Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 52: And such a good thing?

Originally, this trial would not end until tomorrow morning.

Exactly, that's when the cooling down of "Second Pass" of the god-level download system ended.

Lu Lin had planned to use the second pass directly after the game to download Ling Xuan's unparalleled talent for Rune Dao.

But now because the game ended prematurely, and the cooldown time of the second pass has not passed, he can't download it for the time being.

So, in fact, Lu Lin has made up his mind to try not to leave Ling Xuan too far before downloading Fu Dao Talent.

Right now, he remembered the plot that might happen next, and he even decided to go to Ling Xuan's house in a while!

So, he said, "It's okay, you have something to deal with first! We don't have to rush things like a dinner party, we can't do it today, we can make an appointment tomorrow! Just in time, everyone is tired these days, tonight Take a good rest first!"

"All right!"

Jiang Xing and Zhang Jing all nodded.

In fact, they are indeed very tired, and it is good to go back to rest.

Han Xiaomo rolled his eyes and suddenly asked, "Brother Lu, where do you live?"

Lu Lin glanced at him and asked, "What are you asking my family for?"

Han Xiaomo smiled and said, "Isn't it convenient for me to contact you back! If it's inconvenient for you, you can just give me a communication code."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Xing, Zhang Jing, and even Ling Xuan all asked Lu Lin for the communication code.

The so-called communication code is actually the mobile phone number of the previous life.

It's just that the world is called differently.

It's just, how can Lu Lin have a cell phone?

His previous life was poor, how could he have the money to buy a mobile phone.

This time, although he won the championship, there will be a reward. Now that the City Lord's Mansion and the Talisman Master Guild are busy dealing with Chen Jiang's affairs, it is estimated that the reward will not be distributed for the time being.

Thinking of this, Lu Lin suddenly glanced at the space talisman bracelet on his wrist.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not that he has no money to buy a mobile phone now!

So, he said: "I didn't have a mobile phone originally, but I can buy a mobile phone now and give you my communication code by the way!"

After hearing this, everyone knew that Lu Lin didn't even have a mobile phone.

This surprised them a little.

After all, no matter what they say, they are all Talisman Masters.

In this world, it is not difficult to earn some money to live, even if it is only a junior Talisman Master.

Moreover, mobile phones have gradually become popular in recent years, and prices have begun to drift gradually.

Not to mention the talisman masters, even some ordinary people have also bought mobile phones.

It's hard to imagine that Lu Lin, a talisman master, doesn't even have a mobile phone.

Taking a closer look at Lu Lin's clothes, they found that he was really simple, the material was just the most common, and there were no runes.

This made them a little confused.

Because, Lu Lin's various performances in the Mosha Ridge are unusual no matter how you look at it.

The clothes are simple and they can also think that Lu Lin is low-key and hides his strength.

However, it would be too inconvenient to not even have a communication device such as a mobile phone, which is a necessary daily communication device!

In this regard, Lu Lin couldn't explain it, so he simply didn't explain it.

He couldn't say that all the things they had seen before were downloaded after he entered Mosha Ridge.

Before that, he was really the most common junior talisman master, and he often spent most of the money to sponsor the former orphanage, so he had been living frugally.

However, everything is about to change now.

As his strength improves and his talisman skills improve, it will become easier and easier for him to make money!

There is no need for him to continue to be so frugal now.

The middle-aged uncle who was driving in the driver's seat in front also noticed the conversation between Lu Lin and the others.

Therefore, at this time, he has silently changed his travel direction and came to the nearest commercial street.

When Lu Lin discovered this, they were almost at the door of a shop.

He couldn't help but admire in his heart: As expected of Chu Qingxue's subordinates, his work is reliable!

Soon, the vehicle stopped at the door of the shop.

This store is called Baibao Pavilion, which is very large in scale, occupying a five-story building and is very beautifully decorated.

It's not just cell phones, but many other things for sale, and even places to eat, similar to the big shopping plazas on Earth.

According to Lu Lin's memory, this place is one of the top shopping malls in Rongcheng.

He had never thought of coming to such a place before.

Because the things here are good, but the prices are very expensive, and they are simply not what he can afford.

Now Lu Lin doesn't care.

Originally, I just wanted to get out of the car by myself, buy a mobile phone and come back.

However, Ling Xuan and the others insisted on following along.

The middle-aged uncle who drove them also got out of the car and handed the car to a service staff of Baibaoge to park it.

He smiled and said to Lu Lin and the others, "Otherwise, let's go in together! In addition, everyone must be hungry, so let's just eat something and go back? My lady has already explained that from now until you go to Fucheng for the competition, you guys The consumption can be reimbursed by the City Lord’s Mansion!”

Hearing this, Han Xiaomo and Jiang Xing's eyes lit up.

"Anything like this?"

"I've never heard of such benefits after qualifying for the trials!"

Although their living conditions were much better than those of Lu Lin, a high-end shopping place like Baibao Pavilion was not something they could just buy.

At this time, they were naturally excited when they heard that the City Lord's Mansion could actually be reimbursed!

The middle-aged uncle just smiled and said, "This is our young lady, um, that is the extra benefit that the Deputy City Lord Chu has won for everyone."

"Long live the Vice-City Lord!"

"The Vice-City Lord has been so kind to us!"

Jiang Xing and Zhang Jing couldn't help cheering.

Lu Lin looked at Ling Xuan and said, "What do you say? If you're too anxious, we won't have dinner!"

Ling Xuan thought about it for a while, and UU Reading said: "Anyway, we're here, so let's have a meal and go back! I'll tell Uncle Zhou and the others that it's alright to go back early!"

With that, he took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a message out.

Hearing that he mentioned "Uncle Zhou", Lu Lin couldn't help but twitch.

Immediately, he greeted everyone: "Let's go, let's go in!"

So, under the leadership of Lu Lin, everyone strode into the Baibao Pavilion.

The young waitresses at the entrance of Baibao Pavilion had already noticed their group, and also noticed that the car Lu Lin and the others were riding was the special car of the City Lord's Mansion.

They even heard what the middle-aged uncle said just now, that consumption can be reimbursed by the City Lord's Mansion!

This is a bunch of big customers!

Seeing that Lu Lin and the others were determined to enter the Baibao Pavilion, they hurriedly greeted him enthusiastically.

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