Remember [New] in a second! Then, two other middle-aged men came over.

Only Elder Hu and Liu Haifeng did not come. They should be offshoots of the Hua family, so they are not qualified to worship ancestors. Only the other two middle-aged people have the surname Hua, and Hua Luoqing belongs to the direct descendants.

"Junior Brother Mancheng, Junior Brother Wuhen, get up."

Hua Luoqing said.

These two middle-aged people are called Hua Mancheng and Hua Wuhen respectively.

The two middle-aged men stood up, but there were no sad expressions on their faces.

"Keep going."

After speaking, they began to look for treasures again.

There are indeed a lot of treasures here, but they are not the earliest treasures in this ruins, but the treasures picked up from various corpses.

Although these talismans are powerful, they are not from the ancient times at all, so the group of people are a little disappointed.

Finally, they came to the last passage.

Here, there is also a hexagonal secret room, which should be the end of this branch passage.

And in the innermost part of the secret room, there is a huge statue of the blood-eyed Buddha, ten meters high, with red eyes.

"Isn't it? We tried our best to pass through the ghost channel, but in the end, there were no ancient treasures at all."

Hua Mancheng was a little dissatisfied, and even a little out of breath.

Although they also searched for some talismans, they were all the talismans of the corpses who came in later to hunt for treasures. Although the power was acceptable, he was not much stronger than their talismans, and it was not worth it at all.

At this time, Lu Lin jumped onto the blood-eyed Buddha and began to beat on it with the weapon in his hand.

"Brother Lu, could it be?"

Hua Luoqing and the others were startled, and quickly jumped on the blood-eyed Buddha, looking for the mechanism above.


At this moment, there was a slight mechanical sound from the eyeballs that Lu Lin tapped.


All eyes were on the blood-eyed Buddha's eyes.

I saw the whole body of the giant Buddha startled.

"Could it be that there are a lot of talismans inside?"

Hua Mancheng couldn't help but said.

Lu Lin also looked at the eyes of the blood-eyed Buddha, which were turning rapidly, as if some mechanism was about to be activated.

In just a split second, the hairs all over Lu Lin's body stood on end, and an indescribable sense of crisis instantly spread throughout his body.

"Not good, run away."

After speaking, Lu Lin quickly fled towards the outside of the passage, and in the process of fleeing, dense black scales appeared on his body.

At the same time, the black feather coat also protruded from behind, covering his whole body tightly.

Hua Luoqing and the others were also shocked, because they were far away from the statue, so they fled to the edge at the same time as Lu Lin.

In just a split second, the two eyes of the Blood-Eyed Buddha burst open at the same time, and a large amount of blood shot out from inside.

"This is?"


Just as Hua Mancheng said two words, his body was directly hit by the strange blood.

After the blood was gone, only a figure of a lake of flesh and blood was left in place.

The figure struggled twice in the blood, and barely stretched out a hand.

"Save, save, save me."

After finishing speaking, Hua Mancheng fell to the ground with a bang.

"No, Junior Brother Mancheng." Hua Luoqing shouted.

However, Liu Haifeng desperately pulled her out of the passage.

The blood in the blood-eyed Buddha was still flowing out, and soon filled the passage, and flowed outside.

Where the blood passed, all the corpses on the ground turned into a part of the blood, and even the stones were smoking.

"This is poisonous blood."

Lu Lin quickened his pace and quickly fled outside.

At this time, a black shadow flashed, Yan Laomo jumped into the ghost shadow passage one step ahead of Lu Lin, and fled to the outside of the passage at a fast speed.

Lu Lin was the second to jump into the ghost tunnel.

The ghosts all around immediately swarmed up, and they kept attacking Lu Lin's feather coat and black scales with weapons.

Although Lu Lin's strong defense could not be broken, it still made Lu Lin extremely irritable.

"Go away."

Lu Lin's whole body was shaken, and the third level of the Brahma Saint's True Extreme Kungfu was unleashed.

The ghosts around were shaken, and all turned into nothingness.

At this time, Hua Luoqing and the others also jumped into the passage.

Elder Hu ran the slowest because he was the oldest.


A spatter of blood landed on his back.


Elder Hu let out a scream, and threw his body forward.

"Elder Hu."

Hua Luoqing didn't care about anything else, and directly grabbed Elder Hu's hand.

"Patriarch, you, go on your own, it's too late." After Elder Hu finished speaking, he pushed Hua Luoqing forward forcefully.

Hua Luoqing and Liu Haifeng landed in the passage.

"Patriarch, let's go, don't waste Elder Hu's sacrifice." Liu Haifeng said, and Hua Wuhen supported Hua Luoqing on the left and right, and rushed out of the ghost passage.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down her cheeks.

However, she could only take one second to be sad.

Now, there are only three of them left in the upper echelons of the Hua family, and she still has a useful body to support the entire Hua family.

At this time, the poisonous blood had poured into the ghost channel and was slowly spreading to everyone.

Lu Lin ran the fastest, and he was still fifty meters away from escaping from the ghost passage.

Behind him is Yan Laomo.

Under the hurdle of life and death, Yan Laomo once again took out the Five-Demon Fusion, but even so, his speed was about twice as slow as Lu Lin's third level of Brahma Saint True Extreme Kung Fu.

"Ah, Brother Lu, hurry up, run, there's a lot of blood behind, and it's already flowing towards you."

Han Xiaomo, Yang Jun and others shouted outside the passage.

"Patriarch, run faster, the blood is only a dozen meters away from you."

Those monks from the Hua family who were in the first and second levels of scorching sun were also shouting.

At this moment, Lu Lin's expression changed.

Behind Han Xiaomo and the others, four figures appeared.

The leader is none other than Vincent.

When Vincent saw Lu Lin and the others in the passage, he was ready to back away.

But immediately he discovered the clues, Lu Lin and others couldn't walk fast in the passage, gravity was applied to their bodies, and they were still being attacked by dense ghosts around them.

"Little Mo, be careful behind you."

Lu Lin shouted.


Han Xiaomo was startled, he didn't turn back immediately, but rolled to the side.

But Yang Jun suddenly turned around. UU reading

I saw Vincent standing behind him, staring at him with sinister eyes.

"Wen, Vincent."

Just after Yang Jun finished speaking, Vincent slapped out without warning.



Yang Jun's body fell directly into the ghost channel like a kite with a broken string.


As soon as he entered the tunnel, Yang Jun spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior Brother Yang, hurry up, we will pull you out."

Su Wan and the three daughters hurriedly took off their belts, trying to pull Yang Jun out.

Yang Jun was seriously injured, and was hit by Vincent again.

But this was not the final blow. Three ghost figures appeared all around at the same time, all of them were at the first or second level of scorching sun.

Lu Lin's eyes spit fire.

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