
Not sure why.

He was checking the commissioned screen on the side of the Liyue Adventurers Association, and suddenly sneezed.

As if someone was nagging her.

But who will miss her?

Originally, she planned to go back to Mond today~.

After the end of a series of things such as inviting Immortal Dianyi + God Attack + God War, Liyue once again restored its previous calm.

However, Ying still found that the departure of the Rock King Emperor still had a great impact on many people.

I believe it will take a while for people to accept this fact.

Then Ying, who was wandering around, suddenly found a very surprising place, that is, the Liyue official and the Mond official actually cooperated.

Because Ying found that the magic airships that were originally all over Mond also began to appear in the sky above Liyue.

It is flying in a stable channel.

There are certain rules.

This was not the batch of airships that the Celestial Power Star had purchased before.

After all, those are already around the Jade Pavilion now, which can be described as a striking sight.

Many Liyue dignitaries and wealthy businessmen were amazed.

With a batch of Liyue-style flying objects surrounding the Jade Pavilion, it seemed even more powerful.

But these that appear now are not those airships that condense light.

Rather, it is a standard Mond-style magic airship.

That's weird.

Ling Ying was very puzzled.

Then I learned that it turned out that the Knights of the West Wind had established an air trade route, and this time it was connected to Liyue.

The previous magic airships have always been used by the Knights to patrol and carry out various missions.

There are many people waiting for the daily airship to come out.

The results are out now.

Mond specially built a large number of civilian airships, and specially built docking points and landing grounds by the Knights.

In the future, people can pay for airships,

When the number of people is enough, the knight can drive the airship and take them to the wild, or Liyue.

As a civilian version, weapons are not loaded.

The choice of focus strengthens the ability to defend.

When flying in the sky, it is not too high, allowing people to enjoy the view of the ground.

Low altitude flight.

This was naturally Ye Ruo's idea.

At his speed, he can freely travel between Liyue and Mond.

The first few seconds are still in Liyue, and the next few seconds are in Mond.

He directly had the Order establish an official civilian airship pathway.

People can pay to sit, and caravans can carry goods to airships and let knights take them to Liyue.

It can also be regarded as giving the Knights an extra position.

A number of knights were brought out to be the driver.

There are also several knights needed to maintain order on the airship.

In this way, well, the Knights began to lack people again.

But it's okay.

Just keep hiring.

So the news that Ying saw was that Liyue Tianquan Star Condensation Guang and Mond Wind Knight Ye Ruo reached a cooperation and established a landing site along the outer edge of Liyue.

A lot of Thousand Rock troops were sent to garrison.

So you can go there and ride the magic airship.

There will be a Zephyr Knight to take you on a tour of Mond.

Or come back from over there.

There are benefits on both sides.

Whether it is the Liyue Seven Stars or the Knights of the West Wind, they are all earned.

After all, this tool belongs to the rich.

The average person must still choose a carriage and the like.

Like a little level, you can come and enjoy the magic airship ride.

So the quota is also a bit expensive.

But safe.

After all, this is a project launched by two countries in cooperation, but there are two countries behind it: Mond and Liyue.

Once there is any attack, it is to provoke both sides at the same time.

So this new mode of transportation can be described as fast and safe.

It was very popular for a while.

After all, there are rich people, there are really a lot.

This greatly promoted exchanges and trade between the two countries, and was considered by many to be a symbol of the increasingly friendly relationship between Mond and Liyue.

There are people talking about it in the streets and alleys.

Because when Ye Ruo brought the knight over to discuss a series of trade cooperation before, many Liyue high-level officials saw that Lord Ning Guang was extremely close to this wind knight.

Even in the back they held hands.

It can be described as a shocking eyeball.

No one expected that the relationship between the two of them would progress so quickly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Only those personnel above the Qunyu Pavilion and the Qianyan Army were not strange, because they had seen Lord Tianquan Star walking around with this wind knight before, and it was common to enjoy the flowers and scenery.

This kind of thing will spread sooner or later.

So there's nothing to hide.

Naturally, it also caused an uproar.

And Ying is not interested in this kind of thing, after all, she is also someone who has known for a long time.

What's so strange?

Ye Ruo was originally an immortal in Liyue, how could he marry a seven-star?

So Ying went to Mond in a magic airship.

With such a fast and efficient means of transportation, it is also convenient to go back and forth.

Stop by and meet Amber and other friends you know.

It's not bad.

It's just a little bit expensive, and you have to continue to do more commissions.

Fortunately, Paimon is not counted among the personnel, and only receives her money alone.

This also made Ying breathe a sigh of relief.

That's it.

After all, this is Mond's magic airship, so her status as an honorary knight can still be discounted.

It also makes her feel, so good.

It seems that the name given by the piano captain is very good!

So Ying also stayed in Mond for a while.

Quite a few tasks were done.

Also made more people.

Ran into something.

There are also many surprises to Ying, such as Catherine of the Adventurers Guild, how Mond has one, and Liyue also has one.

Catherine turned out to be not human.

That's pretty realistic.

After Mond visited his friends, Ying returned to Liyue's side, that is, to the extent that he had just returned.

However, the convenience of the magic airship also made her sigh.

It's so easy to go back and forth.

Plus you don't need to spend a lot of money yourself.

It's much more efficient than riding a horse-drawn carriage.

But just as she was about to leave, an unfamiliar figure appeared here and found her.

"Well, you're Ying, right?"

"My name is Yan Qiao, there is a high commission here, do you want to do it?"


As soon as the words came out.

Ying's eyes immediately lit up.

Don't underestimate her spirit as a commissioning madman!

She can solve big and small things.

Even Miss Catherine always praised her for being powerful.

Paimon hurriedly spoke up.

"What commission? We took it! "。

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