Remember [New] in a second! "Evil, dare you."

After saying this, Lu Lin punched out from the air.


I saw two of the ghosts scattered by Lu Linzhen.

However, the last ghost was up and down with a knife.


Yang Jun's head flew more than three meters high.

Before his body fell down in the tunnel, he was overwhelmed by more ghosts.

"Senior Brother Yang, Senior Brother Yang."

Su Wan's three daughters burst into tears immediately.

"Hehehe, three little beauties, why are you crying? Soon, you will be reunited with your Senior Brother Yang."

After speaking, Vincent raised his leg.

One of the women was kicked into the tunnel by him.

This woman's strength is too low, she only has the sixth level of Moon Shadow, and as soon as she fell into the passage, she was beheaded and killed by two ghost shadows on the spot.

"Second Junior Sister!"

Su Wan shouted hoarsely.

Lu Lingang gritted his teeth: "Vincent, I'm a fool, once I go out, I will kill you."

After saying this, Lu Lin's whole body was shaken, and the Brahma Saint's True Extreme Kungfu and Yuyi were functioning to the extreme.

At this time, Vincent slowly raised his right palm and aimed at Han Xiaomo.

Han Xiaomo was startled, he stepped back step by step, and only stopped when his back leaned against the stone.

He rolled his eyes and knelt directly on the ground.

"Mr. Vincent, if you have something to say, please tell me. In fact, I have a big secret to tell you. Maybe you can find the ancient treasure." Han Xiaomo said.

"Ancient treasure?" Vincent was taken aback.

Immediately, he squinted his eyes.

"Little guy, do you want to delay time? Hahaha, it's late."

After speaking, Vincent raised his right palm high.

At this moment, a black line spread from the depths of the passage, reaching Vincent almost in seconds.

Vincent was startled, his body rolled on the spot, and he avoided the black line in a panic.

At the same time, he turned his eyes to the ghost channel.

At this time, Lu Lin was completely demonized, holding a black dragon sword in his hand.

Another black line spread from the Black Dragon Saber, and the target was still himself.

Vincent's posture changed, and he evaded to the side again.

Taking advantage of these two cuts, Lu Lin forcibly mobilized his physical and spiritual power, and landed outside the passage in a few flashes.

"Vincent, no matter how strong your background is today, I will definitely kill you."

After saying this, Lu Lin's eyes flickered black, like a beast that chooses to eat someone.

"Hahaha, I admit, maybe my strength is not far behind yours, so I'm leaving."

After saying this, Vincent suddenly stomped on the ground lightly.


A gap suddenly appeared on the ground, and Vincent and the three girls fell down at the same time.

"Want to run?"

Lu Lin hurried over.

But just for a while, a huge stone slab protruded from the side of the gap, covering the gap.

"Want to run?"

A download page appeared directly in front of Lu Lin, one of which displayed Vincent's kung fu.

About ten meters away from Lu Lin.

It proved that there were only two secret rooms between them, and Lu Lin could still catch Vincent just by blasting this stone slab.

"Give it to me."


A huge roar sounded, but the surface of the stone slab was only shattered, revealing the blue-black metallic luster inside.

"Brother Lu, don't be impulsive. Reserve your strength. Even if you blast through this layer of special metal, it will consume a lot of physical strength. Preserving your strength is the kingly way."

Han Xiaomo quickly stopped in front of Lu Lin.

"Go away."

Lu Lin pushed Han Xiaomo five meters away, and raised the black dragon sword in his hand.

"Brother Lu!"

Han Xiaomo yelled and pulled Lu Lin's sanity back.

I saw him slowly put down the Black Dragon Saber.

That's right, we need to preserve our strength now, because there are not only various ancient rune arrays, but also various organ puppets.

The most important thing is that the ancestor of the Chen family also has a grudge against him, and it might take a lot of energy to meet him at that time.

He must retain strength.

"Okay, Vincent, then you have to go out through the exit, and I will be waiting for you outside."

Lu Lin finally curbed his anger.

Su Wan and another woman came over.

The seven sons of Mietianzong, now only their two women are left.

At this time, Laomo Yan appeared outside the ghost channel with a flicker.

Black shadows peeled off from his body one by one.

But Lu Lin could tell that once these ghosts entered Laomo Yan's body, they seemed reluctant to leave.

Yan Laomo used five or six magical powers in a row before forcing the fourth phantom out of his body.

However, another phantom was competing with him for the dominance of his body.

"Hahaha, Old Demon Yan, have you been taken over by me this time?"

This old devil Yan's aura changed drastically at this moment, as if he had changed himself.

Puff puff!

Hua Luoqing and the others also landed outside the passage, and looked at Old Mo Yan with suspicious eyes.

"Be careful, this is no longer the complete old demon Yan, there is another phantom in his body."

Liu Haifeng said.

It is equivalent to saying that the current Yan Laomo is fighting for control of the body with another phantom.

"Yan Daoyou, you can stay here by yourself, let's take our leave first."

After finishing speaking, Hua Luoqing's face turned frosty, and she walked away with the remaining Hua family disciples.

When approaching the corner, Hua Luoqing suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Lin with a flat gaze.

"Mr. Lu Lin, do you still want to come with us?"

Now she has lost her usual gentle look, and it is heartbreaking to watch.

This time, she originally wanted to come here to find some talisman treasures and exercises to improve the strength of the younger generation of the Hua family.

But is it okay now?

The Hua family lost two masters who were at the sixth level of the scorching sun.

"Go, keep up."

Lu Lin nodded, and walked with Han Xiaomo and the three of them.

On the other side, Old Demon Yan stood on the spot like a puppet, trembling all over, competing with the phantom for dominance of his body.

The Five Demons Concentric Shadow can indeed double his strength by two or three times, but once this kind of magic technique backfires, it can also kill him half of his life.

If he hadn't met someone from the Hua family, other people might have made trouble for him, so Yan Laomo was lucky.

After turning a corner, Lu Lin followed the Hua family.

Compared with the harmonious atmosphere at the beginning, everyone is now lifeless.

The Hua family lost two masters, and Lu Lin lost Yang Jun.

"Uh, Sister Hua, UU Reading Brother Lu, in fact, you should have expected it before entering the ruins, and don't affect your mood too much, otherwise, if you are in a bad mood, what we will do next The treasure hunt is about to fail."

Han Xiaomo persuaded carefully.

After hearing Han Xiaomo's words, Lu Lin was shocked.

Indeed, if you have a long face every day, it may affect your mind.

So, Lu Lin looked Han Xiaomo up and down with his eyes.

This guy is indeed a master of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. In terms of psychological quality alone, he is better than 90% of the masters. No wonder he can survive to the end.

After all, Hua Luoqing was also a master of the scorching sun, and after hearing these words, she also came to her senses.

"Indeed, thank you, little brother Mo." Hua Luoqing said.

"Uh, hahaha, I'm just watching as an outsider. If what happened to me, I'm afraid, I'm not as good as you." Han Xiaomo hurriedly humbled himself.

You know, his principle is to continue pretending as long as he is not dead, and he will only reveal his wisdom and strength unless he is dying.

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