[Hua: So what we lack is something valuable that they recognize in this world, so why don’t we just find Mei? She lives in this world, right?]

[Wei Erwei: Muyu's brain is right! If we are lucky, we don't even need to be taught. Can't we just ask her to provide us with food and lodging?]

【Alicia: Yeah, why didn't you look for Mei at the beginning? Is it because the cute pink fairy lady who fascinated Mei hasn't appeared yet?♪】

【Kiana: Guess what I'm going to say?】

【Raiden Mei:……】

[Kevin: Well, it's a bit disappointing, but it's doable. I'll go find her tomorrow... eh?]

Before Kevin finished speaking, there was no one in the room.

A group of people were shouting Mei's name on the street.

Paduo turned into a cat and tried to find Mei under a public bench.

Jie Ge lifted the manhole cover and shouted Mei into the sewer. Ai

Li lay on the ground and found that Mei was not there. She turned around and lifted up Sakura's skirt to see if Mei was under her skirt.

[Kevin, who is furious: You are just standing here and eating canned food! (broken voice)]

【Padofilice: Oh, sorry, Kevin, I laughed when you broke the rules.】


【Kiana: It's something that Alicia would do, lifting someone else's skirt. How rude!】

【Alicia: Oh, Sakura didn't say anything, so why don't you just jump out and start a fight? Lululu!】

【Kiana: Bull Demon!】

[Kevin: Well... Very good. I deeply understand that with our current communication capabilities, we will never find Mei in this life. Let's get back to the topic of how to make money.]

Kosmo came over with a telegraph voice.


[Kevin: Comrade Kosmo, please use your vocal cords, there is no need to use Morse code]

[Kosmo: I think people in this era still recognize certain things.]

[Kevin: Straight to the point]

[Kosmo: Art, I suggest that we can sell Gresh's paintings and make a lot of money]

[Su: Indeed, appreciation of beauty is in demand in all times.]

[Alicia: I agree too!]

[Grace: I agree.]

[Kevin: Very good, without further ado, we will go and sell it tomorrow.]

【Kevin: I have a hunch. I will definitely send it later.】

【Ling Ri: Lelelelele. 】

Gresh cried, rubbing her two index fingers together

[Kevin: So why can your painting have a mouth pop out and eat the client? (suddenly crazy) It is very expensive to dissect a person from the body of a Honkai beast!! Did you know?!!!]

【Silver Wolf: Super Beast Fake Painting!】

【Lingri: Gray's crazy work!】

【Star: Client: so?】

[Gray Xiu: It's none of Xiu Xiu's business. Xiu Xiu doesn't know anything.~]

[Kevin: Who did you learn this from?]

[Grace: My friend said that he swallowed it by his own ability, so why should he spit it out?]

[Kevin is in a state of panic: Why don't you let him eat me too? He's here to open the door!]

【Topa: I think of some people who are deadbeats. They often say,"I borrowed the money with my own ability, why should I pay it back?" It's hard to hold back, and in the end they are all ruined by the debts.】


【Xing: What a rotten arch】

【Ai Lixia: Indeed, I think there is nothing wrong with this sentence. I stole the girl with my own ability, why should I return it? Funny.jpg】

【Kiana: Red warm!】

【Ai Lishia: I just like to see you being so angry and helpless, and you can only rage helplessly! Hiahiahia!】

【Raiden Mei:……Stop it, you are all my wings!】

【Kiana: 6 Mei, you have changed】

【Ai Lixia: 6 Mei, you have changed】


Snake came over and said

[Mebius: Oh my, Kevin, I didn't expect that you would have this day. You're arguing with a kid. It's just a little money. What's so difficult about that? Wait for my good news tomorrow!


Kevin looked constipated and sweating.

He looked at the passerby in front of him who was tied up and had a towel stuffed in his mouth.

[Kevin: This is……]

[Mebius: Little white mice~ According to my experiments, if I put them in my bioenergy-to-mechanical-to-electrical energy container and run it perfectly for 24 hours, it should be possible.……]

The more Mebius talked, the more tense Kevin's face became. Before she could finish her words, the police came to handcuff her and took her away, leaving only the confused Gretchen and the constipated Kevin.

【Black Tower: This is the strongest biologist of the salvation organization of the previous civilization?】

【Mebius: It's just a second creation that reduces intelligence. However, we can consider using humans as efficient fuel to produce electricity.】

【Black Tower: Sounds like a good idea】

【Ruan Mei: Agree】

【March 7: There is something wrong with you freaks of physics!】

【This is the real genius!】

【Joy Aha: Made me laugh】


[Kevin: Ahem, okay, let's continue the meeting of the Fire Chasing Ten... Twelve Heroes! Do you have any better suggestions?]

[Padua Felice: Boss, how about we sell this?]

Then Padua Felice began to look through her treasures.

[Kevin: I don’t even know your babies, what could possibly happen…WTF oh oh oh nice! ? ]

Padre Felice pulled out a Rolls-Royce statuette!

[Kevin: No, where did this come from?]

[Padofelius: I found it.]

[Kevin: Where did you find it?]

[Padofelice: On the front of the car opposite, sir, there are many cars like this opposite, why don't I……]

Kevin was sweating more and more as he listened.

In the end, Pado didn't say anything and I was taken away by the police.

【Ling Ri: Bullshit, you stole the golden man from the Rolls-Royce, right?】

【Kiana: Really, panda!】

【Theresa: Looking at this situation, I'm afraid all the heroes will have to go to jail.】

【Sand Gold: Going to prison is not a bad thing, after all, prison provides food and accommodation, right?】

【Padofilis: Oh my, that's a good idea. Why don't they go to the prison group?……】

【Aponia: Paddy, please, stop talking.】


[Kevin: I hope that all the heroes in Zhuhuo Eleven can learn from this and stop taking strange things home.]

[Weiwei: Oh, a real magician will never be caught~ Little Padua still hasn't practiced enough!]

[Grace: Aunt Velvet, can you show me that again?]

[Velvet: Ah, well, of course you can, little Grace~]

Velvet released her car, holding a red button that looked dangerous.

[Lingri: Provincial flow: Chasing the fire ten heroes. ]

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