Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 191 The deal with Wang Changjin


Shen Lingjun looked angry, but quickly became speechless.


This son of a bitch really has no obligation to explain this to her!


Why does his expression look so unpleasant?

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth and calmed down. Stay calm.

If you want to deal with this bitch prince, you must not be impulsive.

After reciting it several times in her mind, she gradually calmed down: "Since you said Miss Yingying assassinated you, there must be evidence, right?"

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Of course!"

"Where's the evidence?"


Shen Lingjun was startled, then seemed to realize something, and immediately glared: "Are you kidding me?"

"My prince wants to play with you, why bother?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "If you want to know the truth, you should check Chen Yingying. Why do you need to ask this prince?"

Shen Lingjun said solemnly, with a hint of sadness and anger in his tone: "Miss Yingying has been silenced by you, where can I go to find out?"

"This is not something that this prince should care about, and... I have said that Chen Yingying was not killed by me. She committed suicide out of fear of crime, and it has nothing to do with my prince!"

Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth and looked at him coldly: "Is there any difference?"

"Of course."

Lin Jiangnian sneered: "Instead of mindlessly coming to trouble me, why don't you use your pig brain and think about it..."

"She, Chen Yingying, is just a prostitute in a brothel. Why would I kill her? Is she full to hold on?"

Hearing Lin Jiangnian scolding her for having pig brains, Shen Lingjun was furious and furious: "Of course it's you, the heir apparent, who covets Miss Yingying's beauty. If Miss Yingying doesn't obey, you will kill her..."

"When I said you were a pig-brained person, you were absolutely right!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed, and under Shen Lingjun's almost cannibalistic gaze, he sneered: "If I want this, what woman can't get it? Why do I need to covet her as a brothel oiran?"

Shen Lingjun subconsciously wanted to refute, but was quickly stunned.

This son of a bitch, what he said seems to make sense?

She suddenly thought of Xiaozhu. Even his personal maid looked so stunning. How could this son of a bitch lack beauties around him?

This reason is indeed somewhat untenable.

"To put it bluntly, this prince really has thoughts about her, so why did he kill her?"

Lin Jiangnian felt a little funny inexplicably: "Just because she doesn't obey my son?"

"Isn't it?" Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth.

By this time she had realized something was wrong, but she couldn't put it into words. She didn't want to believe it, but she had to admit that she was moved.


Lin Jiangnian's eyes were like looking at a mentally retarded child: "If I want to get her, do I need to go through a lot of effort?"

"Take a few steps back. Even if it is true as you said, I can use force, coercion and inducement. If it doesn't work, I will drug you, even if it is house arrest and training... I have ten thousand ways to make her obedient and submit, so why bother? Kill her?"

"Would killing her do any good to me?"

When he said this, Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but feel a little confused. There were rumors in Linjiang City that Prince Lin spent a lot of money on Chen Yingying, acting like an adoring suitor.

But if you think about it carefully, would the majestic prince really fall in love with a courtesan?

He had met Chen Yingying once. Although she was exquisite in appearance and a beauty, she could not be called a queen. How could such beauty make the original Prince Lin obsessed with her?

It doesn’t make sense!


Hearing Lin Jiangnian say such a series of obscene words, Shen Lingjun's face turned red and he let out a sigh of shame and anger.

But when she heard the next words, she was obviously stunned again.

When she learned that Miss Yingying had died in Prince Lin's Mansion, she was so angry that she only wanted to kill the son of a bitch to avenge Miss Yingying, without thinking about it. Now that she heard Lin Jiangnian's analysis, she gradually became stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, what this son of a bitch says seems to make sense?

Although the words of this son of a bitch are despicable, are they not true?

If he wanted to get Miss Yingying, why would he kill her?

With his status as Prince Lin's eldest son, how easy is it to get a brothel courtesan?

There was indeed no need for him to kill Miss Yingying.


Shen Lingjun looked stunned, and the previously firm thoughts in his mind seemed to be gradually disintegrating.

Lin Jiangnian didn't expect that his words would make the heroine Shen in front of him start to doubt himself. Only when he noticed Shen Lingjun's slightly confused eyes did he figure out something.

I immediately understood and decided to add fuel to the fire.

"Let me ask you, apart from Chen Yingying's reasons, why do you want to kill me?"

Lin Jiangnian looked her over and asked: "Is it because of the negative rumors about my son in Linjiang City?"

Shen Lingjun stared at him and said nothing.

"Have you ever seen it with your own eyes?"

"Have you ever seen my prince bully men and women with your own eyes? Have you ever seen my prince bully the people, kill people and pay for them... Have you ever seen my prince do all the negative rumors about me among the people?"

