Chapter 118 spans thousands of years, and finally meet again!!

So Shen He followed Ye Ruo and set off.

After all, she also thought about it.

I really don't want to go anywhere.

Regarding the words of inviting Immortal Dianyi, neither Master nor she had considered it.

Because Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun also understood that his apprentice was too indifferent and distant.

Don't like to go to crowded places.

Shen He himself also felt that the fate of the world was a luxury, and after all, he was more accustomed to practicing the rules and precepts between mountains and rivers and birds and beasts.

Only this time, she actually met an immortal she didn't know.

It's weird.

Is there any immortal in Liyue Port that Master has not told her?

Even if he learned from Liuyun to borrow the Wind True Monarch, Shen He was very popular with other immortals because he had extremely high immortal resources, and his body and understanding could be described as excellent.

In the clouds, other immortals also taught her a lot of things.

She is a master of many immortals.

It's just that after practicing to a certain extent, those immortals no longer teach new immortal arts, but let her control the killing nature, and her personality tends to be more peaceful.

In the words of the immortals, it is afraid that her strength will be stronger, and her heart will be troublesome if she can't keep up.

The so-called practice is to cultivate the mind first.

Especially her, a person who has rushed both the lonely life and the robbery life, must pay attention to the state of mind.

Ordinary people are guilty of one kind of sin.

She committed two kinds of offenses.

So basically how many immortals are still active, Shen He knows in his heart.

After seeing Ye Ruo, she was indeed surprised.

After glancing at this immortal, looking at his deep eyes, Shen He throbbed a little.

It was as if the heart of the red rope was locked, loosening a little.

And because Ye Ruo had a sense of goodwill and a sense of reassurance that he could trust, Shen He followed...

As for where his friend Morax was, Ye Ruo was still very clear.

After all, everyone has a very tacit understanding.

He has fought for many years and fought against various enemies.

Not to mention that the two of them are originally a half-dragon and half-lin, a real dragon, and they have a wonderful sense.

This is also the reason why they were able to get acquainted so quickly when they first met

Even the Ruoda Dragon King, Ye Ruo could feel it.

So after turning a bustling street and another street, Ye Ruo finally saw Zhong Li's figure.

At this moment, he was sitting at the table on the storyteller's side, slowly picking up the teacup and frosting it, as if waiting for someone.

As soon as Ye Ruo came over, he also immediately looked over.

Reflecting Ye Ruo's appearance in those Jinpo's eyes, Zhong Li was first surprised, then abrupt, and then sighed.

Both sides have their own figures in their eyes.

It's a goodbye that spans thousands of years.

They all used new images.

But they all recognized each other for the first time.

Although, Ye Ruo had long known that Zhongli was Morax.

The so-called immortals all have the ability to change their appearance at will, and as for why he turned into this appearance, it was naturally so as not to be noticeable.

So a more bland male image was chosen.

Although his own temperament and knowledge are placed here, it is not ordinary to think that it is ordinary.

Ye Ruo was an acquaintance who was no stranger, and directly walked over and sat opposite Zhong Li, and asked Shen He to come over.

Then introduce it.

"This is Shen He, Liuyun's disciple."

"Shen He, this is your master's, well, friend. Yes, it's a buddy. It needs to be respectful. "

Faced with respect from Shen He.

Zhongli had a smile in his eyes.

"It's okay, sit down. Don't be too inhibited. "

"I know her, a disciple taken in by Liuyun in the early years, Immortal Zi is intelligent and deeply loved by immortals."

"Then there was a drama called "Goddess Splitting View" based on the rumors of that year, which was quite popular."

"Does the goddess split?"

Hearing this, Shen He fell into deep thought.

She hadn't heard much of that.

After saying this, Zhong Li looked at Ye Ruo again.

"Old friend, long time no see, even missed."

"I didn't expect that you are actually the wind knight of Mond, but this is also a mystery revealed, it is your words, it is reasonable to write the previous novel."

"After all, even the bard couldn't have known that much."

"It's just that it seems that the elixir you studied at the beginning should be half successful, although such a long time has passed, it has finally succeeded."

"Well, this is not a place to talk, I booked a private room at the restaurant in front, let's go there."

After saying a few words, Zhongli stood up.

Originally, this was also the place where he listened to opera, and it was okay to listen to music on weekdays.

However, it is not appropriate to meet with old friends.

So soon they changed places and came to the closed box

When the house has served the drinks and dishes, there is nothing more for him

Respectfully retreated.

And close the door.

Ye Ruo casually waved two immortal talismans and flew to the door, shielding everything from the outside world.

Although the sound insulation here was already very good, with Ye Ruo doing this, the outside was completely quiet.

This surprised Shen He.

The elixir she just talked about already made her care. There are not many immortals who can refine elixirs. And such an immortal talisman also made her feel very novel.

Ye Ruo saw her doubts and guided.

"Actually, don't be surprised, my immortal talismans are just small techniques, and those talismans of yours are the avenue, storing the power of immortals in the talisman seals and exerting all kinds of power."

"Suitable for combat."

"I used it to study all aspects of life, repellent, sound insulation, enchantment, avoiding disasters, driving away evil spirits, attracting wealth, and increasing luck."

"It's just for the convenience of my own daily life."

Then Ye Ruo looked at Zhong Li again.

"Actually, my elixir can't be said to have succeeded, but it still failed. This time I came back only with the help of other methods, only I can use it. "

"But now that I have made a breakthrough in my strength again, I can continue to carry out research."

"Is that so?"

Zhong Li pondered for a moment, then turned his hand, and a small immortal weapon began to grow larger in the palm of his hand.

It exudes a strong fairy aura and the fragrance of elixir.

All made Shen He sniff several times.


She likes the taste of this fairy grass.

It's the same way you eat on weekdays.

"Friend, this Green Dragon Dan Ding has been kept by me for a long time, and it has been properly kept by me, and today it can be returned to the original owner."

As an immortal who was good at refining pills, this Dan Ding was created by Ye Ruo who had spent a lot of immortal materials at that time.

It's just that Ye Ruo died in battle later.

This ding was also found by Zhongli and has remained forever.

Ye Ruo also gladly took the baby.

"Thank you, with this ding, I can be happy again for refining."

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