smiled and patted him.

", you're crying!"

"Well, and ah, Pippi Fox, this must be told to the shadow, I haven't looked for her yet."

"Be prepared to be chopped by her."

At this time, Yae Miko said hello again.

However, Fox Palace's appearance only showed a thoughtful look.

A pensive look.

"yes, what if Shadow gets angry?"

"Or I'll turn to an underground romance, be your Shikami, secretly."

Yae Miko: ........

Lord Kitsune, do you know what you say again?

The image is shattered, hey!

And, take care of me!


Could it be that little foxes have no human rights?

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