As a mysterious green dragon fairy beast.

A lot of tools about the sea have been developed, which has greatly promoted the development of the Liyue people on the sea.

So to speak.

The current Liyue Port can be so prosperous and developed by sea transportation today, and this Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch occupies most of the credit.

The original Liyue people.

In the beginning, it was plantation and mining, and these two were the main ones.

It was this immortal who gave Liyue a third direction of development.

The establishment of Liyue Port is also a driving force for this.

Not to mention that he had an amazing alchemy technique, and he had refined a large number of pills.

Helped people survive disaster after disaster.

In order to research a new elixir, the Qinglong Immortal Monarch personally tasted hundred herbs and identified ten thousand poisons.

Sometimes you encounter terrible plants that even immortals can poison.

The Blue Dragon Immortal Sovereign was also poisoned many times, so he developed a pill to understand poison.

Later, he personally compiled a copy of the Qinglong Materia Medica.

Above were all the herbs and plants that he summarized that could be seen on the land of Liyue at that time.

On the characteristics of each herb, the place of collection, the method, the time.

and which conditions are used and treated.

All written very clearly. 08

Unfortunately, before this book of herbs could finish writing it, he sacrificed.

As a result, the book did not survive.

But even the fragments have greatly promoted the development of Liyue pharmacology.

At that time, after seeing this, Ying also sighed.

If this book is handed down, it will definitely be of great help to Liyue, and the credit is immeasurable.

But after a moment she came back to her senses.

A wry smile.

I was so addicted to reading novels.

Obviously, this is just a fictional novel.

After she came to Liyue, she heard people discussing this.

Everyone is righteous and righteous, there is no immortal.

There is also no "Blue Dragon Materia Medica".

Not to mention the fragments.

But the idea is really interesting.

As a result, she didn't expect that today she actually saw this Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch, and it was a way that she didn't think about at all.

Who could have imagined.

Ye Ruo, who I met in Mond, is the Green Dragon Immortal Monarch??


And what made the corner of Ying's eyes twitch was that she also saw the fragment, which was actually in the hands of Liuyun Feng Zhenjun.

Then the other two immortals also pulled out other fragments.

All right.

It turned out to be put away by the immortals.

Think about it too.

As a friend, after his sacrifice, he will naturally go to bring back the scattered items and place them properly.

Then the things of the Green Dragon Immortal Monarch will most likely be preserved by these immortals.

So Ying suddenly realized something amazing.

Ye Ruo, is it actually an immortal who has lived for thousands of years?

It's also amazing.

However, Ye Ruo denied this statement, and instead proposed that this was just a reincarnation, and that Ye Ruo was actually only 20 years old.

Just let her know.

Ying and Paimon can only be shocked, can they be reincarnated even if they die.

This ability is also outrageous.

The Blue Dragon Immortal Beast is also too strong.

Doesn't that mean that Ye Ruo may have several reincarnations?

He can't be reincarnated once in thousands of years.

Ying suddenly remembered the lady.

However, Ye Ruo did not tell her carefully, he was really a man full of mystery. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And their conversation also brought several immortals back to their senses and asked a series of questions.

And saw the token she had taken out.

In addition to the two at the beginning, Lishui Dieshanzhen Monarch and Liuyun Borrowed Wind Zhenjun were quite surprised.

"It turned out to be a taboo-free basket?"

"Is there such a thing in the world, this is really a rare thing."

"At that time, the emperor created this thing, the quantity was very small, and it was a kind of souvenir. Mortals can take this and ask for immortals. "

"Of course, you can also use the immortal power contained in it to drive away demons and carry out conquests."

"However, at that time, Qinglong produced a large number of elixirs, which made people happy, all diseases were eliminated, and demons were also dispelled."

"There is also that magical golden pill, which can make the weapon contain great lethal power."

"And so, the taboo-free hoop disappeared."

"You can still see this thing now, but it's really rare to see, and you may not have had this thing for hundreds of years."

With all the immortals, Ye Ruo also nodded.

"Yes, because of my efforts at that time, the emperor simply did not create a few of this, and I was responsible for these things."

"Hmph, if one can appear today, it is estimated that some forces specially collected it."

"It has the power of the Rock King Emperor, if it is copied on a large scale, it can break the seal set by some emperor power."

"After all, two similar forces collide to counteract it."

"Oh of course, I'm kidding, it's just an idea."

Although Ye Ruo was just joking, the other immortals fell into deep thought.

Ying was also shocked.

For it was the executive of the fools who gave this to her.

It's hard to do.

Was this one also copied?

Fools, what do you want to do?

However, it seemed to see Ying's thoughts, and Ye Ruo pointed out a little.

"This one in your hand is real, don't worry."

After Ying took out this taboo-free basket, the immortals finally took it seriously.

After all, if you hold it as a token, then you should really listen to the other party's request.

It's just that before Ying could say long, the frightened chirping of the two immortals of 053 sounded here.

"What? Emperor attacked? "

"How is this possible."

"In today's world, how much power can it have to attack the emperor?"

"With the divine power of the emperor, how could such a thing happen!"

"The Demon God War has long been over, there have been no other enemies on this land for a long time, and such a thing will happen, or it is on the Immortal Ceremony."

"It's just shocking, and I can't believe it."

"No, I'll get up and go to the world to suppress Liyue Port!"

"What the hell is Liyue Seven Stars doing!"

The one who said this irascible word was naturally Liuyun borrowing the wind true monarch.

On the contrary, the Cutting Moon and Building the Yang True Monarch was much more stable.

After all, this was his reaction before.

So he looked at Ye Ruo.

"Qinglong, did you come to discuss this matter with us this time?"

Ye Ruo looked calm.

"No, I'll come to you to get some herbs and see if there are any good varieties."

"Say hello to you by the way, and then I can go back and continue to live my ordinary life."

"I'm already retired, and the affairs on Liyue's side don't need my intervention and intervention."

Shōgetsu Chikuyo Shin-kun:?

Risui Diesan Majun:?

Liuyun borrows the wind Zhenjun:?

The emperors were attacked, why did Qinglong react like this? .

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