At this time, she is no longer the same outfit as before.

It is a refined and noble garment with a strong Mond style, constructed in red and black, elegant and intellectual, and every inch fits perfectly, setting off her slender body.

As she walked, her waist swayed gently.

Ling Yeruo is sometimes attracted.

After noticing her lover's gaze, Rosalyn smiled happily.

This just shows his charm.

I can still touch my lover's heart with every word and deed.

The lower body is similar to a short skirt design, so that these long and white beautiful legs will not be covered.

Her blonde hair also got a new hairstyle~.

Coiled in the middle, more spread out next to it-.

It looks even more beautiful.

It's the style of a married woman.

She no longer wears the black iron crown-like mask, but keeps the two small pendants on her ears.

It's beautiful.

After changing his outfit, he could be said to have gone to the next level, and standing with Ye Ruo could be described as a couple.

It's totally made in heaven.

And with such a look, it is estimated that those who recognized the lady before could not recognize her when they saw her.

It's a lot of change.

Whether it is temperament, dress, clothing, hairstyle, markers, all have changed.

The lady is no longer there.

From now on, only she Rosalind.

Who would have thought that this wonderful royal sister who was intimately snuggling up to Ye Ruo's side would be the executive lady who killed decisively and was ruthless and cold?

Not a day after returning from solstice winter has gone by when she is not happy.

Just now, she and Ye Ruo went to the edge of this small world.

Here, Ye Ruo arranged a huge ocean, surrounding the land in the middle.

This is not surprising to Rosalyn.

Because the continent of Tivat outside is also like this.

Surrounded by the ocean.

And in the ocean here, she saw a lot of strange ice blue fish under Ye Ruo's signal.

As they swim, icicles are constantly generated, converging into a group of bizarre icicles, which is such a unique and spectacle scene.

She leaned on Ye Ruo like this, looking at such a beautiful scenery.

Under Ye Ruo's explanation, she also knew that this was a creature called an icicle fish.

Wherever you go, icicles are produced.

It is a very amazing fish.

It also produces a wonderful crystallization of the element ice.

Ye Ruo got it a long time ago, and then he drew it twice, creating a prosperous fish school today.

During this period, Ye Ruo also caught one and dealt with it on the spot.

Let her eat beautifully.

The deliciousness and tenderness in it also made her widen her eyes and give her a thumbs up in praise.

Ye Ruo also helped her wipe the residue from the corner of her mouth.

In this way, they are like a couple who have lived for a long time.

There is not a trace of strangeness.

Being able to blend in perfectly with each other.

Looking at Rosalind at this time, Ye Ruo took out a small gift, which he had said to give her before.

Look at this diamond-shaped ornament that has no light.

Rosalyn wondered.

"What is it?"

"It's empty in the middle, it looks like a separate metal item?"

Ye Ruo just smiled mysteriously.

"What attribute of the God Eye do you want, report one."

"Any of the seven elements, as long as you like them."

Although she was still very puzzled, Rosalyn still subconsciously spoke up.

"As a flame witch, it is naturally a fire attribute."

As a result, at this moment, a radiant divine eye was quietly born in this diamond-shaped item, a flame-colored light that she was familiar with.

Rosalyn was dumbfounded on the spot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Fire attribute divine eye?"

"Did it appear out of thin air?"

"How can there be such a thing, it stands to reason that I haven't done anything, how can I get the approval of the Eye of God?"

Ye Ruo personally tied her around her waist.

"Don't be surprised, because this is what I gave you, and the God's Eye is different from everyone else's."

Speaking of this thing, it was still a treasure that Ye Ruo extracted a long time ago.

He was also surprised.

It turns out that you can still draw the eye of God.

It's just that there is nothing to give, after all, the people around Ye Ruo basically have the Eye of God.

So it's put now.

Now it's just right to give it to Rosalyn.

After all, although Rosalyn's strength has now recovered, she has grown greatly and become stronger.

But usually, it is not strange to have a god's eye on the body.

Not everyone is yellow-haired and can directly use elemental power.

Under normal circumstances, Ying will attract a puzzled gaze wherever he goes.

So even the wind god Wendy, he pinched a glass bead for himself.

In this way, it is not surprising that everyone sees him using the wind element.

Even Zhongli has one on him.

This is to avoid unnecessary trouble, so you still need to get it on the surface.

Otherwise, it is a very conspicuous outlier.

Therefore, Ye Ruo gave Rosalyn the Eye of God and made it appear as a fire element.

In this way, Rosalyn also seemed to understand and took it.

His own man looks amazing.

You can also send the Eye of God to yourself.

Then in such a situation, Rosalyn suddenly felt that she was being picked up, which made her laugh and slap a little.

"When I was weak before, you picked me up from the fairy spring and went to the room, and now you want to bully me again?"


"Now that you have regained your strength, you can resist."

Listening to this, Rosalyn pinned her head and snorted.

"No, let's go."

So after that.

Mond's home here in Ye Ruo has welcomed a new member.

If you live officially, there are four people.

After all, Jean only came occasionally, and sometimes she still slept in her own home.

In order to be able to get up early the next day.

And Rosalind and Lisa also sat together from time to time, and the two of them would discuss all kinds of knowledge, both witches, and they were both Sumeru who had returned from training.

There are many similarities between the two.

This also makes them get along very happily.

From time to time, one person is operating the instrument, and then another person is recording the data.

The happy voices of the two women have been sounding here.

Lisa also helps Rosalyn improve the path of the witch, making it more perfect and without side effects.

In the process, Lisa's genius amazed Rosalyn.

It's Lisa.

How clever!.

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