Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 29: Why is it me who does the work, but Brother Lu who pretends to be?


The flame engulfed the golden spear.

In an instant, the golden spear melted and vanished into nothing.

In the final analysis, the golden spear shadow is actually a kind of gold energy condensed.

The strength attributes are mutually reinforcing.

Lu Lin uses fire to overcome gold, and he can dissolve it in an instant.

It's not that Chen Jiang doesn't know this.

However, he didn't expect that the talisman array that Lu Lin and the others set up happened to restrain his fire attribute!

However, he did not give in.

In his opinion, if Lu Lin and the others can block his attack once, they may not be able to block his continuous attack!

And his Golden Feather Cloud Piercing Formation, in addition to its powerful attack, the biggest feature is that it can continuously release attacks!

So, he immediately activated the rune power again, instilling it into the rune formation.

The next moment, one after another, golden gun shadows appeared one after another, like a violent storm, flying towards the location of Han Xiaomo and the others again!

The three of Han Xiaomo, who were just happy just now, all jumped up in shock when they saw this!

If it was said that they would be seriously injured in the attack just now, under the current wave of attacks, if they are hit, it is estimated that they will directly become a few sieves!

At this moment, the three of them suddenly regretted it.

They all knew that Chen Jiang was likely to come to trouble Ling Xuan and the others, so why did they just stay here?

As a result, now Chen Jiang, a lunatic, does not attack Ling Xuan and Lu Lin, but stares at them!

It's as if you can't stop until you kill them first!

Knowing that Chen Jiang's brain problems were so big, they ran away to hide!

While cursing in their hearts, the three of them activated their defensive runes almost immediately.

They knew that their talisman formation could not stop them, and at the same time they were not sure whether Lu Lin could stop it, or whether he would help them.

Therefore, they can only hope that they will use the defensive rune skills to protect their vital points, so that they can save their lives.

However, they soon discovered that their anxiety and regret were wasted.

Because, when the dense golden gun shadows broke through the air, the waves of flames that appeared just now also appeared again.

The difference is that the flames that appeared this time formed a vortex, which directly engulfed all the golden gun shadows.

No matter how many attacks Chen Jiang unleashed, it engulfed it directly!

The three of Han Xiaomo saved their lives once again.

Just when they were relieved again, they heard Lu Lin's voice again.

"To be honest, I'm very disappointed!"

"It is said that Chen Jiang, the son of the Chen family from Fucheng, is so powerful that I have been looking forward to this match for a long time."

"It turns out that this is the ability!"

"I knew you were so weak earlier, so I didn't need to spend so much time arranging the rune array! It's a waste of expressions!"

This word, let alone Chen Jiang, even Han Xiaomo and the three of them felt extremely heartbroken.

The three of them also raised their hearts all at once, staring at Chen Jiang nervously.

I always feel that now Chen Jiang regards their side as the entry point of the talisman formation!

But in fact, their talisman formation has nothing to do with Lu Lin's side!

Now that Lu Lin is so provoking Chen Jiang, maybe Chen Jiang will continue to attack them again!

Just when these thoughts surfaced in their minds, they saw that Chen Jiang was so angry with Lu Lin that he almost smoked.

He quickly changed the rune formation, and then started attacking again!

Attack direction...

It's still Han Xiaomo and the others!

Now, Han Xiaomo and the others are completely mad!

"I wipe! Is this Chen Jiang crazy?"

"Why are we all being attacked all the time!"

"It was obviously Lu Lin who stimulated him, why did he have to grab us and attack?"

Han Xiaomo even suspected that just now Lu Lin asked him to take out and pick up things, not really wanting to benefit them, but wanting him to attract Chen Jiang's firepower!

This time, Chen Jiang used a water-based symbol formation.

Surrounded by the dazzling talisman light of the talisman array, he suddenly unleashed his strongest attacking talisman skills.

Level 4 Palm Rune Skill - Shocking Dragon!


I saw him reach out and shoot it out with a palm, and a jet of blue water burst out of the sky like a awakened giant dragon, and rushed straight to where Han Xiaomo and the others were!

At the same time, Lu Lin, who was holding the formation talisman and was controlling the compound five-star formation, saw that on his download panel, the download speed of "Frightening the Dragon's Palm Method" suddenly increased sharply.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly: It's finally started!

Seeing that he was using the power of flame just now, Chen Jiang thought they were the fire-type talisman formation, so he naturally started to use the water-type attack.

And Chen Jiang's best water talisman skill is the "Frightening Dragon Palm Technique" that Lu Lin is downloading at this time.

What Lu Lin wanted was for him to use the "Frightening Dragon Palm Method" to speed up the download for him.

So, seeing Chen Jiang's water attack at this time, Lu Lin should have converted the talisman and used the power of the earth to fight against it, but he didn't.

He was just still activating the rune formation, and it evolved into a giant flame dragon, colliding with that one after another like a dragon water column.


The flame and the water column collided violently, UU reading www. uukanshu. com erupted in bursts of roar.

Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, the three of them, were at the place closest to the collision, and they were terrified.

They originally thought that Lu Lin would be defeated soon.

After all, water overcomes fire, this is common sense.

But in fact, Lu Lin and Chen Jiang were evenly matched.

Of course, water can restrain fire, but if the fire is strong enough, it can also restrain water in turn!

The biggest advantage of Lu Lin's side is that the power of Ling Xuan's composite five-star array is far stronger than the talisman array that Chen Jiang hastily arranged.

Therefore, even in the process of passive defense, Lu Lin still fought back and forth with Chen Jiang, and it was indistinguishable.

As soon as Chen Jiang saw that he could not extinguish Lu Lin's fire by attacking with the water element, he was also enraged.

He attacked frantically with all his strength, and even took some elixir to restore rune power, putting on a stance that he had to suppress Lu Lin!

In the midst of this ongoing battle, Lu Lin is rapidly soaring from the download progress of the "Frightening Dragon's Palm" he downloaded!

At the same time, Ling Xuan in the cave had quietly completed the recovery of Fuli while they continued to fight.

When Ling Xuan opened his eyes, he saw Manipulating the Fu Formation and Chen Jiang duel, and sometimes said some yin and yang strange words to stimulate Chen Jiang.

At first, he felt a little happy when he saw Chen Jiang jumping like thunder.

But gradually, he felt something was wrong.

For some reason, Ling Xuan arranged this compound five-star formation, but when Lu Lin was using it, he looked like he was the one who arranged the formation.

Ling Xuan scratched his head: It's obviously me who does the work, how come it's Brother Lu who is pretending to be forceful?

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