Shen Lingjun became more and more silent.

She wanted to refute something, but sadly found that...she couldn't refute it.

She has indeed never seen it.

She had not known Lin Jiangnian before. All her knowledge of Lin Jiangnian came from folklore among the people in Linjiang City, and... from Li Qianlin's mouth.

It was Li Qianlin who told her about Lin Jiangnian's misdeeds, and she learned about it from the people's mouths. Therefore, she concluded that Prince Lin was a playboy who had committed many crimes. In addition, the murder of Miss Yingying made her determined to kill him. Eliminate harm for the people and do justice for heaven.

But now, she suddenly began to doubt herself.

It seems that she has never seen the evil deeds of this bitch prince with her own eyes!

"So, you should use your pig brain and think about it carefully. Don't be used as a weapon by others all the time!"

"You are the brain of a pig!" Shen Lingjun glared at him.

Only this time, the tone was not as aggressive as before.


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her one last time and said calmly: "You have assassinated my prince again and again. If this prince is really as cruel and unhuman as the rumors say... do you think you can still be alive now?"

The calm tone made Shen Lingjun tremble slightly.

Completely stunned.

Night falls.

Shen Lingjun returned to the inn in despair, sat in the room, and stared out the window blankly.

My mind is in a mess!

All kinds of thoughts came to her mind, making her completely confused.

"So annoying!"

She scratched her hair irritably and lay down in front of the table, her face confused and at a loss.

"What Prince Gou said seems to make sense. Could it be...that I really misunderstood?"

Shen Lingjun recalled what Lin Jiangnian said in his mind. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that what he said was indeed reasonable.

Well-founded and hard to refute.

Shen Lingjun wanted to find a flaw in his words to refute, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Gou Shizi was right...

So much so that she panicked.

Inexplicably panicked.

If Prince Gou was really as heinous as the folk rumors said, how could she still be alive the last time she fell into his hands?

But he didn't kill himself...

I didn’t kill him last time, and I won’t kill him this time either.

Shen Lingjun lowered his eyes, remained silent, and breathed slightly.

An idea emerged that she didn't want to believe, but had to believe.

Although Shen Lingjun has an impulsive personality and is sometimes a little dull, and is easily led astray by others, he is by no means indifferent to right from wrong. Thinking of this now, she naturally realized that there were many doubts in it.

However, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that Miss Yingying...

At this moment, Shen Lingjun felt that some of her concepts over the years were collapsing.

After resting for two days in Luma Town, Lin Jiangnian and his party were ready to go back on the road.

Several carriages were driving on the deserted official road. The carriages were moving forward unhurriedly, and the surroundings were lonely.

In addition to Lin Jiangnian and others, Shen Lingjun and her uncle were also following behind.

Shen Lingjun followed her uncle to the capital to visit her fellow disciples, and happened to be on the way. When Lin Jiangnian set out on the road, Shen Lingjun also followed.


Of course, it's not a coincidence.

On the carriage, Lin Jiangnian was wrapped in a soft blanket, holding the delicate body of the soft little maid in his arms, eyes half closed.

Xiaozhu was hugged by His Highness obediently, but his expression seemed a little nervous. He couldn't help but glance outside the carriage, and said with some worry: "Your Highness, Your Highness..."


"Don't, don't be like this... Wan, if Sister Zhiyuan, sister sees it..."

Xiaozhu's handsome little face was full of fear.

His Highness touched her in the carriage today. If Sister Zhiyuan sees this... the little maid's face will look a little pale.

"She won't see it." Lin Jiangnian was not worried and pinched her smooth little face.

"But, but..." Xiaozhu was still worried, with a nervous look on his face.

"Don't worry, Zhiyuan has gone to do something big. Now it's just you and me here."

Lin Jiangnian looked down at the pitiful appearance of the little maid in his arms, and his heart moved. During this period of time, I was busy with Zhiyuan, but I was a little neglectful of this little maid.

Seeing the little maid's drooling, delicate and soft body, Lin Jiangnian's hands began to feel restless.

"Come, let me help you check your body..."

Inside the carriage, it was unsightly.

Outside the carriage, the cold wind was raging.

Several horses followed the carriage. On the back of the horse, Shen Lingjun was wrapped tightly. He raised his eyes and looked forward, with a somewhat complicated expression in his eyes, and then turned his head.

"Girl Zhiyuan, is this really possible?"

Beside Shen Lingjun, Zhiyuan in a white dress walked side by side with her. The cold wind blew, and the black hair under the bamboo hat floated in the wind. Shen Lingjun looked a little surprised and envious.

