Your Talent Isn’t Bad, It Will Be Mine Soon

Chapter 28: That's it? Are you going to laugh at us to death!

Han Xiaomo returned to the talisman formation, and the smile on his face was completely unbearable.

Originally, he thought that even if he knew the whereabouts of the essence of the Jade Dragon, it would be very difficult to obtain it.

Who would have thought that Lu Lin not only told him the news, but also helped him obtain the essence of the jade dragon so quickly!

This simply surprised him.

The resentment caused by Lu Lin's calculation before has completely dissipated at this time.

In fact, he in turn was very grateful to Lu Lin.

Because the essence of the Jade Dragon is too precious, it is extremely important to him.

He was calculated by Lu Lin, and he didn't lose much, but now he has gained huge benefits, which is simply too cost-effective!

Jiang Xing looked at him beside him, a little envious, and said casually: "Don't be happy, this thing is not necessarily yours!"

Han Xiaomo suddenly came back to his senses, and his face became a little more serious.

He naturally also knew that Chen Jiang had suffered such a big loss, it was impossible to just forget about it.

What's more, what he robbed was such a precious thing.

After fighting for a while, maybe the other party will take something back.

So, Han Xiaomo immediately put away the things, and looked nervously at Chen Jiang outside the Fu array.

Outside of the Fu formation, Chen Jiang's eyes at this time were as if he wanted to swallow Lu Lin alive!

However, behind such a hideous and angry face, there is a bit of vigilance and vigilance hidden!

Obviously, Han Xiaomo's sneak attack just now really made him angry, but it also sounded the alarm for him!

Although he used a secret technique to find out the existence of a talisman formation nearby, his secret technique could not tell him what this talisman formation was, let alone how many people were hidden in the talisman formation and how dangerous it was!

Even if he didn't feel that among the contestants, there was anyone who could have the strength to threaten him, but he still didn't dare to take it lightly.

More ants kill elephants!

He still understands this truth.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought about using monsters to break Ling Xuan's talisman formation just now, but rushed to the reckless!

So even if he was extremely angry at this time, he still did not act without permission, but silently observed and thought.

That's why he didn't move for a long time.

Seeing this, Lu Lin became a little impatient, and said, "Why, don't you dare to do it? There's no other way? Then I'll go back first!"

After speaking, he actually turned his head back into the psychedelic rune formation and disappeared from Chen Jiang's face!

Seeing this scene, Chen Jiang gritted his teeth angrily, and yelled angrily, "Stop, get out of here!"

Unfortunately, no matter how much he cursed, no one responded to him.

This feeling of being ignored made Chen Jiang furious.

In addition, he also knew that there was not much time for him to act.

The invigilator who was temporarily lured to the depths of Mosha Mountain may be back soon.

At that time, even if he wants to make a move, he will not have a chance!

He felt that this was probably the purpose of Ling Xuan, Lu Lin, and the little fat man who appeared and disappeared just now!

So, he finally couldn't help but take another shot.

I saw that he took out several more talismans, including attacking talismans, defensive talismans, and several auxiliary talismans.

He first sacrificed the defensive talisman to protect his body, and then held the attacking talisman in his hand. Then he scattered a few auxiliary talismans around his body to form a battle.

Obviously, this time, he is preparing to arrange a spell formation.

Lu Lin watched his actions, but didn't do anything, let alone let Han Xiaomo go to forcibly take Chen Jiang's talisman.

Because Chen Jiang just took out the attacking talisman and the defensive talisman first, obviously to guard against them.

Moreover, those auxiliary talismans are also very close to Chen Jiang. Even if Lu Lin asked Han Xiaomo to **** them, he would definitely not dare to go!

However, Lu Lin was still very calm.

Because, Lu Lin had already guessed what kind of talisman formation Chen Jiang was arranging.

According to the original plot of the novel, this Chen Jiang has only a few signature arrays.

And what he wants to do at this time is clearly to launch an attack, so what he naturally arranges is to attack the rune formation, so there are fewer choices!

Chen Jiang quickly completed the arrangement of the talisman formation.

Sure enough, it was an attacking rune that Lu Lin knew.

This formation is called the Golden Feather Piercing Cloud Formation, which is an intermediate-level attacking rune formation of the gold type. It is also a unique rune formation owned by the family behind Chen Jiang, with enormous destructive power.

Chen Jiang stood in the talisman formation, with talisman lights flickering around his body, and several auxiliary talismans burst out with dazzling talisman lights, condensing with the attacking talisman spear in his hand.

In an instant, his aura suddenly increased!

At the same time, the anger on his face quickly disappeared, replaced by a cold, hideous look.

He looked at the place where Lu Lin had just disappeared, and said coldly, "No matter what arrangement you have, you shouldn't let me set up the Golden Feather Cloud Piercing Formation successfully! Now, start regretting it!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly urged the long spear and stabbed it out with a single shot. Lu Lin stabbed them here!

At this moment, Han Xiaomo, Jiang Xing, and Zhang Jing all changed their faces and cursed out loud!



"I'm riding a horse!"

It turned out that Chen Jiang's shot at this time was not aimed at Lu Lin and Ling Xuan, but at them!

I don't know if it was Chen Jiang who thought that Lu Lin and the others might have some conspiracy, maybe they were trying to lure him to attack, so he chose another direction, or he thought that Han Xiaomo's defense was weaker.

In short, his attack was aimed at Han Xiaomo and the others!

The attacking talisman burst out with a dazzling golden light, turned into a huge long spear, and flew towards Han Xiaomo and the others!

The three of Han Xiaomo roughly estimated that the power of this gun has definitely surpassed the eighth level of the Astral Spirit Realm, and it is comparable to the attack power of the powerhouses of the ninth level of the Astral Spirit Realm! Lu Lin stabbed them here!

This is the attack power of the Golden Feather Cloud Piercing Array!

At the same time, this is also one of Chen Jiang's important cards.

With this blow alone, Han Xiaomo's talisman formation can't stop it at all!

But just when Han Xiaomo and the others were in grief and despair, Lu Lin's voice suddenly entered their ears.

"That's it? How dare you say such a big thing? I think you're planning to laugh at us to death!"

Chen Jiang, who was about to laugh wildly, suddenly froze.

His first thought was that this Lu Lin was talking big and bluffing!

But for a moment in Xia, he felt as if someone had slapped him hard.

Because, just when his golden spear light was about to hit the target, a large flame appeared out of nowhere, and smashed down at the golden spear shadow!

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