After all, I still have to let the final to influence Zhongli.

No matter how tough the stone is, it will eventually be smoothed by running water.

I was originally optimistic about the two of them.

This sugar was eaten.

It's that the sea god is really broken.

Make waves.

Although in the end he was killed by himself.

Let's see if you can find a new way in the future, anyway, you can open and hang it.

Really strong, which does not open and hang.

What else to play without opening the hanging.

Look at the time when the system was still sleeping before, and it had not reached the Demon God combat power for so long.

As soon as the system awakened, it didn't take long for the High Demon God.

That's how it compares.

The doctor dares to come over now, and he is giving away people's heads.

Not to mention that as far as his slice is concerned, the strength of the demon god can be several, and the other basic immortal strength is good.

What geniuses, what smart people, they can't compare to hang!

And this kind of historical insertion should be logical.

For example, in fact, the alchemy technique designed by Ye Ruo should be more fierce than it is now, but it is obviously a little over 08, so it is lower.

Many of them have been automatically perfected and rationalized in history.

After all, a novel cannot write all the history.

Some things are overshadowed.

Just like Ye Ruo complained at the beginning, isn't this the setting of writing fandom respecting the original work, if it is written that the Rock King Emperor is a younger brother, then the logic will collapse.

What no one recognizes, it will not be influential.

It is said that it is impossible to write Thor so cute, but there are many people who are interested.

It really made Ye Ruo sigh.

Sure enough, relative to Wang Jun.

More people still eat the stories of female gods in love.

It seems that the reincarnated Raiden General written by Yae Miko is writing that she is engaged in lilies with Thor?


I didn't read that book.

But Inazuma, it's really not simple.

On the surface, some people may say ridiculous, but the body is still very honest!

Secretly read your own novel.

Legend does not tell falsehood.

You can see which country this thing came from.

Of course, this is just a prop in the treasure chest, and there are more props and choices, maybe there will be more and more abilities in the future.

Anyway, for Ye Ruo, there will be time in the future.

There will be more opportunities.

Before considering the demon god, it is time to re-engage in elixirs and try the category of resurrecting immortals.

So looking at this, Ye Ruo also began to look for golden mud.

The conventional method of finding this kind of dirt no longer works.

Ordinary people have no way anymore.

But Ye Ruo is an immortal.

Not a big problem.

When he was refining pills, he had dug up this kind of thing.

Has its own research method.

When the smoke comes, you have to worship yourself!

Soon, Ye Ruo made a lot of holes here.

Then head deep underground.

A lot of gold mud was dug up.


It seems that no one has been able to find this thing for too long, but it has accumulated a lot over time.

After digging enough of the amount he needed, Ye Ruo restored the place to its original state, and then went directly to the stratum abyss.

Here in Liyue, he can be said to be familiar with the road.

It's like visiting your own home.

Actually, that's true.

Even after more than 2,000 years, those iconic locations are still in place.

Not to mention that he himself had come to Liyue from Mond many times before.

So in the Strata Abyss, which had been blocked, even the Thousand Rock Army did not know that an immortal had mixed in.

In it various digging ores. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This time I was looking for Cuijueyan, and this thing was even simpler.

Cuijue Rock is originally a thing of the immortal family, and the immortal luck contained in it is not something that ordinary people can bear.

In fact, according to Ye Ruo's understanding, if the things that are nurtured by nature condense too much elemental power, then human beings are easily unbearable.

And the immortals were originally bred in this Liyue land.

Some gradually multiplied into ethnic groups.

Unity is elemental life.

Naturally, you can touch these items with rich elemental power.

Soon, Ye Ruo dug up a large piece of emerald rock.

This thing is easier to find than golden clay, just have a hand.

Who let him, as an immortal of alchemy, the ability to find medicinal herbs and materials has been integrated into his bones.

After the main materials are almost done, the rest is auxiliary.

All are easier to find.

Ye Ruo returned to Liyue's side, and it was enough to find Ning Guang to help collect the rest.

There is no need to waste a lot of time shopping everywhere yourself.

Someone is good at it.

This is an eternal truth.

See, it's always useful to make friends with Condensation on your own.

Her connections and abilities in Liyue Port are much better than most immortals.

It's still incense.

Immortal friends: ???

At this time, Ying had fled in the direction of the clouds.

After all, that's it.

Liyue Port is no longer able to stay.

There are Thousand Rock Army everywhere.

It's hard to move an inch.

There have always been Qian Yanjun asking passers-by, have you seen a yellow hair and a flying toy?

Let Yingdu break out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Of course, Paimondu was angry to death.

What is a toy?

It's hard to hear and die!

So for now, the best way to break the game can only go to the immortals.

After all, Ye Ruo's words, they can't find it.

To 020 in Liyue Seven Stars here.

They blocked all news about the Rock King Emperor, so that the matter did not spread further.

After all, the Rock King Emperor is Liyue's faith.

Once it spreads on a large scale, it will cause great panic and movement, causing a series of negative situations.

In that case, it would take a lot of manpower to deal with it.

No matter which seven stars, they don't want to see such a scene.

After all, let things stabilize first.

And when Ye Ruo found Ning Guang, she was already waiting in an office.

After seeing Ye Ruo, she smiled.

"Yo, friend, why do you dare to come to me directly, are you not afraid that I will arrest you on the spot?"

"After all, the girl who came to Liyue with you is now not cooperating with the investigation, but fled."

"It makes everyone think she's suspicious."

"And if you, as a wind knight, still appear here, others may think that the suspicion is even greater."

Ye Ruo had an expression of no concern, and then sat directly here with Condensing Light.

It is the degree to which friends do not need to mind and be restrained at all.

"Of course I'm not afraid."

"What kind of friendship do we have, you won't do this."

"Not to mention that I just came back from outside, and I wasn't at your site. By the way, who would be so bold and dare to attack a martial god? "。

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