Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 3: The Child of Luck is a great treasure!

"Okay, I explained the rules of the game to you just now, so do you still have any questions?"

On the high platform, Chu Qingxue's voice resounded in all directions again.

Offstage, contestants, look at me, and I look at you.

In the end, none of them spoke.

As for Lu Lin, although he didn't listen carefully just now, having read the novel, he already understood the rules of this competition.

To put it simply, it is to enter this mountain and survive for three days, while hunting monsters and searching for various valuable items.

After the competition, the value of the items collected will be used as the judging criteria for the ranking.

Therefore, Lu Lin naturally did not say a word.

Seeing this, Chu Qingxue spoke again and said, "Since you have no problem, then, next, you should hand over the space talisman temporarily!"

As soon as these words came out, Lu Lin saw that the faces of many contestants around him suddenly changed.

Qiu Shutao couldn't help but ask, "Why do you have to hand over the space talisman?"

Fang Jie also said, "Yes, after handing over the space talisman, how can we fight?"

Zhang Bin questioned: "I remember the last trial, there was no such rule!"

To this, Chu Qingxue just responded lightly: "This is the new rule for this trial! If anyone thinks that after handing over the space talisman, they can't fight, then they can abandon the competition now."

When the words fell, the contestants who were in a commotion all quieted down.

Lu Lin was very interested and admired the expressions of the other contestants around him.

Most of these guys are luxuriously dressed and look like they have a lot of family background.

Previously, after they learned that the competition venue was at Mosha Ridge, the reason why they were able to calm down was mostly related to their respective net worth.

After all, how can someone with a wealth of wealth not have some high-level talismans and other self-defenses on their bodies?

Even some people with relatively poor conditions, for this competition, they have invested all their money and made full preparations.

However, obviously they did not expect that this time the game was played so hard.

For the sake of fairness, Chu Qingxue actually asked everyone to temporarily hand over the Space Talisman in order to select the true genius!

This regulation was announced temporarily. Except for Lu Lin, who knew the plot, and a few people who knew the rules for a long time, everyone else was a little flustered.

However, when Chu Qingxue said that those who had opinions had to abandon the competition, they all dared not say a word.

Just kidding, this game is related to their future!

Whether you want to enter various universities, or want to enter the army, join a major force, or want to become the key training target of the Talismans Guild.

Let's see if they can pass the selection and emerge in the official competition!

In a lifetime, this is one chance!

How could they give up?

However, these have nothing to do with Lu Lin.

At this point, he ignored others, and had already started looking for the next download target again.

It's just that there is one more powerful practice method, but it's not enough insurance for him.

He originally wanted to continue to download some skills from Chu Qingxue.

However, he found that even if he had learned "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements", even if his cultivation level had improved to a level, the time required to download Chu Qingxue's skills would only be slightly shorter than before, and he would still be at every turn. It will take several days.

Now that the second pass opportunity has been used, he has to turn his attention to other people around him.

Suddenly, his gaze stopped on a handsome young man in a thin T-shirt and slacks.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "This guy should be Ling Xuan, the protagonist of this world!"

After Lu Lin's gaze stopped for a few seconds on Ling Xuan, the system automatically parsed out his relevant information.

Name: Ling Xuan

Age: Seventeen

Cultivation: Astral Spirit Realm Sixth Layer

Exercise: "Lingxiao Secret Scroll"

Talents: Talisman (superior grade), fire type (superior grade), wind type (top grade), thunder type (top grade)

Bloodline: Body of Flame Spirit

Skills: "Cloud Tracking Footwork (Dacheng, "Sword Slaying (Xiaocheng, "Spirit Armor (Xiaocheng, "Ling's Talisman (Xiaocheng

Lu Lin clicked his tongue secretly!

This talent...

It's simply outrageous!

As expected of the son of luck!

In particular, the talent of Fu Dao has actually reached a peerless level, even higher than Chu Qingxue!

However, after the shock, the curvature of Lu Lin's mouth became more obvious.

This Ling Xuan is really a big treasure!

Not to mention the talent and bloodline, it is the "Ling's Talisman Refinement" among the skills, which is extremely valuable.

After all, the person who created this talisman technique is a master-level talisman master!

Speaking of Ling Xuan's other skills, although the rank is not as good as Yan Qingxue's, it is much better than Lu Lin!

Lu Lin's skills were all basic, and their grades were first-level at best.

And Ling Xuan, as far as he knows, every one of them is level four!

Seeing so many things that can be downloaded, Lu Lin didn't know how to choose for a while.

After all, he could only download at most three things from Ling Xuan a day.

After thinking for a while, Lu Lin selected three skills, "Spirit Slaying Saber Technique", "Spirit Armor Protection", and "Cloud Track Footwork" on Ling Xuan's attribute panel.

He felt that he still had to improve his ability to survive first!

So, I chose several skills in combat.

As for the others, we will think of ways later.

start download!

Three download progress bars appeared in front of Lu Lin at the same time.

Lu Lin took a look and found that the download time basically took half a day, so he was relieved.

For half a day, he figured out a way to follow Ling Xuan, and it probably wasn't a big problem!

He did not look, and waited silently.

On the high platform, Chu Qingxue stood slim, her eyes were calm, and she glanced at everyone.

Naturally, she also noticed Lu Lin's performance, and for a while she became more curious.

She was not surprised that some children from big families who were present knew some rumors in advance and were mentally prepared.

But Lu Lin was obviously from an ordinary background, but she was still so calm, which made her a little surprised.

However, Chu Qingxue then felt that there was no need to make a fuss.

After all, Lu Lin is practising the same ancient practice as she does. Even if his family background is average, there must be other opportunities!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain how he obtained the "Three Disasters and Nine Refinements"!

Of course, these Chu Qingxue did not want to explore at this time.

She just looked at the contestants present, spoke calmly again, and said, "The reason for temporarily taking away your space talisman is for the sake of fairness!"

"In addition, it is also to test your true abilities! After all, if you really fight on the battlefield, who can guarantee that you will have sufficient equipment for you to use at any time?"

"Want a talisman? Don't you guys use materials on the battlefield and make your own? We are going to select a talented talisman master, not a rich second generation!"

"If you are not sure of surviving in this Mosha Ridge, give up the game as soon as possible, and don't go in and be embarrassed!"

Everyone looked at each other, all speechless.

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