With the starting order.

The talismans turned into golden streamers one after another.

It's incredibly sharp.

With a momentum like a broken bamboo, it easily penetrated those monsters in the front, pierced them from beginning to end, and then flew farther behind, causing a burst of explosions.

Those monsters suddenly lost their breath of life, fell to the ground, and stopped moving.

This force looks a lot like the power of rock.

It's just that there are still some differences, it is the variant that Qingming (Ye Ruo) has appeared by combining the rock element with his own spell.

Deviating from the thickness of the rock, the sharpness and transformation of gold was formed.

This was still after seeing the blacksmith's movements, he felt and realized.

Gold in the world was originally hidden deep in the soil, that is, the concept of native gold.

It is then hammered and smelted by blacksmiths.

It is the gold on the market.

Take this as inspiration.

Therefore, Qingming (Ye Ruo)'s Yin-Yang Technique is also a similar concept, which is a transformation of the rock, or a new 29 method after combining spells.

Better at killing!

The so-called power depends entirely on how the user understands.

Just like those users of the Eye of God, even the holders of the same attribute, Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) has seen that they have different abilities.

It is used entirely according to their ideas, and there is a big difference.

It also led to a difference in their strength.

Sometimes, there is a big difference.

The weak ones beat the little fur thief, and the sea thief.

The stronger ones can fight fiercely with monsters and go deep into the monsters.

Dance on the blade and blatantly take down the first level of the enemy's most important one.

If you put it in the shogunate army, you can also win the qualification of a general!

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) has also been going deeper.

The further inside, the more intense the evil power became.

Those shogunate troops can no longer see people, they are still outside.

It means that this place is not far from that ruin.

In this process, there are not only monsters, but also all kinds of weird things.

Some are floating purple miasma, intending to fly over and attack.

And there's something like a ghost fire.

But this thing has nothing to do with the ghost race.

Others are weird lumps of flesh, wriggling, secreting disgusting liquids and rotten tastes.

Some evil things will be bred from the flesh mass.

Over time, it will inevitably endanger innocent people.

Even evil spirits have it.

One by one, they are fierce and grinning.

That greedy and evil gaze stared at Qingming (Ye Ruo) tightly, leaving disgusting saliva.

Still there there with a shrill roar of abomination.

"Good human flesh, delicious! Mine, it's mine! "

Facing these things, Qingming (Ye Ruo) just summoned many talismans with an expressionless face.

Various yin-yang techniques appeared here.

"Exorcise demons with fire, honor dryness, and be as urgent as a command! Kill! "

A large amount of flames followed, enveloping all those flying miasma, making a sizzling burning sound.

Piping hot and hot.

It seems that the unwillingness and roar of the miasma can be heard.

Being able to form a large mass of miasma is already a good hazard.

A village can be easily destroyed.

If you let it continue, it can even turn into an even more amazing monster!

The other monsters were also burned and screamed and cursed with vengeance.

Only Qingming (Ye Ruo) was unmoved.

Then some of the charms also lit up with green light.

With the surge of spell power, a large number of trees quickly emerged from the soil!

Suddenly, a whole forest was formed.

Those tree roots are growing and spreading rapidly, directly strangling demons! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The dense woods intercepted and trapped the evil creatures who wanted to escape.

This yin-yang technique also has a sealing effect.

Ability to bind enemies to them!

The other side.

In the face of the wriggling mass of blood and flesh, several talismans directly turned into raging water and washed it directly!

Boom far!

The power of evil is also dispelled by this spell!

The ground is also constantly surging, one after another earthen walls are rising, and there are many earth thorns, and the earth cone kills these demons.

Sometimes the ground will suddenly crack and swallow the weird thing directly.

And then close it again.

There are yin-yang techniques about the five elements that continue to appear here.

The so-called five elements live together and build a complete cycle.

It was handy by Qingming (Ye Ruo) and used it freely.

There is quite the style of an ancestor, which can be described as fearless and sweeping here.

Even other means other than the five elements were used by him.

Those bad gases were all expelled by him with the power of the wind with talismans!

It's also a good place.

It seems that the practice and warm-up are almost the same, Qingming (Ye Ruo) looked at the relic in front of him, everywhere was shrouded in strange and anti-stomach evil power, and he didn't look more.

Directly by hand, quickly produce the magic seal.

As he chanted, the spell power on his body also began to erupt.

"Tamosa binds his evil emperor medicine, and Sasa binds the medicine of Qibi! Bind him! Royer Juyan! "

A series of obscure but full of strange and sacred words emerged, causing the power fluctuations he emitted to become more and more amazing, as if forming a wonderful resonance.

The surrounding temperature became hotter and hotter.

Then he closed his eyes, his face was indifferent, and he formed an immovable king seal.

Fudo 803 refers to his will and heart are extremely stable and unshakable!

Ming represents his wisdom and can bring light!

The king is the one who controls all the five elements of yin and yang, the phenomena of the world!

At this moment, as he opened his eyes, there seemed to be a blazing flame dancing in his eyes.

A tyrannical force directly burst out, and the terrifying flame centered on him instantly blasted out, causing all this place to turn into a sea of fire!

Flames burst into the sky!

It can be seen even from far away.

The shogunate troops were horrified.

The endless flames are raging, burning all the miasma that can be seen in front of you, evil!

That ruin, as the focus of this time, had a huge amount of raging and boiling fire directly rushed in, wanting to burn everything to the ground!

This is——[Yin-Yang Technique Immovable King Fire Realm Curse! 】

Terrifying energy fluctuations also erupted inside, and the power of the god of worship also emitted a terrifying roar, confronting the power of the fire curse!

Faced with such a scene, Qingming (Ye Ruo) still maintained that seal with both hands, increasing his strength!

His eyes are extremely sharp!

What should have dissipated a long time ago, quickly annihilate!

In the distance, in a hidden place on a hill, a mysterious figure quietly appeared.

A little thunder and lightning appeared beside her, and then disappeared.

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