Looking at the Radha Dragon King, it seemed that he wanted to say more embarrassing and hairy words.

Ye Ruo's face turned dark, and he hurriedly stopped it.

"Stop, no more talk. I already know. "

At these words, the Ruoda Dragon King stopped looking angry.

It seems that addiction has not been said.

Then Ye Ruo looked at Zhong Li next to him.

"Morax, what's wrong with you."

"Didn't you burn that book in the first place, why did you keep it?"

"It won't be there now, give it to me quickly, I will destroy the corpse."

Zhongli: ....

This made him cough twice.

"That, after you sacrificed, I thought that this good villain was also a relic left by you."

"As the so-called seeing things and thinking about people, if you can see it, it is also a thought."

"I didn't expect that it was later turned over by Ruotu, and it was also regarded as a true treasure by him, and I couldn't put it down."

So he also often hung these words on his lips, and it became a habit."

"But don't worry now, that book has long been lost in the years, it should have been destroyed a long time ago, and there is no more."


Ye Ruo looked at it with a skeptical gaze, and he wouldn't appear again at that time.

I already knew to let Morax sign a contract.

After all, it was just words.

It can't be true.

If this is replaced by a contract, it will definitely be implemented.

Hey, I really served.

It's a miscalculation.

What black history, even will remain.

The reason why there is such a thing is because the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch is ostensibly a past life, but in fact its essence is an extension of Ye Ruo.

Sometimes some of his bits and pieces of memory pop up.

For example, the original Rustan, after seeing the fairy, will also emerge specific information about the fairy.

That was the legend of the original fairy family.

And when he was the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch, when he saw the alliance of the three kings, he would also think of the legend of the three emperors in distant time and space.

And more than the last time.

As a result, after that, the Qinglong Immortal Monarch wrote a book of Immortal Dao commotion stories.

At the beginning, he said that what immortal path is such an inconvenient thing.

This is the most obvious example.

Later, after Ye Ruo reacted, he told Morax.

Unexpectedly, the accident came too quickly, and the book was not destroyed.

Oh, my God.

Shocked, the famous name of the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch was destroyed because of a book!!

Is this a distortion of human nature or a moral decline.

Just kidding.

Fortunately, Ye Ruo was originally an immortal with a child's heart.

Laugh when you should laugh, play when you should play, and study it when you should study it seriously.

You can kill your enemies and be gentle with your own people.

Yin and yang are one, heaven and earth are one, and man and immortal nature can be perfectly united.

In everyone's eyes, he has always been the most human-like immortal.

Even Morax thought that this state of mind was perfect, ideal.

It is the one with the best state of mind among the immortals.

Thousands of years have passed, and there will be no change.

Throw him into the crowd and blend in perfectly.

And among the immortals, he can also be the same as everyone.

So for this book, Ye Ruo was just speechless.

As long as it doesn't appear in the future, it's not a big problem.

I feel that the painting style of the Dragon King has changed greatly.

What to do if it's even worse.

Rosalyn blinked curious instead. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Oh, I didn't expect Aye, did you still have such a side in the past~?"

"I kind of want to see if you can say something similar now."


Ye Ruo vetoed this proposal with a serious face.

Are you kidding.

Straight to me.

He has long stopped doing that kind of thing, how normal he is now.

On the contrary, the Dragon King was happy and sad.

"I didn't expect that the Three Dragons Gathering I thought about before could really be realized now. It's a pity that I've become like this and can't sit down and enjoy the moon together. "

"Finally, it's still too late."

"It feels like my reason is starting to fade again, Morax, let's begin."

"It's good that I am possessed by such a little fragment of consciousness, and I can still exist for a while. Let him talk to you at that time, it can be regarded as a solution to the dullness of being pressed into the ground for so many years. "

"Even if these memories are just flowing like flowing water, they just flow and do not remain."

"Still a moment later, forgotten and blurred."


Zhongli also nodded heavily, and then prepared to step forward to reinforce.

But at this time, Ye Ruo suddenly appeared between them and a dragon.

Then shake your head.

"Oh, I've seen enough of the sad story."

"Actually, I came here this time to solve Ruota's matter, and I have a way to make it better."

This surprised both Ruoda and Zhongli.

And at this moment, Ye Ruo took out a golden bead full of divine light, and a high dragon groan sounded from it.

Just by appearing, the earth veins here suddenly became more active than ever.

Those forces even emerged directly.

A wide variety of elements.

Thunder, water, grass, wind, rock, fire, ice.

It is filled with a variety of colorful lights.

Even additional power appeared.

The seven elements are not absolute in the veins of the earth.

All the energies were cheering, as if celebrating the appearance of this strange divine bead and celebrating its birthday.

This thing is naturally the previous Earth Vein Dragon Ball.

"This, this is?"

Ying's eyes widened.

Zhong Li's face also changed, and his eyes looked deeply at this bead.

"Curious treasures seem to be loved by all things in heaven and earth, gathering the mysteries of yin and yang creation, which contain all kinds of wonderful powers and creations."

"If it is placed on the earth vein, I am afraid that a new divine dragon will be born in the day (Qian De Zhao), right?"

After all, the dragon sound on this bead is already quite obvious.

Not to mention Zhongli, who has lived for so long and seen countless treasures.

Only with this vision can I detect some strangeness and power of this Earth Vein Dragon Ball at a glance.

In other words, Ye Ruo's treasure could have created a new dragon.

But for the sake of the Dragon King, choose to use it like this.

Looking at the Earth Vein Dragon Ball thrown by Ye Ruo, even Ruoda was shocked.

"Senior Qinglong, this thing is too precious, this is a fetish that can make dragons."

"Less nonsense, let you use it."

"Put all the words of thanks behind, solve your own problems first, and then come out of this seal."

"Okay, I see!"

"You deserve to be my idol, and now you can be said to have inherited an immeasurable love."

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