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on the carriage in front. After staring for a long time, he slowly looked back and nodded slightly.


Shen Lingjun opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but when his eyes fell forward, he hesitated.

She thought of what Lin Jiangnian said and felt dazed.

In the past, she would have definitely tried her best to join forces with Miss Zhiyuan to kill this son of a bitch.

But now...


Zhiyuan asked calmly.


Shen Lingjun shook his head in panic and remained silent.

Zhiyuan on the side seemed to notice something, and glanced at her inadvertently, but said nothing.

Inside the carriage, there was chaos.

Xiaozhu was disheveled and fell limply into Lin Jiangnian's arms.

When she came to her senses, her pretty face turned red and she shyly got into Lin Jiangnian's arms, not daring to lift her up.

After the dust settled, Lin Jiangnian slightly opened the car curtain on the side and let the cold wind blow in, blowing away the ambiguous atmosphere in the room.

Xiaozhu, who gradually recovered, put on his clothes, wrapped his body in the quilt, looked outside the car curtain, and quickly hid his head. His face was slightly red, and after a while, he seemed to have thought of something.

"By the way, Your Highness..."

"Why, why do we have to pretend that we don't know Sister Zhiyuan?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced behind the carriage curtain and could vaguely see two familiar figures standing side by side on horseback not far behind the carriage.

Letting Shen Lingjun follow behind was naturally his default result. As for the paper kite, it was a surprise he had prepared for the female hero Shen.

It depends on whether she can get on or not!

Lin Jiangnian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, turned around and looked at the little maid who was hiding under the quilt, with only a small head exposed and a pair of dark and doubtful eyes, and touched her little head again.

"Children, don't ask so many questions!"


Others might have retorted, but the little maid seemed used to accepting everything and didn't ask any further questions.

Being bored along the way, Lin Jiangnian easily put the little maid into his arms. Just as he was about to be affectionate again, there was a noise outside the carriage.

The little maid broke away from Lin Jiangnian's arms in a panic, straightened her clothes, and sat up straightly.

The look of such panic and nervousness making people laugh.

"Your Highness?"

Lin Qingqing's voice came from outside the carriage.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Highness, my subordinates have found Wang Changjin!"

Hearing this, Lin Jiangnian, who was still casual at first, suddenly became serious and stood up to lift the car curtain.

"Where is he?"

"There is a ruined temple not far ahead..."

Lin Qingqing opened her mouth to explain, and glanced across the carriage inadvertently. When she saw that only Xiaozhu was in the carriage, and Xiaozhu's face was reddish, and he looked restless and nervous, she instantly realized something and immediately turned her head away without squinting.

"Broken temple?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded slightly; "Let's go and have a look!"


In front of the official road, on a path covered with thorns, there is a temple.

The temple is not big. It used to be a place where villagers from several nearby villages offered incense. With the demise of nearby villages, the temple fell into dust. After years of wind and rain, it gradually became what it is today.

Except for the occasional passing businessman who stopped to rest, this ruined temple was deserted.

At this moment, outside the ruined temple, several guards lurked and surrounded the area. Not far away, Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing approached slowly.

"How did you find him?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Lin Qingqing shook her head and explained: "It was not his subordinates who found him, but Wang Changjin who took the initiative to contact his subordinates?"


Lin Jiangnian seemed a little surprised.

"Wang Changjin said he wanted to see you, His Highness." Lin Qingqing came closer and said something.

Lin Jiangnian looked a little amused when he heard this.

"I see."

Arriving in front of the ruined temple, Lin Jiangnian looked up.

"Wang Changjin is in this temple, he is the only one..."

Lin Qingqing whispered: "I wanted to take him down, but he threatened that he had something in his hands that His Highness was interested in, so I didn't dare to act rashly..."

"You did very well."

Lin Jiangnian nodded: "I will go and have a look."

"Your Highness, that's inappropriate..." Lin Qingqing shook her head. Although Wang Changjin was alone, she realized that the other party's martial arts was not weak, so it was not safe for His Highness to go in alone.

"It doesn't matter!"

Lin Jiangnian laughed: "Since he dares to come to see my eldest son, wouldn't he look cowardly if he is timid?"

After saying that, Lin Jiangnian stepped into the ruined temple.

Lin Qingqing was still worried, and subconsciously looked back not far away. When she saw the figure in white on the horse not far away, who was indifferent, she breathed a sigh of relief.

at the same time.

"What did this bitch do?"

Shen Lingjun looked up and looked ahead, seeing many people gathered around the ruined temple, and Lin Jiangnian walked into the ruined temple alone, feeling a little puzzled.

