Various alchemy props are also familiar to Rosalind.

It didn't take long to get it all.

Can be used skillfully.

The original transparent glass bottle was made by her again.

It was the container that Rosalyn used to use to hold fluid liquid fire, and it looked like a small and cute bottle.

But now she doesn't make this thing.

Instead, it began to improve.

Just like Lisa said, the technology of this thing has long been lost in the Meru Order.

Because this is the project she studied in Rosalind!

With so much going on in the first place, isn't it normal to lose it?

At that time, it was the Canrea Magic Disaster.

During this period, Jean also came.

She was also surprised by Rosalind's appearance.

However, under everyone's explanation, she was first shocked again, and then sympathized and pityed "four six zero", and accepted Rosalind's arrival.

Really didn't expect that.

This tall blonde woman who looked very knowledgeable and still held a book in her hand turned out to be the executive lady!

Jean really didn't see it.

Because Rosalind has changed too much now, not to mention that she has also practiced immortal law and changed her appearance slightly.

Few people really recognize it now.

Only a person like Ye Ruo would feel that there was no difference in his eyes.

Think of this change, as if it hadn't changed.

After all, this is what it used to look like and style.

So even if Rosalyn was walking around Mondstadt at this time, no one recognized her.

Even if it was the fools of the past.

Not to mention that the Eye of God hangs from her waist.

Ye Ruo had already put away her evil eye, and there was no need to use that power anymore.

How can his ice power be useful?

Jean also helped Rosalyn with the status of the Knights, and sometimes Rosalind would go to the library to help with Lisa.

Flipping through these ancient books of Mond.

See if there's any useful knowledge.

Among the library administrators, there was another blonde Miaoling royal sister who had never been seen, which also surprised many people.

But soon.

Everyone saw Ye Ruo and Rosalyn talking and laughing, and they still hugged their waist.

Make countless faces twitch.

It is worthy of being Lord Wind Knight, this peerless beauty really has a relationship with him, and he is simply a beauty killer.

So many beautiful women revolved around Lord Ye Ruo.

It really made countless people sigh.

Lord Ye Ruo is in such good health.

It's all eaten.

O God-like man.

And can not overturn, these red faces get along very well.

Who doesn't admire?

And at home.

Lisa and Rosalind's experiment, Ye Ruo sometimes joins.

Don't forget.

He himself is also a person with a huge amount of knowledge, and Lisa will know almost everything.

Lisa won't, and so will he.

Ye Ruoke is a genius on Mond's face.

Lisa is a name in Meru.

He was famous in Maunde.

Therefore, the three of them can be said to be enjoying their research, and the experiment has made great progress, which is faster than using the void in Meru.

The role of genius is greater than that of vanity.

After all, with the void, the Holy Court is still so wasteful.

Only Eura was left stunned.

What do you guys.

The scumbag turned out to be myself???

Have you ever considered the feeling that she can only watch from the side?

Oh no, no.

While Ye Ruo was researching, she could go cooking. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But other times, Eura still said no, what a cook!

Obviously, she is also a very smart noble descendant, well, she used to learn things quickly.

How can you become a scumbag here?

So she also began to study.

Ye Ruo, who watched, was silent for a while.

How did it work.

What a bunch of scholars in my own house.

Outrageous enough.

Forget it, knowledge is power.

Since Eura is willing to learn, that is also a good thing.

Rosalind can also be regarded as returning to her homeland and starting to live happily again.

She noticed the change in Mond, big.

There are a lot of new technologies and developments, and she looks full of vitality, especially knowing that this is the change brought by Ye Ruo, which makes her very proud.

Worthy of him.

Still so in love with Mond.

No matter when, it's like this.

So sometimes, Rosalyn would sing that cheerful ballad again, making Ye Ruo listen with a smile and clapping her palms in agreement.

"The wind of the west will take away the aroma of wine, and the wind of the mountains will bring triumphant news..."

"The wind in the distance touches my heart, and rustles and sings my thoughts of you."

This time.

She added to the poem that followed.

"Dandelions travel with the morning wind, the autumn wind brings the fragrance recovered, in this warm and gentle wind, your gaze and smile are the happiness of my life."

Not long after, Ye Ruo took Rosalyn to Liyue.

Came to the Jade Pavilion.

After all, it was agreed before, and after treating Rosalind, everyone should celebrate together.

After all, relative to Lisa and Yura.

Ning Guang now knows Rosalyn.

The two of them were chatting very well together before, talking and laughing.

It's like sisters.

Of course, in this process, Ning Guang also stayed with Ye Ruo and Rosalyn in his eyes.

Afterwards, Ning Guang couldn't help but complain.

Ye Ruo, this guy is really beautiful.

Such a blessing for people.

Everyone is such a superb beauty, all cheap this guy.

Rosalyn was just on the sidelines, smiling endlessly.

During the conversation, Ning Guang curiously asked Ye Ruo if he had a green dragon staff.

This made Ye Ruo confused.

What is it?

Except for the Qinglong Ding of Alchemy, he didn't get any other items with him.

Then he understood the reason for the matter through the explanation of Condensing Light.

It turned out that the last time the Vortex Demon 2.6 God was unsealed, which caused a huge wave, which led to the activation of the Zhenhai Stele, causing a fairy miracle that everyone marveled at.

So the story of the sea immortals in Qinglong Town suddenly became popular.

Although the novel was very popular before.

But this time and that is not a concept.

After all, this is a trace that confirms the real existence of this immortal!

Therefore, everything related to the Qinglong Immortals began to make everyone pursue it madly, and many deeds and items that were originally buried in the years were also dug up.

The same evidence of the same appearance.

It got more and more exciting.

And what about this time.

The one about to be publicly auctioned over there was the Blue Dragon Staff that this immortal had used.

Legend has it that this crutch can produce countless herbs with a touch of ground.

Let the earth prosper.

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