At this moment, the amazing power erupted with Qing Ming (Ye Ruo) as the center, creating an extremely huge enchantment that protected everyone.

This happened in an instant.

Because that strange evil force also struck suddenly.

So in everyone's senses.

The terrifying impact came in an instant, and it collided directly and violently with the dazzling enchantment!

That's amazing light and dark!

Even the visibility instantly darkened.

In an instant, it triggered an earth-shattering, arrogant impact!

The terrifying ripples shattered even the land in front of them!

A lot of ground shattered, turned into lumps and was thrown away, and then shocked into powder!

What grass, trees, stones, etc., turned to ashes.

At this time, the shogunate troops here discovered that it was this "197" Onmyoji who saved everyone.

When did he appear in front of everyone?

And so powerful?

Really fake.

Is this the Yin-Yang Technique, which has become famous recently?

That's awesome!

It's really famous than to meet!

This made them shocked by the strength of the other party, and quickly thanked them.

After all, if this Onmyoji did not come forward, then everyone would be in danger.

Such an impact, I'm afraid that the people here won't survive a few, right?

The power of God is strong and weak.

Some of them are now much weaker.

Becomes extremely weak and scattered.

It's not a god, it can be some miasma.

The squad of powerful points can be handled.

Just lead the team with the eye of God.

Some are still full of grudges and very powerful.

Very difficult to deal with.

Only by asking Lord Thor to come out.

Other soldiers would gather around, preventing innocent pedestrians from being involved, and carry out the blockade.

And then waiting.

And prevent what monsters from raiding and running out.

But this time, I didn't expect that after such a distance, such a force could burst out?

It's beyond everyone's imagination.

The consequences were almost unimaginable.

I haven't seen such an amazing evil for a long time, it's really careless.

After all, many people here are just mortals.

Even the captain who had an opinion just now was dumbfounded at this time.

The mouth is wide open.


If it was him just now, he would definitely not be able to react.

There is no such powerful force that can protect everyone.

Didn't expect that.

The deeds about Yin-Yang Master Qingming turned out to be true, and the other party really had such amazing strength!

The Yin-Yang Technique turned out to be so magical.

And not some swaggering trick.

This made him look dry and ashamed.

Quickly hid in the crowd and did not dare to speak more.


The gap between people and people is so big.

It is clear that he is the holder of the Eye of God, why is it so much worse?


It's outrageous.

And Qingming (Ye Ruo) firmly protected this place, and did not let the sergeants here suffer casualties.

The most amazing wave of shocks has been blocked by him.

This trick is called "Qingming Orange Stem".

It is a kind of spell technique created by himself according to the concept of all things in the world, the five elements of heaven and earth, combined with a series of ideas such as exorcism, sealing, prayer, dispersion, etc.

It can also be used as an enchantment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not only can some demonic things, powerful filth, miasmatic monsters, etc., be directly locked up in this enchantment, carrying out the effect of sealing and suppressing.

It can also be used as an enchantment on your own side, guarding the people around you from harm.

Isolate a space.

You only need to quickly seal the print yourself, and it does not take much time.

It's easy and fast.

At the same time, it is the best of these yin-yang techniques.

As for what was shouted just now, it was just a kind of speech.

You can set the specific content yourself.

What is important is to exert the power of words and spirits, and what it is is itself is not very important.

It is even possible to shout fire in the mouth.

What was thrown out was the attack of the water attribute.

Hit the enemy by surprise.

For others, the content of the spirit is oil tofu.

With the power of his enchantment, the outside was also slightly calmer, only some purple-black smoke was still here, making it impossible to see what was there.

This made him look back.

"If you continue to move forward, there is still a lot of miasma and evil."

"It's really not okay, just let me deal with it..........."

When the words fell, many monsters appeared in the black fog and ran out, all of them were nearby animals that were eroded by the miasma and turned into strange monsters.

The power has also become a lot stronger.

For the general shogunate army, it is dangerous.

Now they have lost their minds and only know how to attack them.

Many soldiers clenched the weapons in their hands, their faces serious and serious.

"Please hand over these who ran out to us, we are also samurai under the command of Lord General, and we must not disgrace Lord General!"

"If we keep standing here, won't it seem that we are too useless?"

"Brothers, raise your arms and get ready to fight!"


"The common way is magnificent, Narugami eternal!!"

After roaring, these soldiers also rushed out with weapons and fought these monsters.

Don't let them run somewhere else.

General Raiden does have Inazuma's invincible force, but he can't help but rot Inazuma's overall environment.

It is an archipelago in itself, gathered by one island after another.

As a result, there are still many places, and the environment is poor to death.

There is also the power of worship scattered.

All kinds of messy stuff.

For example, this time, if there was no Qingming (Ye Ruo) help, it would be normal for all these soldiers to die here.

At most, after hearing the news, General Raiden rushed to solve the problem 3.4 here.

That's the case.

Many areas of Inazuma itself are dangerous.

It doesn't matter to Thor.

But for the average person, many are fatal.

And Thor cannot be separated, everywhere.

The two sisters generally sit in the keep.

Relative to other countries in Tivat.

In contrast, Inazuma is a barren place at all.

Desolate and remote.

Without the armed protection of Raiden Shogun, it would be difficult for the people here to survive.

And at this moment, Qingming (Ye Ruo) also withdrew the enchantment.

He also began to move towards the ruin, ready to pluck out the filth and calamity power inside.

There will also be some monsters attacking him.

However, one talisman after another floated in front of Qing Ming (Ye Ruo).

"With the shape of gold, urgent as a command! Kill! "。

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