What kind of tricks is this son of a bitch playing?

Zhiyuan on horseback was also looking at the ruined temple in front of him, thoughtfully.

In a dark ruined temple.

A musty smell hung around.

Lin Jiangnian stepped on the ground, and there was a crisp clicking sound from the rotten wooden boards.

The ruined temple was not big, and under dim vision, Lin Jiangnian quickly saw a figure sitting in the corner in front of him.

Wang Changjin!

Although the other party was disguised, Lin Jiangnian still recognized him at a glance.

However, compared with the first time they met, the Wang Changjin in front of him now somewhat loves fish.

He has aged a lot, his hair has turned white, he looks like an old man as if he has lost his vitality, and his body is even more miserable. Except for those still sharp eyes, there was no trace of anger at all.

Lin Jiangnian was not surprised by this.

On the night when the Wang family was exterminated, Wang Changjin did not fall into the hands of Yuan Zhongnan and escaped being silenced. However, Yuan Zhongnan would not let him go.

Judging from the situation, he must have been having a hard time during this time.

Being able to escape from Xunyang City is already very surprising.

"Wang Changjin?"

Lin Jiangnian approached and looked at him condescendingly.

Speaking of which, this was his first official meeting with Wang Changjin.

Unexpectedly, things have changed.

In the corner, Wang Changjin stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of him, staring at this familiar face. The voice was hoarse and low.

"You are indeed not dead!"

The tone was low, with a hint of regret.

"Yeah, he's not dead!"

Lin Jiang young smiled: "If my prince dies, won't your Wang family escape this disaster?"


Wang Changjin closed his eyes.


But what's the use of regret?

He clearly watched Lin Jiangnian being trapped in a secret room by him, poisoned him with his own hands, just in case, and even destroyed the secret room that he had worked hard to build over the years, just to bury all the evidence of the crime with the Prince Lin.

But he never expected that even so, Prince Lin was still alive!

How did he survive?

no one knows.

However, this is no longer important!

God has destined that the Wang family will end up like this!

When he opened his eyes again, Wang Changjin seemed to have aged ten years in an instant, and his whole person was shrouded in twilight.

His voice was hoarse: "This is a disaster for our Wang family. We lost..."


Lose miserably!

The price is that the entire Wang family will be buried with him!

"so what?"

Lin Jiangnian ignored him. The Wang family deserved to be exterminated, and it had nothing to do with him.

He was more concerned with other things.

"You came to see me today, and you didn't come to talk to me about this nonsense, right?"

Wang Changjin was silent for a while: "Where is Wang Qin?"

"Is he still alive?"

Lin Jiangnian crossed his arms and looked playfully: "What do you think?"

Wang Changjin raised his head and looked into Lin Jiangnian's eyes, stared at them for a while, and then said, "You won't kill him."

Lin Jiangnian seemed a little surprised and chuckled: "Why are you so sure?"

"I have what you want in my hand!"

Wang Changjin said in a deep voice: "You have been waiting for me, right?"

Lin Jiangnian was stunned for a moment. He had to admit that he still underestimated the person in front of him.

"You are much smarter than Wang Shiquan!"

Lin Jiangnian said playfully: "If you were the governor of Xunyang, your Wang family might not have fallen to this point..."

But he quickly shook his head: "Of course it's not certain, it's also possible that the Wang family will die faster in your hands!"

Wang Changjin stared at Lin Jiangnian in front of him with a complicated expression.

Could it be that he underestimated the Prince Lin in front of him?

If it had been anticipated, how could it have ended up in this situation?

But, everything is too late!

"In that case, let's stop talking nonsense...let's make a deal!"

Wang Changjin stared at Lin Jiangnian and said in a deep voice: "Give Qin'er to me, and I'll give you what you want!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes remained unmoved: "How do you know what this prince wants?"

Wang Changjin didn't say anything. He just reached into his arms and took out a book and threw it to Lin Jiangnian.

Lin Jiangnian opened it and glanced twice, his eyes lit up slightly.

"I didn't expect that your Wang family is really ambitious..."

Lin Jiangnian clicked his tongue and said, "If you give this to me, aren't you afraid that Yuan Zhongnan will kill you anywhere in the world?"

"Since our Wang family has no way to survive, even if it means death, I will drag him with me!" Wang Changjin's voice was cold.

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Where are the others?"

"Let Qin'er go, and I'll tell you where he is!"

"It seems that you are well prepared!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at him with a half-smile, then the smile on his face slowly faded and disappeared.


"What if I don't let you go?"


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