The black-and-white talisman shaped elixir also flew above the bones, grunting and spinning, and began to collect the spirituality here.

For a while, a large amount of spiritual energy was converging here.

Even tiny points of light flew out on the bones of the jade, constantly gathering to a point.

Then Ye Ruo used the immortal method to let the elixir divide some power and instill it on those spirits.

The spirituality is constantly restored and nourished.

The effect is also very good.

Perhaps the elixir itself is really amazing.

Or maybe the spirituality here is immortal, has always existed, and it has been well preserved because of the formation.

So in everyone's eyes.

A cloud of light soon appeared below the black and white elixir, and as the elixir continued to release its power, that light became more and more solidified, and the wind and clouds changed for a while, if it was placed in the outside world.

Storms and tornadoes have already formed.

The clouds are thick.

Because the matter at this moment is indeed not simple, involving life and death.

And soon, after the light continued to materialize, everyone also saw the situation.

Unexpectedly, the Immortal Family Yuan God with the appearance of a small fairy deer is constantly taking shape.

It can be seen that the vitality above is getting stronger and stronger, and after reaching a critical point, it has ushered in a new change, and the fairy deer Yuanshen is falling into a state of deep sleep, and then slowly waking up.

Everyone present immediately recognized who this fairy deer was.

That is the Heavenly True Jun of the Shifting Sky.

As the Tianzhen Monarch woke up, its eyes slowly opened, and a trace of confusion flashed at first.

Then it returns to clarity, and the memory is constantly returning with spiritual completion.

This makes it very puzzled and puzzled.

Remembered everything from the past.


Isn't it long dead??

What's the situation?

It looked around and turned out to be taken aback.

"Everyone? How come there are so many unknowns, wait, the emperor and the green dragon? "

"That little girl has the breath of the old way. Well, the bloodline of the beast seems to be the daughter of the old fellow. "

"Wait. How are you so big? "

"No, I'm getting smaller!"

Originally, seeing so many people watching it, Tianzhen Jun was dumbfounded.

Then it quickly reacted to what it was.

This is in the way of the Immortal Yuan God.

Remember this statement, it was proposed by Qinglong at that time.

He always said that the Immortal Dao was such an inconvenient thing.

The so-called remnant soul is not extinguished, blood is reborn, the yuan god is resurrected, and the reverse life is nothing.

Hearing this, Tianzhen Jun was stunned, and he was stunned by Ye Ruo for a long time.

It wasn't until later that he learned that most of these abilities were beyond the ability of the current immortals.

In fact, it was all thought up by Qinglong.

It really shattered his dreams.

He thought he could do the same in the future!

Alas, the hateful green dragon disturbed his Dao heart and deceived a simple immortal like him.

Can this world still get better!

As a result, he did not expect that he, who had died, actually recovered the Immortal Family Yuanshen and saw everyone again.

It's unbelievable!

Refresh his immortal view!

As for so many acquaintances in front of it, it recognized most of them at once.

Ye Ruo and Zhong Li did not hide it, and they could also detect it through their breath.

Grandma Ping is the same.

As for Yan Qiao, he was strange, but he recognized it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all, the bloodline on this child's body will not be fake.

It was an immortal beast called the Law Beast Pig, and there were originally many under the emperor, but after that, there was only one left.

The so-called pig can be said to have the characteristics of distinguishing right from wrong and being impartial.

It is the beast of justice.

It is also an immortal beast under the Rock King Emperor who upholds laws and contracts.

Represents law and justice.

Therefore, they all like to do things related to contracts and laws.

It is an immortal beast that has an indissoluble relationship with the law.

At this time, Ye Ruo also spoke up.

"Okay, don't ink your kid, swallow the elixir on your head, and then use this power to reshape your body."

"Anyway, your bones are here, just convenient for resurrection."

"Otherwise, it will take a lot of medicinal power to grow white bones alone."

"And if you save this process, you can regain more strength after resurrection, without going through a period of weakness."


Shifting Xiao Guide Innocence Jun also knew that it was important now, and directly swallowed the elixir in the body of the Yuan God, and a large amount of information poured into its mind for a while, accompanied by amazing strength and vitality.

It also makes it understand what to do.

It flew to the skeleton below and began to merge into one!

Directly into the skeleton.

Then the power of the elixir began to surge wildly, and immediately began to create blood flesh and body tissues, such a scene can be described as extremely amazing.

A large amount of immortal qi pervades here.

With the rebirth of flesh and blood, fur also grew at an extremely fast speed.

Even the broken horns on the head have a second spring!

It began to grow young horns, and then continued to grow.

The magnitude directly matched by himself.

Such a scene is quite amazing in everyone's eyes.

"The living dead, flesh and bones, this elixir is really amazing."

"The Heavenly True Monarch of Shifting Xiao is really able to be resurrected, I feel the vitality that begins to emanate from its body, and the previous dead qi is gone."

"Or was it transformed?"

"And the rhythm of the heart beating is getting faster and faster, which is the hematopoietic function at work." At the beginning, Qixiao had all the blood shed. "

Soon, everyone's impression of the Tianzhen Jun appeared here.

The bones of the previous body are gone.

He has become the one who is now intact.

Moreover, I can feel that there is still a lot of medicinal power of the elixir, and more power is bursting out for Qianyao to absorb.

So he's getting better and better.

The fluctuations of immortal qi on his body were also getting stronger and stronger, and he had even recovered most of his strength in his heyday, and the surrounding aura was also absorbed by him with the momentum of whale swallowing.

However, the aura here has been almost absorbed.

So Tianzhen Jun also opened his eyes and jumped over with his feet in the void.

Came to the front of everyone negative.

Looking at Ye Ruo, he nodded solemnly.

"Qinglong, I owe you a great favor this time."

"I really didn't expect that your elixir technique has reached the amazing level it is today."

"It seems that what you said about the Immortal Dao is not false."

"If there is anything erranded in the future, just look for me."

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