Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 53: Is it a little too harsh?

When Lu Lin and the others entered the Baibao Pavilion, Chu Qingxue had already returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

This City Lord's Mansion is not the private residence of the City Lord, but the administrative center in Banyan City.

At the same time, it is also where Chu Qingxue usually goes to work and work.

After arriving here, Chu Qingxue instructed the accompanying guards without hesitation: "You should **** the prisoners to custody and keep them under strict supervision!"


The guards responded in unison, and then prepared to **** Chen Jiang and the others away.

Immediately, Chu Qingxue left on her own.

But not long after she left, Yang Chuan, the city lord who came back here together, suddenly stopped the guards.

He said in a deep voice, "You guys, send me Chen Jiang to my office, and the others to the dungeon!"


The captain of the guard hesitated for a while.

Yang Chuan's face sank, and he shouted: "What? Can't I, the city lord, be able to order you now?"

"No, no!"

The captain of the guard quickly waved his hand, and then quickly said: "I will send Chen Jiang to the office of Lord City Lord!"

Yang Chuan's expression softened a little.

Immediately, he strode directly to his office, with several guards escorting Chen Jiang to follow him.

At the same time, among the guards who were escorting other prisoners to the dungeon, the captain of the guard quietly took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Chu Qingxue, who was on her way back to her home, was originally manipulating the ring of consciousness.

Suddenly, a message popped up on the Consciousness Talisman interface in front of her.

She glanced quickly, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"I thought you, Yang Chuan, would cover up a little, but I didn't expect you to be so blatant!"

"If that's the case, don't blame me! This is a gift to the people here before I leave this city!"

Immediately, Chu Qingxue quickly sent out several messages.


Two hours later, Lu Lin and the others had enough to eat and drink, and bought a lot of things.

When they came out of the Baibao Pavilion again, their bodies were completely new.

Not only Lu Lin, but everyone else has also changed into beautiful clothes, all of which are the most fashionable new styles at the moment.

At the same time, it is also the most expensive clothes in Baibao Pavilion.

In addition, Lu Lin bought a new mobile phone, and everyone else also changed to the latest mobile phone.

In the beginning, it was just Lu Lin who was buying heavily, and Ling Xuan and the others were too embarrassed to ask for it.

However, Lu Lin said to them: "We have made a contribution to Rongcheng this time. If it weren't for us, I don't know how many more people would have died! So, this is a reward for us! What's more, our city master The adults are rich and rich, and there is nothing to be polite!"

After what he said, and everyone looked at the clothes, mobile phones and other things that Lu Lin purchased, they really liked it, so in the end, they followed suit.

In this regard, the middle-aged uncle that Chu Qingxue sent to send them did not express any dissatisfaction.

This allowed Lu Lin and the others to open their hands and feet even more.

Especially Lu Lin, the others only bought one set of clothes, but he also bought several other sets in addition to the clothes he was wearing.

Others have only bought a mobile phone, and they are already frightened, worried that the City Lord's Mansion will settle accounts with them.

However, Lu Lin bought two of them directly, and they were both the most expensive models, euphemistically calling them backup machines, in case the other one could not be used when there was a problem.

In the end, Lu Lin even asked the boss of Baibaoge: "Do you have a consciousness ring here?"

Hearing this, Song Bin, the middle-aged uncle in a suit, finally became a little moved.

Ring of Consciousness!

This is a new thing that has just appeared, and the price is extremely expensive!

The entire Rongcheng, aside from their young lady Chu Qingxue, seems to be owned by only a very few people.

He even knew that Yang Chuan, the city lord of Rongcheng, had only managed to get one a few days ago!

Lu Lin actually wanted to take this opportunity to let the City Lord's Mansion pay to buy him a consciousness ring?

Is it a little too harsh?

Fortunately, the owner of Baibao Pavilion regretted that the number of treasures such as consciousness rings is very rare at present. Their store can only get three pieces of goods every month, and they have already been sold.


Lu Lin could only leave with regret.

After they walked out of the Baibao Pavilion, Song Bin hurriedly drove them away.

Among them, Jiang Xing and Zhang Jing's homes were near this commercial street, so they got off the bus soon.

Later, Song Bin sent Han Xiaomo to his door.

In the end, only Lu Lin and Ling Xuan were left in the car.

They live on the same road, but they are on opposite ends of the road.

Song Bin originally wanted to send Lu Lin home, but Lu Lin said, "Uncle Song, let's send Ling Xuan first. I think the people in Ling Xuan's family should be very anxious!"

Song Bin frowned and looked at Lu Lin through the rearview mirror.

He always felt that Lu Lin's expression was a little weird when he said this, but he couldn't say it.

Ling Xuan cast a grateful look at Lu Lin.

Because, he did receive several calls just now, all of which were urging him to go back.

In the end, Song Bin followed what Lu Lin said, and the pioneer car went to the Zizhu Xiaoyuan that Ling Xuan said.

Soon, near Zizhu Xiaoyuan, Ling Xuan was preparing to say goodbye to Lu Lin and the others.

But before he could speak, he heard Lu Lin suddenly say: "Xiao Ling, I suddenly feel a little thirsty, do you mind if I go to your house to ask for a glass of water?"

Ling Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Of course I don't mind! Brother Lu is willing to come to my house, I'm too happy!"

Lu Lin grinned, then looked at Song Bin in the driver's seat, and said, "Uncle Song, if you have something to do, you can go first. I can go back by myself in a while. It's not too far away anyway."

Song Bin smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, I was ordered to serve you tonight. If I don't send you home safely, I can't explain it to our lady!"

Lu Lin nodded and said, "Then wait for me outside for a while!"


Immediately, the car stopped at the entrance of Zizhu Xiaoyuan, and Lu Lin and Ling Xuan got out of the car together.

Song Bin watched them walk in, and suddenly heard the phone ringing in his pocket.

He took it out and saw that it was Chu Qingxue calling.

He hurriedly connected, and UU Reading heard Chu Qingxue's voice.

"Lao Song, are you back?"

"Miss, I guess it will take a while."

"Oh? Why did it take so long?"

Song Bin hurriedly told Chu Qingxue what had happened just now.

Knowing that Lu Lin actually spent a full 200,000 gold coins in Baibao Pavilion, Chu Qingxue was also slightly silent.

But she didn't say much in the end.

After all, 200,000 gold coins are only 2,000 spirit stones.

Thinking of coming to Yangchuan City Lord, he should not care about a few Rongcheng Heaven's favored sons!

She just explained: "Come back as soon as possible after finishing the work, you have other tasks tonight!"

Song Bin replied solemnly, "Yes!"

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