So, Ying and Paimon set off with Yan Qiu.

While walking, Yan Huang talked about the mission situation this time.

Because Grandma Ping has things one after another.

Regarding the dust song pot incident, it has not happened for the time being.

So naturally, Ying still doesn't know the situation of Yan Huang.

This was the first time we met.

However, Yan Yi also has a certain understanding of this traveler, and she has seen it in the file of the Thousand Rock Army.

What was considered suspicious by the Qianyan Army when inviting Immortal Dianyi was pursued.

It also made Yan Huang sigh that this person was really miserable.

However, it is not surprising that it was traced.

After all, he came on a ride with the Fengshen dependents.

It's too conspicuous.

If you want to make people unnoticed, it is impossible!

So if you escape, you will definitely be wanted by the whole city.

Can be famous.

Then Yan Chong also said that this time the mission was to go to the strata abyss.

This also surprised Ying and Paimon.

"Nine Three Three" Because something seemed to have happened to the strata rock abyss, Liyue Qixing thought that there was a major safety hazard and temporarily closed the place.

This order was carried out by the General Services Division.

The blockade of the [Strata Abyss], which is the source of raw materials, is a huge blow to many ore businesses.

It fluctuates greatly.

Like what star fast, Xie Cuixing and the like, it is equivalent to the source of raw materials being cut off.

The original Mingyun Town, after a long period of mining, has produced less and less ore.

So people speculate that the mineral deposits there have been hollowed out.

Those forces that were mining ore in Mingyun Town planned to move to the Strata Abyss, and they also talked to the personnel of the [Huishan Hall] and said hello.

As a result, GG was also typed here.

The ore industry, which is currently very sluggish.

Ling Ying sighed, it's not easy for everyone.

It's like the De'an Duke before.

When he was young, he had Minghua Commercial Company and Minghua Money House, which can be described as the limelight and famous.

It is a pity that since the bankers of the Winter Country came, with the fork of the North Country Bank, they forcibly squeezed into the financial market of Liyue and killed all those old brands.

He also vigorously acquired Qianzhuang to expand the branch of Northland Bank.

The local Qianzhuang in Liyue died a lot, which can be described as the miserable death of a large blockbuster.

Even the business of the comptoir plummeted.

After all, banks and money banks, these two things are in violent conflict.

When one grows, the other must weaken.

What the Northland Bank turnaround is blood, tears and wailing.

Call them wailing and not wailing.

So that Duke De'an was so old, and he ended up in that situation.

The money house is gone, and the business of the business is miserable.

There are many more people like him.

The fools only need to win over one group of merchant houses and suppress another group of merchant houses, and they can easily control them.

Their debt handlers often come out to collect debts.

Liyue's competition can be described as amazing.

The water is deep.

Ying is deeply aware of this.

She also saw that the young people of Qingcezhuang went to Liyue Port in order to seek a living.

As a result, only some old people remained in Qingcezhuang.

Whether it is the strata rock abyss or the black rock factory, most of them are manual work.

If it is not really no way, who wants to go to such an evil place as the strata abyss?

Is it fun?

Folk rumors about this place are weird, and not once or twice.

However, with the previous behavior of the fools, that Heavenly Power Condensing Light was also frantically cleaning up and suppressing the fools.

Let the fools be a market that has been eaten a lot.

The losses are enormous.

Defeated at an astonishing rate.

In the face of Ying's question, Yan Chong explained with a smile.

Although the abyss is blocked, there are actually some people working inside.

There are other channels.

Not to mention that they have official permission this time.

And this time, they will also meet acquaintances.

This makes Ying very strange, who?

And when he came to the depths of the stratum abyss, Ying also saw several people not far away under the leadership of Yan Qiu.

Even the Devil Descent Great Saint he met before was inside.

However, when he saw the person in the middle, Ying's expression trembled violently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Paimon's eyes widened.

"Ye Ruo?!!"

"Is the person in charge of this commission you?"

"It shouldn't pit us!"

That's what I said.

Ye Ruo almost didn't roll his eyes.

"What do you say, when did I go out of my way to pit you?"

"If you think about it, I've been helping you two instead."

Ying was also speechless.

Think back to the past.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong.

And after seeing the people arrive, Ye Ruo also clapped his hands and asked everyone to lean over.

Then he also introduced a mysterious woman from the General Affairs Department in passing.

"Her name is Yelan, and she is a very good person, and she comes from, well, the General Affairs Department."

"You guys get along well, everyone who can be called by me is an excellent person."

Yelan, who was holding a bow and arrow, also nodded politely towards everyone.

Of course, she was also curious about Ye Ruo.

How to say, as the direct officer of special intelligence of Condensing Light, it can also be called a partner.

Yelan naturally knew Ye Ruo.

It was the man who stared at the light and couldn't forget it.

There seem to be a lot of amazing secrets.

The information about Ye Ruo in Mond was still collected by Yelan, and then handed over to Ning Guang.

Before she was still conducting secret operations in a foreign country, after the matter of the Vortex Demon God was over, she also returned to Liyue.

And by the way, he cleansed all the fools who occupied the tea room on the rock.

Yelan is a person who runs around.

Travel in various countries.

She has been to almost every country.

So disguising it can also be described as handy.

Such as Meru mercenaries, Fontaine adventurers, Mond fishermen, Inazuma light novel writers, winter merchants, and more.

Disguised, it can be described as vivid.

Very skillful.

It's hard for others to recognize it.

If you don't believe it, just ask those pharmacists.

The others, Smoke, Ray, and Ying, are on her record booklet and are a list of special concerns.

They are all very capable people.

And Ye Ruo saw that everyone was quite harmonious, and he also cleared his throat and began to talk about the reason.

"This team was formed to find the whereabouts of a Yasha who disappeared in the depths of the stratum abyss hundreds of years ago."

"Lei Yasha Fushe, his original title was Marshal of the Snake Tai."

"It's a general."


Hearing this, Yelan reacted first.

"I heard that during the period when Warcraft invaded the Stratum Abyss, there was an unknown Yasha 0.2 who joined hands with the Thousand Rock Army to fight, did it refer to the floating house?"


Ye Ruo continued.

"And according to my intelligence, this Yasha and the remaining Thousand Rock Army should have led the Warcraft into the depths of the Great Abyss, thus sealing it there."

"Among them, there are not only floating houses, but also the two ancestors of Yelan, they took the Taiwei Yipan, and in the end, only one person went back, and the result was still crazy."

"The warlock named Boyang and the Taiwei Yi Plate were lost here."

Yelan: ???

This suddenly surprised Yelan, did this Ye Ruo also specifically investigate her information?

So that's why she was specifically called?

"Actually, there is a mysterious space underground here, it should be near that pillar, let's go."

"Be careful, there is black mud everywhere, more and more."

"Lumenite has also begun to grow."

"It seems that these two forces have begun to fight again."

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