At this moment, Lishui Dieshan's tone was shocked.

It didn't care about Ying and Paimon, but instead set its eyes on Ye Ruo.

As an immortal, it is generally a beast type.

The Lishui Mountain True Monarch, on the other hand, is a crane with feathers similar to the color of a burning cloud, both red, gold, and orange, forming a gradient color.

The whole body is white and black.

It looks extraordinary.

However, it kept looking at Ye Ruo, which made Ying and Paimon very puzzled.

What's wrong with this?

If Ye is not a mortal or what?

You can't say he's a wind god.

After all, the god of wind is Wendy.

Although Ye Ruo's strength is indeed a bit like a god.

Wait, Ye Ruo won't really be a god.

He only said that he was not a wind god, but he did not say that he was not another god.

Ying, Paimon was shocked! "Seven Two Three"


It seems that they know something strange.

Did Mond actually have two gods alive?

However, Ye Ruo exuded a trace of dragon qi on his body, and then looked at Lishui Mountain True Monarch with a smile.

"Old friend, I'm back."

Lishui Dieshan's real monarch trembled, and he was surprised in disbelief.

"How is this possible, you are really a green dragon!"

"If it weren't for this familiar breath, I would have thought it was an immortal I had never seen before."

After all, at the beginning, it noticed that Ye Ruo, who was standing beside Ying, was an immortal.

I didn't hide anything at all.

Well recognizable.

And the strength is unrevealed!

It can't be seen at all.

You must know that among the immortals, he is also a powerful immortal.

In the Ruoda Dragon King incident, it was among the three immortals who were with the Rock King Emperor.

The stone monument under the Dragon tree was also erected by it.

Of course, the strongest immortal at present certainly has to be the Great Sage of Demon-Wei.

Yasha is a clan who is good at fighting and killing.

And Lishui Dieshan's true monarch can be said to be in a mood at this time, which is difficult to describe in words.

"After all these years, everyone thought you would never come back."

"Even the emperor said so."

"When we went to sea to look for you, we found nothing, as if you had completely disappeared between heaven and earth, born in the sea, and scattered in the sea."

"Now, you're resurrected. Even for the Immortals, it was an unimaginable miracle! "

"Hahahaha, no wonder I divinate today, trigram elephant luck. I see! "

"Being able to span thousands of years and still come back. Worthy of being the first immortal among us! "

Rishui Diesan Zhenjun let out a hearty laugh.

You know how excited and happy it is.

When the floating fairy is born white!

It's just that these words stunned Paimon and Ying, just like thunder.

Their minds were stunned.

I didn't react for a while.

Then they exclaimed, and here their shocked voices sounded.

"Immortal, immortal ?!!"

"Ye Ruo is an immortal? How could it be, this is impossible! "

"Obviously he is from Mond's side, the native kind."

"It's human, right?"

"And the first immortal, this name is too exaggerated, I have never heard that the immortal has such an amazing and domineering title."

"It's incredible."

Ying and Paimon were really dumbfounded.

What is this?

Obviously, it was not the first time they had seen Ye Ruo.

It is clear that Ye Ruo actually grew up in Mond.

Those knights were full of adoration, and told them all about Ye Ruo's past deeds more than once.


How could Ye Ruo be an immortal? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's like the perception is destroyed.

Or maybe this immortal has actually lived for too long?

Old confused?

So recognized the wrong person.

Fortunately, this thought only flashed through my mind.

If Lishui Dieshan's true monarch knew about it, he would have to scold them angrily.

What old confused.

It's still in its prime.

Being able to live for a long time.

Disrespectful immortal master!

Of course.

Lishui Dieshan, who didn't know this, looked at the visitor next to Ye Ruo in surprise.

"Qinglong, are they?"

"Oh, my friend, came to you too. Just happened to drop by with me and came together. "

"Also, since you have returned, then the plants such as immortal grass that have been left until now are also handed over to you, and I will call the other immortals over?"

"No need, I'll just call them over.0..."

Ye Ruo refused Lishui Dieshan's suggestion to flap his wings and plan to fly to call everyone.

He directly released a momentum, and the amazing immortal qi soared into the sky, causing the wind and clouds in the sky to form a tornado storm.

The aura belonging to the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch continued to spread.

It spreads rapidly among the clouds.

The real monarch of Lishui Mountain was shocked.

"Qinglong, your strength is stronger."

Such a movement really made the Moon Cutting Moon Zhuyang Zhenjun notice, and even Liuyun Zhengjun, who had been addicted to studying his creation, was surprised, and then flew towards this side in surprise.


The two immortals also came over.

Greeted Ye Ruo excitedly.

What a joy.

I haven't been so happy in years!

Thousands of years ago, finally seeing friends again!

Because Ye Ruo stood up to protect Liyue Port at that time, he died directly in battle.

I didn't expect it.

He can even be resurrected!

It is worthy of being the most powerful and mysterious green dragon immortal beast.

Skill is mastery.

Many immortals were ashamed of themselves, saying that they were far inferior to him!

All kinds of powerful immortal methods emerge one after another.

For these lonely immortals, it is very happy and exciting to see their former friends come alive again.

For a while, these immortals were ready to set up a banquet.

3.7 Be sure to have a drink this time!

Not drunk!

Ying and Paimon on the side were directly stunned, turning into a background board like a small transparent, and no immortal cared about them.

I can only stand here, I don't know what to say.

That's called embarrassment and desolation.

The attention of these immortals was on Ye Ruo.

However, after listening to the conversations of these immortals, Ying Ye finally understood something that shocked her.

That was Ye Ruo, who was actually the Qinglong Zhenhai True Monarch back then!

She had also read the novel.

At that time, she was still addicted and saddened by the ancestors of Liyue and the story of the three gods.

Even such a good era was still destroyed under the attack of the demon gods.

War, but it's cruel.

And this Green Dragon Immortal Monarch is also very incredible!.

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