Without excessive hesitation.

The Dragon King also understood the importance of things.

Directly swallowed this divine radiant treasure into his body, and at this moment, the surrounding earth vein power burst out, and the earth trembled greatly!


Countless powers emerged madly directly from under the far-reaching earth, from the darkness that had never seen light, and were absorbed by the Dragon King of Ruoda like a whale.

Set off a terrifying impact that swept here, and the tides of the earth turned into violent ripples that swept across the world in an instant!

In the face of such power.

Ye Ruo and Zhong Li created wind walls and rock shields one after another, which served as two defensive walls to firmly protect some of them.

Otherwise, at the moment of impact, it will be bombarded and I don't know where to go.

It was just the seal around the Dragon King, and it was shattered in the first place.

The power that can shape the Earth Vein Divine Dragon is constantly transforming the Ruoda Dragon King.

Earth vein energy is not the key.

After all, even in the past, the Ruoda Dragon King could absorb these earth vein energies to fight.

Only the power of this Earth Vein Dragon Ball is the most important.

So soon, the most critical source of circulation began to appear in it.

243 This fetish has a very powerful ability.

That is to be able to allow the dragon species formed from the earth vein to exist alone.

It will not cause itself to be implicated due to the damage of the earth vein.

That is, relying solely on its own strength, it can always exist.

So not only do you not have to worry about the earth vein, but you can also use the power in the earth vein.

In the next, they all saw a new dragon ball appear on the head of the Dragon King of Ruto, and Ruoda was still warming this strange dragon ball with his power.

There's always been power.

Steady stream.

The Dragon Ball became more and more radiant, and the sound of dragons constantly sounded from above, and the breath became stronger and stronger.

It seems that Ruoda took this bead very seriously and spent a lot of power forging it.

Yes, forged.

This is Ying's first impression of this picture.

Then she looked at it suspiciously.

"Why, the Dragon King wants to create such a bead, hasn't the previous one already turned into energy and nourished it?"

Ye Ruo smiled.

"Because this is a dragon ball born from the power of the Dragon King of Radha, it can carry the original power and all the memories."

"That way you can perfectly avoid that drawback of the rock."

"As I said before, the memory of the stone is very short, and only those strong feelings can endure. This is the rule of the world. "

"How to say, you can understand that the world we live in has a rule called wear, or a law, or a theorem, you can call it whatever you want, because this is the world itself."

"Therefore, any living being living in this world will be affected by this, grinding into a cause, and damage into a result."

"In a long time, the spirit of all things in the world will be worn down, constantly giving up, constantly losing, witnessing the departure of relatives and friends, it is okay for ordinary people, after all, life is short."

"But for immortal species, life that can live for a long time, it will have a great impact. It's like a rule for a long life. "

"And rocks are one of all things."

Ye Ruo also gave an example at this time.

"It's like my books, with all kinds of settings, so what about our current world, everything has wear and tear."

"Among them, rocks are easier to wear and tear faster than other life, and the memory is blurred quickly."

"Other immortals will not be as serious as Ruota, because stones are easier to grind, just like water flowing low, autumn leaves will fall, this is the rule of nature and the world, is common sense."

After hearing this, Ying's eyes suddenly lit up.

She's not an idiot like Paimon.

She's actually a little smart.

After hearing this, even if he did not see Kunjun reading the memories in the stone, he did not know that the memories in the stone could only be preserved for a short period of time.

Ying still reacted. (CJCA) "So the Dragon Ball is equivalent to a new memory method of the Dragon King of Ruto, which can cleverly bypass this shortcoming of the rock itself?!! "

"It's not the basis for changing the world, it's adding a new solution to it, right?"

This made Kunjun (Ruoda Dragon King) next to him smile and nod. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Yes, it's just that we solved the problem ourselves."

"The stones on the ground outside still only preserve extremely short-lived memories, and after a while, they can't be seen, and they're gone."

"That's the character of rocks. Morax is a demon god, his soul is tough, and his power is more inclined to rock. "

"The one who really wants to talk about the life of rocks has to be my Ruoda Dragon King. So I wasn't as wear-resistant as him before, and I couldn't bear it first. "


Kun Jun's words startled Paimon.

"What's the matter, isn't the Dragon King transforming there, how can you still talk?"

"Aren't you going back?"

Kunjun just spread his hands.

"I'm just a fragment of consciousness, an insignificant fragment, and that's the essence of action."

"So now I can still stand here and talk, it doesn't matter."

Then he paid Ye Ruo a deep respect.

"Thank you Qinglong senior, I can feel that the shortcomings of the body regarding the earth vein are also disappearing, and the strata abyss will not affect me in the future."

"It doesn't hurt."

"If you can cure it."

Looking at Ye Ruo's casual appearance, Ying felt that he still had some questions.

However, she was afraid that Ye Ruo would not say half of it.

This man is always like this.

She was afraid.

I know a lot, but I just don't say it.


Is it possible to pay what you have to do to get that valuable knowledge?

But there is nothing of value in me.

Ying can only be aggrieved, weak, and powerless.

However, she still subconsciously asked.

"So wear and tear can be combated?"

To her delight, Ye Ruo actually replied to her.

It's just with a strange expression that looks stupid.

"It's not nonsense, as long as you know the wear, there will always be people who try to resist the wear."

"For example, a certain otaku thinks that if she moves forward, it will cause loss. I feel that this is the law of steel that acts on the whole world as a carrier of time. "

"So she is making dolls again, and she is completely closing herself off."

"There are various methods, but the effect varies, and the degree to which it can be counteracted depends on the method."

"Well, I know you're going to want to ask why the world has such a rule of wear. I don't know, don't ask, save you the effort of asking. "

"Touched, huh?"


You girl!

At first, Ying was a little moved and joyful, and Ye Ruo rarely said so much.

It really doesn't look like him.

Took the wrong medicine?

As a result, the latter half of the sentence knocked her back to the bottom.

It instantly let her know what reality was.

Also moved, touched by a hammer!

Damn it!.

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