Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 56: When things are done, go away and hide your merits and fame!

After getting what he was looking for, Lu Lin naturally turned around and walked out of the room, ready to leave.

Outside the room, the fire has been burning for a long time.

However, when the flame came to the door of the room, it was blocked by an invisible force and could no longer enter.

Lu Lin always felt that such mistakes and omissions in the Zhou family's father and son's scene were really inappropriate.

If Ling Xuan sees something different, wouldn't it be a failure.

So, he decided to be a good man for once.

He walked into the room again, raised his hand and took away all the valuable things in the room.

"I helped Zhou's father and son solve the loopholes in their plan, and it's not too much to accept such a thing as a reward!"

Immediately afterwards, he directly took away the fire-isolating talisman array arranged in the room.

In an instant, the billowing flames spread directly into the room, igniting all parts of the room.

Lu Lin nodded in satisfaction, then closed the door and restored the talisman lock.

Immediately, he walked to the position of the master bedroom, also released the talisman, and entered it.

At the same time, in the study.

Ling Xuan and Zhou's father and son were hiding in the talisman formation he had just arranged in a hurry, but they were not hurt by the flames for the time being.

Zhou Hong, who was flicking Ling Xuan, suddenly felt the key around his waist vibrate.

His face changed suddenly.

It turned out that the talisman lock in his room was of a higher rank. Once someone opened it, the talisman key on his body would vibrate.

However, why did someone unlock his door at this time? !

When he was puzzled, Ling Xuan in front of him asked suspiciously, "Uncle Zhou, why did you stop?"

Zhou Hong suddenly came back to his senses.

Right now is the critical moment for him to fool Ling Xuan. It would be too strange for him to temporarily say that he was going to check his room!

What's more, the room was set up in advance by him with a fire-blocking talisman. If he really wants to go, how could Ling Xuan not find the problem?

Therefore, he can only ignore the situation in his room and continue to fool Ling Xuan!


After a while, Lu Lin walked out of the door again.

The valuables in Zhou Hong's room were also taken away by him.

Then, he also broke the fire barrier and closed the door again.

When it happened, Lu Lin turned around and went downstairs, brushed off his clothes, and hid his merits and fame.

After arriving on the first floor, Lu Lin walked in the direction of the gate.

Then, he saw Song Bin rushing into the sea of ​​fire from outside.

He was surrounded by the talisman light, and after rushing in, he had to search everywhere, but he was stunned to find that Lu Lin was right in front of him.

After being stunned for a moment, he immediately looked happy and rushed to Lu Lin.

When he saw that Lu Lin was safe and sound, not even blushing or panting, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he was surprised again.

Because he found that Lu Lin used this defensive rune skill at this time, and it seemed that the rank was higher than him!

At least, his fourth-level defensive rune skill can't completely isolate the surrounding fire damage!

After staying in the flames for a long time, he couldn't support it either.

What surprised him even more was that Lu Lin had never seen this rune skill before!

However, he didn't say anything, just asked: "Lu Lin, since you're fine, why haven't you gone out yet?"

Lu Lin rolled his eyes and said, "I just went upstairs to save people, but I saw someone escaped with a teleportation talisman. It should be Ling Xuan and the others. Then, I was worried and looked everywhere, I'm sure there's no one in this room, I just want to go out now!"

These words explained Song Bin's doubts, and at the same time dispelled his thoughts of staying in the sea of ​​​​fire to continue checking the situation.

After all, there was no one in the sea of ​​​​fire, so there was no need for Song Bin to stay.

In this way, he will naturally not affect the plans of the Zhou family and their sons.

Seeing Song Bin's stunned expression, Lu Lin immediately said, "Uncle Song, let's go out, my defensive runes won't last long! Also, I need to trouble you to send me to a place immediately."


Song Bin didn't even think about it, he responded directly, then grabbed Lu Lin and rushed out the door.

Soon, they rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

More people have gathered outside the Fire Ocean.

There are many people on the outside, but more people are trying to put out the fire, but the fire has not come down.

Seeing Song Bin bring Lu Lin out, everyone was refreshed.

At least one person was rescued!

The disgraced Li Lan quickly rushed to Lu Lin and the others.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Li Lan asked anxiously, and at the same time looked Lu Lin up and down.

"I'm fine!" Lu Lin shook his head.

Seeing that he was not injured and even his clothes were intact, Li Lan was relieved.

Immediately, she asked anxiously: "What about our master, young master, and young master Ling? Did you see it?"

Lu Lin shook his head and said, "No! However, I saw the teleportation talisman appear, and they probably escaped from the sea of ​​fire!"

Li Lan was surprised: "Really? That's great!"

Lu Lin didn't say anything more, turned to look at Song Bin, and said, "Uncle Song, let's go!"

Song Bin nodded, and then led him hurriedly towards the door of Zizhu Xiaoyuan.

When they came to the door, they happened to see that the firefighters had arrived.

Lu Lin and Song Bin got into the car.

Song Bin asked, "Where are you going?"

Lu Lin said, "Go to the Rongjiang Waterfall outside the city!"

Song Bin was a little puzzled, and said, "What are you doing outside the city in the middle of the night now?"

The reason why Lu Lin is going over there is naturally because the plot that will happen next is over there!

However, he naturally wouldn't say it.

He just said sternly: "I just received a message from Ling Xuan, he asked me to help him over there, and I don't know what it is."

Song Bin frowned.

He originally wanted to send Lu Lin home, and then hurried back to find Chu Qingxue to return to life. Moreover, Chu Qingxue also had other tasks for him.

Seeing this, Lu Lin couldn't help but say: "Uncle Song, if you have other things, I won't bother you, I can go by myself!"

With that said, he was about to open the car door and go out.

Song Bin hurriedly said, "Wait! Forget it, I'll take you there!"

He felt that the fire in the Zhou family tonight was too strange. Even if Ling Xuan escaped from the fire, he should have run back and continued to fight the fire.

However, Ling Xuan unexpectedly wanted Lu Lin to go outside the city, and he didn't clarify why.

It made him feel vaguely wrong.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to let Lu Lin go outside the city alone.

In case something happened to Lu Lin outside the city, how would he explain to Chu Qingxue when he turned back?

So, Song Bin quickly started the car and took Lu Lin straight to the city gate.

At the same time, in Zizhu Xiaoyuan, firefighters have begun to activate various fire extinguishers to put out the fire.

Then, they soon discovered that the flame was triggered by the talisman formation, and if the talisman formation was not broken, it could not be extinguished at all.

After Li Lan learned about this, his face was astonished: "Why would someone set up a talisman in our house and cause a fire?"

Naturally, firefighters don't know this.

They just hurriedly organized manpower and prepared to rush into the fire field to destroy the talisman formation that caused the fire and extinguish the fire.

But at this moment, they saw a bright white light rising into the sky in the sea of ​​​​fire!

Seeing this, Li Lan couldn't help but be surprised again: "Isn't that teleporting Fu Guang? But, Mr. Lu just now, didn't he say that Young Master Ling and Master had already teleported away before?"

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