Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 4: Fool the protagonist, the download speed has skyrocketed!

In the end, everyone handed over their space talismans, leaving only the pens and other tools necessary to make talismans.

Lu Lin is no exception.

Anyway, there is nothing special in his space talisman.

In the current situation, the things prepared by other people can't be used, which is a good thing for him.

"Since you are all ready, the trials will begin!"

Chu Qingxue said again, "You all have a Talisman Master badge on your body. If you want to give up the game, you can also use it to call for help, and we will naturally send you out through the Talisman Formation!"

These words made everyone's tense nerves relax a little.

"Okay, let's come in!"

Chu Qingxue waved her hand casually.



On the talisman formation covering the entire Mosha Ridge, gaps opened up.

Several contestants immediately took action, rushing into the Mosha Mountain from different directions!

The others were not far behind, and immediately acted as well.

However, before entering the arena, some people couldn't help but get together and want to join hands.

Chu Qingxue didn't pay attention to this. Obviously, the rules of the competition allowed it.

Even Lu Lin, someone came over to win him over and asked if he would form a team.

Lu Lin glanced at it and sneered inwardly: These guys are ridiculous!

You were still laughing at me for being timid just now. When you saw that my strength was temporarily improved, you came to pull me to form a team?

How shameless!

He categorically refused and said, "Sorry, your strength is too poor, I don't want to form a team with you!"

After speaking, he walked towards Ling Xuan.

On the spot, Qiu Shutao, Fang Jie and others who were rejected by him were all angry.

Some people even cursed, saying that if they meet Lu Lin later, they want to make Lu Lin look good!

Lu Lin ignored them.

These guys also want to trouble him?

It is estimated that they will be eliminated by the first batch as soon as they enter the examination room!

Lu Lin just stared at Ling Xuan.

Ling Xuan walked unhurriedly towards a certain entrance.

Lu Lin naturally followed him closely and chose the same entrance to enter Mosha Ridge.

When Chu Qingxue on the high platform saw this scene, she felt a little surprised again: "This young man, is it possible that he still knows Ling Xuan?"

She specially came to a small place like Rongcheng from the imperial capital. In addition to having things to do, part of the reason was that she wanted to discover some geniuses.

Ling Xuan was a talented player she paid close attention to in this competition.

She had thought before that she wanted to draw Ling Xuan into her camp.

Now there is another Lu Lin, which also caught her attention.

Chu Qingxue waved her hand gently.

The rune bracelet on her hand glowed again, forming a light curtain in front of her.

Above the light curtain, all kinds of relevant information about Lu Lin appeared.


In the dark and cold mountain forest.

Ling Xuan used his movement skills and shuttled through the forest while looking at the surrounding environment.

At this moment, suddenly—

"Brother Ling Xuan, wait!"

Ling Xuan looked back suddenly, and saw a contestant in a blue robe running towards him.

Ling Xuan couldn't help but be taken aback.

Because he recognized that this person was clearly the contestant who had temporarily broken through before coming in outside.

However, he didn't know this person either. How could the other party come to him?

Ling Xuan's thoughts turned around.

His expression looked very calm, but his eyes were full of vigilance and vigilance.

No way, this place is already dangerous, not to mention that he has offended some people before.

The other party will definitely do it to himself this time!

So, he had to guard.

Even if this person appeared at this time, he was only at the fifth level of the Astral Spirit Realm, he would not dare to despise him.

Lu Lin guessed the other party's thoughts, but he pretended not to know.

He just smiled and came two or three meters away from Ling Xuan before he stopped and asked, "Brother Ling Xuan, my name is Lu Lin, are you interested in forming a team to act together?"

Ling Xuan was a little surprised and asked, "Why did you think of forming a team with me?"

His current situation is not good.

Because he offended a certain big family member before, and now he is being targeted by the other party.

Everyone else avoided it for fear of being affected.

He really did not expect that under such circumstances, someone would take the initiative to form a team with him.

Not to mention, at this time they were already competing, and they were still competing with each other!

Could it be that this person has some other conspiracy?

What Ling Xuan didn't know was that Lu Lin was actually checking the download panel at this time.

After seeing that he was closer to Ling Xuan, the download speed directly increased a lot.

Lu Lin's mood immediately became more pleasant.

At the current speed, the time it took for him to download the three skills on Ling Xuan was shortened by a third!

This bet is right!

In fact, he originally planned to follow Ling Xuan quietly and finish the task silently.

However, he suddenly discovered that even if he exerted his footwork skills with all his strength, it would be difficult to keep up with Ling Xuan.

After all, other people's movement skills are of high quality, and in the original plot, Ling Xuan is very proficient in movement skills.

In desperation, Lu Lin could only stop Ling Xuan, ready to change his strategy.

He naturally noticed the alertness in Ling Xuan's eyes, and understood it very well.

It is also impossible for him to trust a stranger in this situation.

However, he had already thought of a way to gain Ling Xuan's trust.

The easiest way, of course, is to use the fact that he knows the plot to start.

So, Lu Lin said solemnly again, "Just now, I accidentally learned some news that may be useful to you."

Ling Xuan asked calmly, "What news?"

Lu Lin deliberately looked around and said, "Are you sure you want to talk here?"

When he asked this, Ling Xuan couldn't help but glance around.

This place is not far from the entrance. Although other people came in from other entrances, the distance between the entrances is actually very close.

It's really not the right place to talk.

After thinking for a while, Ling Xuan said to Lu Lin, "Then let's change places!"


Lu Lin readily agreed.

In fact, it doesn't matter where he goes or what he says.

Now he just wants to delay the time and let himself finish the download.

So, he just used his movement skills without saying a word and followed Ling Xuan.

Of course, he knew that Ling Xuan was very sensitive now.

So, it is very interesting to keep a suitable distance from him, as long as the downloads are kept on.

This made Ling Xuan a little less wary of him.

Ling Xuan originally wanted to find a quiet place to communicate with Lu Lin.

However, this Mosha Mountain is not a peaceful place.

Not long after they walked, the two of them encountered a group of powerful monsters and quickly changed direction to escape.

After walking for a while, they met some other contestants who were hunting monsters. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ling Xuan also chose to avoid it.

Lu Lin naturally chose to go wherever Ling Xuan went.

After walking for a while, they were suddenly attacked by a group of monsters.

It was a group of middle-level star-level monsters that were as strong as cats and as hard as iron—the iron-skinned demon rats!

There are dozens of them!

Lu Lin noticed them appearing and immediately dodged.

After all, the strength of these guys is not low. The strength of a single person is equivalent to the fourth level of the human race astral spirit realm.

With all these added up, he could be in trouble if he is not careful.

However, Ling Xuan's choice was the opposite of Lu Lin's.

He actually rushed directly into the group of rats!

Lu Lin saw that he was like a phantom, coming and going freely among the dense group of rats.

The mice attacked, and he couldn't even touch the corners of his clothes.

Occasionally, he also finds an opportunity to take action and behead a certain iron-skinned devil rat!

"This is the Dacheng-level fourth-level movement rune skill, "Cloud Track Footwork"?"

Lu Lin watched Ling Xuan's performance with great interest, and he was even more looking forward to the movement skills that he was downloading.

He didn't mean to make a move.

He would only take action unless some iron-skinned demon rat had no eyes and ran over to attack him.

Exactly, take a little more time now and let the system complete the download!

By the time Ling Xuan had killed these iron-skinned demon rats, more than half an hour had passed before he knew it.

Lu Lin subconsciously glanced at the download panel.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that he had a download progress, and he almost finished it.

Task 1: Skill "Cloud Track Footwork (Dacheng

Download progress: 96.9%

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