Faced with this scene, Wei also lost his voice in shock.

"Resurrection Immortals?"

"Can such a thing really be done?"

"The Heavenly Innocence Monarch has been gone for so long."

The other immortals were also surprised.

It can be described as surprised and delighted.

Mixed feelings for a while.

If you can resurrect your old friend, it will be too powerful.

Yan Qiao's eyes widened as well.

I was stunned by such heavy news.

Didn't expect that.

Originally, I just came to meet an elder.


This Qinglong senior, it was an earth-shattering move!

He actually wanted to resurrect the dead immortals!

Ye Ruo also put away this elixir.

Looked at everyone.

"Let's go, go to the place where Tianheng Mountain originally moved to guide the Innocence Monarch to die in battle."

"I hope some of the things that were laid out back then are still there."

Cutting the Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, with our Immortal Technique, his sleeping place is still intact."

Tianheng Mountain.

As the mountain range on the west 29th side of Liyue Port, it can also be regarded as the first line of defense against foreign enemies.

During the Demon God War, this place was constantly reinforced as a natural barrier.

There were walls and garrisons everywhere, and many defensive forts and fortifications were built here.

According to the situation of the mountains, a large number of Thousand Rock troops were stationed here, and they fought countless battles against the invading enemy.

It is a very important place.

At the beginning, the Liyue people also established many villages at the foot of the mountain and tried to develop the mining industry here.

And during a war, a demon god burst out of power and hit Tianheng Mountain.

As a result, the mountain toppled, and there was no support point, and for a while it was crumbling, and countless rolling stones continued to fall.

In that way, all the people of Liyue living at the foot of the mountain will die.

So he moved Xiaoxiao to guide Innocence Jun to ask his friend to cut off his antlers.

That was the hardest thing in Liyue, many times tougher than ordinary mountain stones, and it was absolutely no problem to support the peaks.

So it was the efforts of this immortal that allowed Tianheng Mountain to stay until now.

Still standing.

And the Tianzhen Monarch of the Shifting Xiao Guide couldn't stop the bleeding, and chose to continue fighting with the Demon God.

The blood he shed turned into a river of blue water.

In that state, in order to protect people, he still chose to fight until the last moment.

Sacrificed there.

And soon, Ye Ruo and his group of immortals came here.

Came to that place.

What appeared in front of them at this time was an empty terrain, with nothing.

Even if other Liyue people come here, they will leave with a glance.

It's a place of chicken feathers.

However, as a deer form, the Moon Cutting Moon Zhuyang True Monarch just cast the Immortal Spell, and then they walked directly in, as if they disappeared here out of thin air.

In fact, for everyone, the scene in front of them has changed amazingly.

A fairy cave mansion is impressively located here.

And the tomb of the Heavenly True Monarch is inside.

This is a special immortal technique that hides the traces, and the immortals will do this trick.

Here, naturally, they got it.

Just like the deceased Narumi Qixia True Monarch, the location of his cave mansion is also hidden, and he uses immortal methods to cover it.

Someone who also knows this trick has to come to find that place.

So everyone went into this cave mansion, and they would go all the way to the deepest place.

There, indeed, there is a cemetery that has been quietly here. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A tombstone is even more visible.

Move to the tomb of the Innocence King.

Seeing such a familiar thing also made the immortals recall the past.

"All of a sudden, such a long time has passed."

"At that time, the Heavenly Emperor often walked in the sky, chasing the moonlight, and then sharing that scenery with us smugly."

"Yes, even on the ground, he likes to use the scale to play around."

"As the top immortal among us, he also likes to show his strength and the antlers that he is most proud of."

"It's a pity, alas."

Even Ye Ruo looked at this, and the picture of the past flashed in his eyes.

Tianzhen Jun is also a top immortal who is able to fight the Demon God.

That kind of weak demon god with weak power could not help him.

That is, lower than Ye Ruo.

Put it in the immortals, it is no problem to rank second.

As an immortal who pursues strength, he sometimes laughs and tries with Ye Ruobi.

Although losing every time.

But the Tianzhen Jun is very sunny and has been exercising himself.

He often dragged Ye Ruo to drink.

Thinking of this, Ye Ruo stretched out a hand and cast his power in front of the tomb.

I saw that the dust was quickly raised, and then flew to both sides.

A big hole soon appeared here.

Then a skeleton that crystallized like jade appeared here, and even after a long time had passed, you could still feel the immortal aura exuding from it.

Above the skull, there are marks of broken horns.

This is the corpse of the Tianzhen Monarch, as an immortal, the bones are different from ordinary people.

It can be kept for a very long time.

It's like the one on the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, or the one on Inazuma Island.

Immortals who are slightly weaker can also have similar characteristics.

Seeing this scene, everyone automatically stepped back without disturbing Ye Ruo's behavior.

And a formation emitting blue light also appeared around the cemetery.

Zhongli watched with nostalgic eyes.

"It was the Spirit Raising Array that gathered the power of the immortals, and it is still in operation for 190."

Ye Ruo also spoke out while taking out the talisman seal-like elixir.

"That's right, just as the so-called everything has spirituality, not to mention that immortals are originally a gathering of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and the spirituality in their bodies is even more amazing."

"It can be maintained for a very long time, dissipated at a very slow speed, and returned to heaven and earth."

"Sometimes you can create phantoms through the ukiyo-ro method."

Therefore, at the beginning, Ye Ruo asked everyone to lay down this formation here, originally to see if he could resurrect the Heavenly Sovereign of the Shifting Sky One Day.

He started with the spirit of the immortals as the core point.

Just as the so-called soul, or for immortals, should be called the immortal family Yuan God, in order to repair the remnant soul, gather spirituality to reproduce the immortal.

Created the elixir of reincarnation.

This pill nourishes the spirit, restores its spiritual intelligence, and restores the genshin.

Then with the power of life and death, realize the living dead, flesh and bones.

From the world of the dead, back to the realm of the living.

Thus reshaping the body.

Let the immortals return.

The most troublesome point is to find the spirituality of the dead immortal, so only a little can be slowly conceived and restored.

But there must be!

And for the Heavenly True Monarch of the Shifting Sky Guide, because of the formation arranged by everyone, the spirituality can be said to be still very much.

Resurrection will be invisibly much more convenient.

And Ye Ruo was only commanded.


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