Chapter 117 Liuyun borrows the Wind Zhenjun and Shen He, I will only be a little!!

Then those hooligans suddenly fell silent.

It's like turning into a puppet.

Ye Ruo just sat in the distance and moved his fingers at random, and the guys walked towards the pool next to them.

One by one, the kind that lined up. Fell directly into the pool.

There was a plopping sound of falling water.

Let the others hear this movement, and after seeing the situation here, they hurriedly shouted.

"Come on, someone's fallen into the water!"

"There is more than one, oh my God, obviously this is just an ornamental pool, how can someone fall into it stupidly?"

"It still looks like an adult, how can there be such a stupid person?"

When a few hooligans fell in, the immortal talismans on their bodies also disappeared.

This allowed them to regain their sanity.

After discovering their situation, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they quickly struggled.

"What, what's the situation, help!"

"Why are we suddenly in the water?"

"Goo, save, coo, help!"

There was a guy who was struggling and poured several mouthfuls of 02 lake water, directly rolling his eyes.

It's about to sink.

Finally, the Thousand Rock Army also rushed over.

But they look weird.

Because I recognized the identities of these guys.

"Isn't this a loafer Mazi, Zhang San?"

"How did you fall in?"

"I really deserve it, obviously last time I was arrested and imprisoned for two days for stealing other people's money."

But having said that, the Thousand Rock Army still rescued these people.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that after these hooligans came up, they directly knelt down in fear and prayed.

"Ask the immortals not to be angry, and the little people should not be offended."

"I'll never do these things again, let us go."

"We vowed to be good people."

Thousand Rock Army and Pedestrians:??? What a situation.

And Shen He, who was originally here, also disappeared because she was surprised to see the talisman seal that appeared out of thin air on the other party's back.

It was an immortal talisman that he had never seen before.

So she glanced around and noticed Ye Ruo, who was smiling at her.

There was still a trace of immortal power on the other party's finger that was slowly dissipating.

It was as if she had found out on purpose.

So Shen He walked over.

"Do you also know immortals, or which immortal are you?"

"It turned out to be an immortal talisman that I had never seen before, and Master didn't teach me this."

After coming here, Shen He asked directly to Ye Ruo curiously.

Ye Ruo just shook his head casually.

"It's just a little trick, I'm not very proficient in the art of talismans, and I can only know a little."

"It's like this driving spell, it's not worth mentioning."

This time, Ye Ruoke did not lie.

Because he really only knows a little about this spell.

Not his forte.

"As for the immortals, I really am."

"What's wrong, curious? I can teach you if you want to learn. "

"After all, you are Liuyun's disciple."

Shen He, who was already surprised, was even more surprised at this time.

"So do you know Master, strange, why haven't you heard her say about you?"

"After all, Master is super good at chatting, so it shouldn't be missed."

Ye Ruo:...

Indeed, Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and was very good at chatting.

However, he still answered Shen He's question.

"Because for them, I would have died a long time ago. It's a long-ago immortal, so it's normal that you don't know me. "

"Okay, sit."

Seeing Shen He standing here, Ye Ruo waved her hand, and she involuntarily sat down.

This series of changes also filled Shen He's mind with more puzzlement

Long dead?

So who is in front of her now.


I can't see it.

Although I have been to Liyue Port before, this is the first time I have seen the strange situation I encountered.

And this immortal, how to say.

He looks so young, looks good, and has a nice smell on his body.

This look made her feel amazing.

It was the first time I had met such a man.

She is very approachable and attractive to her.

So Shen He couldn't help but look at it a few more times, and this feeling of caring didn't even understand her.

Obviously, it was only the first time I saw it, and I wrote it down deeply.

However, she reacted to something and quickly lowered her head.

"Oh yes, just now thank you for helping me dispel those annoying things that are thieves' eyebrows."


"By the way, why did you come to Liyue Port this time, did you come to participate in the Immortal Ceremony?"

When Ye Ruo asked, he also pushed a cup of tea over.

Shen He took a sip before he began to speak up.

"No, it's because a fairy tea tree planted by my master suddenly disappeared, but strangely, that tea tree has obviously died long ago, and it is a dead wood."

"But it just suddenly disappeared."

She felt very strange and wondered if something magical had happened in Liyue Port, so she asked me to come and take a look. If it's nothing, let me relax. "

In fact, Shen He is also very strange.

Because her master was also very surprised, but said that if it was nothing, let her play casually in Liyue Port.

Come back later.

I really don't understand the situation.

As for that tea tree, it is called Yunyin Immortal Dragon Tea Tree.

According to the story that Master told her at the beginning, this tea tree was once contaminated with the blood of an immortal and transformed, and this became an immortal tree.

Later, it was found by Liuyun through the wind Zhenjun.

Planted in the mountains.

It's just that the fairy tree has a spirit, and it seems to sense that its benefactor has disappeared, and it also emits a mournful cry, and it withers.

Died directly.

There is no longer a possibility of resurrection.

Liuyun borrowed the wind Zhenjun and did not lose this dead wood, after all, it was created by the blood of his friends in the past.

Even if it's a thought.

After all, these immortals have a good relationship.

This is why Shen He will go down this time.

Ye Ruo was also a little surprised.


But what he extracted by himself is complete.

There's something about the system.

However, even inserting history can be done, and restoring the fairy tree is trivial.

After knowing the ins and outs, Ye Ruo also nodded.

"I know, your task has been completed, no need to look for it anymore."

"Tell your master when you go back, and your friends will visit a few of them when the time comes."

"That's right. If you want to visit Liyue Port, where are you going to go? "

"I don't know, and I don't know where to go next. It's actually very foreign to me. "

Ye Ruo:... This made Ye Ruo think about it.

"Then don't you follow me, I'll meet an old friend."

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