Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 57: Ambush in advance, wait for the rabbit

city ​​gate.

Song Bin drove here and was stopped by the guard at the door.

Song Bin handed out a certificate, and was soon released.

Seeing this, Lu Lin didn't feel any surprise.

In fact, how could he not know that if he was going out of the city at night, there would be a lot of trouble?

He said just now that he wanted to go out by himself, but it was just for Song Bin to see and to stimulate Song Bin.

However, Song Bin didn't say much about it.

Because before coming to this city gate, Song Bin had already asked Chu Qingxue for instructions and got the other party's consent.

Chu Qingxue asked him to protect Lu Lin's safety.

At the same time, you can temporarily follow Lu Lin's command.

Obviously, Chu Qingxue was also a little curious about what happened suddenly at Ling Xuan's house.

Among the original plots that Lu Lin knew, this incident also caught Chu Qingxue's attention.

However, Chu Qingxue did not expect that such a big crisis was lurking around Ling Xuan.

She didn't even think that Zhou Hong would choose to attack Ling Xuan just after Ling Xuan won the Rongcheng trials.

By the time she noticed the abnormality, Ling Xuan was already in danger.

In the end, Ling Xuan relied on his luck, strength, and determination to escape.

But now, because of Lu Lin's relationship, not only did Chu Qingxue pay attention to this side in advance, but Song Bin, one of her capable subordinates, also personally escorted Lu Lin out of the city at this time.

Because whether it is Lu Lin or Ling Xuan, the talent and potential shown are all worthy of her attention.

Lu Lin had expected this for a long time.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, he did not just want Song Bin to send him out of the city as simple as that.

There will inevitably be battles in the future. Wouldn't it be a waste to leave such a good fighter unused?

Song Bin drove the car smoothly, and drove for another half an hour after leaving the city, finally arriving at the destination Lu Lin said.

Rongjiang Waterfall!

Here, the terrain is very steep, and it is quite difficult for the car to drive.

Lu Lin and the others stopped the car at a distance and chose to walk there.

As Song Bin walked, he glanced around.

He really didn't understand, how did Ling Xuan let Lu Lin come to this place in the middle of the night?

What puzzled him was that as soon as Lu Lin came here, his eyes were fixed on the pool under the waterfall.

Song Bin glanced at it and found nothing.

He couldn't help asking, "Is there something down there?"

Lu Lin nodded and said, "Ling Xuan is inside now!"

Song Bin couldn't help but stare, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

This Rongjiang Waterfall is so steep, with a drop of more than 200 meters, how chaotic the water flow in the pool?

Although, with the help of a talisman or special talisman, it is possible to do this.

However, Song Bin really couldn't understand, what did Ling Xuan do in this place?

In the end, he made a guess based on the previous situation of the Zhou family: "Could it be that Ling Xuan was arrested and then held hostage here, should you come to rescue him?"

Lu Lin nodded quickly and said, "I guessed so too, so I quickly asked Uncle Song to come with me!"

Song Bin's expression became serious.

He whispered to Lu Lin: "Then are we going down now?"

However, Lu Lin shook his head and said, "No, I don't know what's going on right now, I think we'd better look at the situation and talk about it!"

Song Bin thought about it and felt that it made sense.

No matter who is holding Ling Xuan, since the other party did not kill Ling Xuan directly, it should not immediately threaten Ling Xuan's life for the time being.

Moreover, Chu Qingxue had already explained that he should obey Lu Lin's orders for the time being, so now he can only follow Lu Lin's orders.

So, the two of them were just above the waterfall and quickly found a place to hide in a messy place.

Lu Lin also quickly took out a few talismans and simply arranged them around.

A psychedelic rune formation quickly formed, hiding the figures of the two of them.

Song Bin was slightly surprised when he saw Lu Lin's hand.

He somewhat understood why Chu Qingxue attached so much importance to Lu Lin.

At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh to himself: Talisman masters are amazing. If nothing else, this psychedelic talisman array can be arranged anytime and anywhere, and it is really convenient to use it to sneak attack on the enemy!

It is a pity that not everyone in this world has the talent of talisman master.

He was just an ordinary soldier himself.

If he wanted to hide himself with the help of a talisman formation like Lu Lin did, there was a way, and that was to buy a formation plate made by a talisman master.

It's just that that thing is expensive, and many of them are disposable consumables. If they don't have enough wealth, not many people can use them casually.

People like Lu Lin and Ling Xuan, who can fight and have the talent of talisman masters, are talents that all forces attach great importance to!

Hiding in the psychedelic talisman formation, Song Bin thought about it and felt that he still had to report this matter to Chu Qingxue.

After all, Ling Xuan was also someone that Chu Qingxue valued very much, so he couldn't let the other party have an accident just because he was careless.

In this regard, Lu Lin has no opinion.

Anyway, even if Chu Qingxue came in person after a while, most of the matters here would have been resolved, and it wouldn't have much impact on him.

Moreover, Lu Lin felt that there was a high probability that Chu Qingxue would not come.

Because he knew that Chu Qingxue must have other things to do tonight.

For example, the layout to deal with the matter of the city owner Yang Chuan!

From what Lu Lin knew, Chu Qingxue had always known that Yang Chuan had a problem.

In the original plot, Chu Qingxue originally wanted to get rid of this cancer for the local people before leaving Rongcheng.

It's a pity that Yang Chuan is too good at hiding!

The people of Rongcheng even regarded him as a good official.

Chu Qingxue never caught his grip.

Therefore, it wasn't until Ling Xuan came back from the imperial capital that something was revealed because Yang Chuan's son moved someone he shouldn't have.

In the end, Ling Xuan killed the people.

However, this time because of Lu Lin, Chen Jiang did not die, but was caught.

Lu Lin felt that with such an opportunity, Chu Qingxue had no reason not to do something!

After all, if Chen Jiang didn't have the help of the city lord Yang Chuan, how could it be possible to set up in advance, but also destroy the talisman array and let a group of killers infiltrate it?

If Chen Jiang died, Yang Chuan would not be afraid of exposure.

But now that Chen Jiang is not dead, if he doesn't take action, Chen Jiang might shake him out.

Therefore, he will inevitably show his feet!

Of course, these are all things Chu Qingxue should worry about now, and Lu Lin doesn't care.

What he cares about now is that the time on Ling Xuan's side seems to be about the same.

Just when Lu Lin was thinking about this, they suddenly saw that the pool below began to vibrate violently.

Immediately afterwards, a splendid brilliance suddenly appeared above the water surface!


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