"The scene was blocked by your seven stars, which led to the view that there were assassins, and some people thought that you Liyue seven stars were the real murderers and wanted to blame others."

After all, the average person simply does not know what the situation is.

Even many high-level executives are not sure.

And at this time, the "corpse" of the Rock King Emperor had been hidden by Seven Stars.

What exactly is going on, what attack caused it, and who can create this attack.

Such a series of information is only known by the seven stars.

Naturally, there will be doubts.

Is it seven stars dry,

Want to seize power?

So it's obvious at first glance.

Outsiders may not know, but there are obviously people in the seven stars who know the truth.

For example, condensation.

She is the highest ranking person among the seven stars, a woman at the top of wealth and power.

The wealth chain created forms a closed loop.

So that the whole Liyue Port can prosper.

It can benefit the other seven stars, and the wealth continues to increase.

Everyone is very satisfied with this, it is a community of interests.

So even if some of the seven stars don't know, but as the leader.

Ning Guang definitely knows one or two.

This is fishing.

Such a blockade, then there are people who are in a hurry.

Especially people with bad intentions and other purposes.

They need to urgently know what kind of situation the Rock King Emperor is now.

Where is the corpse.

Only by knowing the location of the storage can you take the heart of God.

Of course, Liyue's side does not know the specific plan, but as long as the news is blocked, someone will naturally jump out.

For example, fools and executive sons.

Very conspicuously.

Therefore, when Ye Ruo said this, Condensing Light directly understated the negation.

"It's just some boring rumors."

"As the god of Liyue, the Rock King Emperor has always been our protective deity and faith, and the seven stars of Liyue are also people who are loyal to the emperor."

"You guy, it's boring. I want to see the look of surprise on your face, and then beg me. So that I can say, with me, I will definitely make you okay. "

When Ye Ruo heard this, he directly rolled his eyes.

"I see that you were bullied by me too many times when you were a child, and the idea of wanting to bully back has turned into an obsession."

After seeing that Condensing Guang's eyes began to be unkind, Ye Ruo also laughed out loud.

"Okay, okay, let's make you happy. This beautiful and intelligent woman can do me a favor. "


This sentence gave Ning Guang goosebumps.

"You've given me enough."

"Why does it feel so strange when it comes out of your mouth. Forget it, you better just call me Condensing Light. "

"Actually, we don't have to go around so much between the two."

It seemed that he felt that the tone of the second half of the sentence was a little soft and ambiguous, and Ning Guang picked up a wisp of blue silk and flicked it to his ear, adjusted his state, and then looked at Ye Ruo with a smile.

"Say, what's the favor. Your sister Ning Guang will definitely give you a proper account. "

Ye Ruo directly handed her a piece of paper.

There are some kinds of materials on it.

This made Ning Guang take a look and nod directly and neatly.

"No problem, that's all you want to collect?"

"Well, Mora is not a problem, I'll give it to you then."

"You know, I've accumulated a lot of wealth just by novels."

"No matter how rich you are, you are not as rich as me! I don't charge you money, but you helped me start my family." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Ruo's words that he originally planned to pay money were directly interrupted by Condensing Light.


Look down on her, huh?

Talking about money or something, it hurts the feelings of the two of them too much.

So seeing this, Ye Ruo also took out a small box and handed it over.

This surprised Ning Guang.

"This is?"

"Oh, I suddenly dreamed that I was once a member of the immortals, gained some memories and retrieved some items."

"This is some leaves of fairy tea, you take it to make tea and drink."

"It can make your skin smoother and fairer, your body will be much better, and everything that prolongs life is pediatrics."

"Come less, why don't you boast that you are the reincarnation of the Blue Dragon Immortal Monarch, as far as you are still an immortal, you don't have the slightest appearance of an immortal."

"Haha, don't worry, no matter what, you are still the condensation light in my memory, easy to shy, and often teased by me, and you are a very important person for me."

"Go and go, don't disturb my work, I'm very busy as a celestial power star."

Facing Ye Ruo's words, Ning Guang glared at him directly.

Then drive him away as if he were a guest.

However, just when Ye Ruo was about to walk out of the door, Ning Guang suddenly stopped him again, with a smile in his tone.

"'Ye Ruo, after this matter is handled, let's have a good stroll together.

"Don't let me go."


Seeing that Ye Ruo agreed, and after the figure disappeared, Ning Guang burst out laughing.

That kind of smile.

Beautiful and incomprehensible.

It is a scene that other people, even if they spend tens of millions of mora, no matter how much they please Condensing Light, they can't see.

After a while, Ning Guang looked at the small box.


"Immortal tea? Recent actions, has this guy also noticed? "

"Hmph, it's really keen, knowing that we are looking for tea trees, so he specially sent me this." Let me see. "

After opening this box, dozens of crystal clear tea leaves that exuded light and rich fairy aura appeared here.

This made Ning Guang stunned for a moment.

"This is really fairy tea, or the first time I've seen such quality."

"There is even a cloud-like environment around the tea leaves. Not to mention that even a sip of it refreshed my brain and fatigue was dispelled at once. "

"It is worthy of being a thing of the immortal family, and its value is incalculable."

"Obviously such a precious thing, actually gave me so much, this guy, there is really no way to take him."

Ning Guang put this away with a look of pity and covered it back.

Perhaps the thing itself is already precious.

But this was sent by that person, so it means more.

Just seeing so many tea leaves also made Ning Guang a little crying and laughing.

He won't bald the tea tree, will he?

And when the condensation put away the back tongue.

It didn't take long.

As Yu Hengxing, Keqing held a tea set and tea leaves in his hand and walked over gracefully.

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