Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 190 Death of the Great Elder

The cold wind howled, and the sky and earth were pitch black.

I stayed above the official road, under the faint sight. Wearing a red dress and standing on the carriage, with her hands behind her back, her tall body seemed to be blown away by the cold wind at any time.

Under the alluring posture, there was a bit of amusement on that beautiful face.


"What do the great elders think?"

The red lips parted slightly, like the cold north wind biting the great elder's body.

The great elder's expression suddenly changed, and he subconsciously took a step back.

He sensed danger.

He sensed a trace of murderous intent from the woman in front of him.

She wants to kill him?

This thought came to mind, and the great elder's face suddenly became particularly ugly.

I was extremely vigilant.

Now in the wilderness, his internal strength was almost exhausted. If Liu Su had murderous intentions towards him, he might not be able to cope with it.

"Liu Su!"

The great elder's voice was low and he said with a serious expression: "As members of the Celestial Sect, you and I should help each other and jointly assist the leader in completing his great cause..."

Unexpectedly, Liu Su's eyes were somewhat sarcastic and her tone was contemptuous: "Help each other?"

"Great Elder, don't you think that these words coming from your mouth are too hypocritical?"

The great elder's heart suddenly sank: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask the great elder..."

Liu Su glanced at him and smiled: "If my roles were reversed today, what would you do?"

Role reversal?

The great elder suddenly raised his head and stared at Liu Su.

There has always been a conflict between him and Liu Su. The two have been fighting openly and secretly for many years, and have caused many stumbling blocks to each other behind the scenes. If the person who is embarrassed here today is Liu Su, he...

I will never be merciful!

Thinking of this, the Great Elder's pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of fear flashed across his face.

"You want to kill me?"

The great elder looked extremely ugly and stared at Liu Su.

"The Great Elder misunderstood, how could I want to kill you?"

Liu Su's expression was still relaxed, with a faint smile on her face, but her eyes seemed colder than the cold wind between heaven and earth.

"The Great Elder assassinated Prince Lin Wang and accidentally fell into an ambush. In order to protect others from escaping, he got entangled with the masters around Prince Lin Prince and was deeply surrounded. In the end, his internal strength was exhausted and he unfortunately died..."

"Tell me, does this sound better?"

Liu Su was still smiling, but the Great Elder's eyes were extremely sinister.

How could he not realize the meaning of Liu Su's words?

Does she want to kill herself?

Want to frame his death on Prince Lin? !

The great elder was furious in his heart: "Liu Su, you and I are both colleagues of the Tianshen Sect, but you want to kill me, are you crazy?"

Liu Su's face showed a bit of sarcasm: "Great Elder, there is no one else here, why do you need to say more hypocritical words?"

"This time it fell into the hands of this saint. I can only blame you for your bad luck."


The great elder's face was livid. At this moment, his internal energy was severely depleted and he was at his weakest. Liu Su also took a fancy to this.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

"I have recorded this account!"

The great elder glanced at Liu Su coldly, and the next second, he suddenly retreated and fled in the direction of the darkness.

In his current state, he could never be Liu Su's opponent.


Let’s leave this place first.

The moment the great elder turned around and ran away, Liu Su also moved.

The red-clothed afterimage jumped up from the carriage and chased after the great elder who was escaping in the darkness. At the same time, she waved her sleeves, and several sharp hidden weapons pierced the darkness and roared away.

The elder who turned around and ran away noticed the danger coming from behind. His whole body tensed up, his face changed slightly, and he turned over and hid in embarrassment.


In the darkness, a sharp hidden weapon fell on the jungle tree behind him, making a series of crackling explosions.

At the same time, several thick trees in front of the great elder collapsed.

The great elder's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart felt cold.


This woman's attack was so fierce.

If I had been touched by this hidden weapon just now, I would have lost half my life even if I wasn't seriously injured!

Thinking of this, the Great Elder had no desire to fight. In terms of martial arts strength, he is indeed superior to Liu Su.

But this woman's progress was so fast that her martial arts skills were already catching up with him at such a young age. Although the two had never fought before, the Great Elder could feel the pressure Liu Su put on him.

This woman's martial arts skills are not much weaker than that of the woman in white next to Lin Jiangnian. If he were at his peak, he might not take her seriously.

But now, the great elder can only flee in confusion.

Behind him, Liu Su was chasing after him.

The Great Elder's martial arts skills are at a loss at the moment. What's more important is that he has no helpers around him. This place is desolate, there are no people around, and you can't see your fingers. It is a perfect place for murder and arson!

Tonight is his death!

In the darkness, two figures shuttled through the jungle, followed closely by Liu Su, pressing forward step by step.

The great elder fled in panic, stumbling through the jungle. But after all, he was already exhausted, and the day and night of escaping made him overwhelmed. At the end of the day, Liu Su easily caught up with him.

The moment he got closer, a fierce wind blew towards the great elder.

The great elder looked frightened and raised his hand to block.


A strong wind passed over the elder, knocking him five or six meters away. He fell to the ground with a crash and struggled to get up.

There were a few traces of blood on the corners of his mouth.

The great elder's body was trembling, his breathing was rapid, he struggled to get up, and stared up at the familiar cold figure in the dark jungle.


Filled with murderous intent!

The great elder's heart suddenly sank.

Can't run away!

How could he escape from Liu Su's grasp now that he was exhausted?

But if I don’t run, what can I do?

Right now, he was exhausted and his body was even more empty. How could he be Liu Su's opponent at his peak?

Dead end!

The great elder's face was ashen.

He clutched his chest, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Liu Su, are you crazy?"

"Do you know what the consequences will be if you kill me?!"

"The Celestial Religion strictly prohibits internal fighting. If you harm a fellow disciple, you will be the enemy of the entire Celestial Religion. The leader will not let you go..."

The great elder looked stern but felt angry, and threatened to speak.

Liu Su's face was still calm and calm. She approached slowly and stopped a few steps in front of the great elder. She sneered softly: "Great elder, you and I are not fools. You must abide by all the rules in the sect." Is it done?"


Liu Su said in an understatement: "This place is deserted. If you die, who will know that this saint did it?"

"You don't think there is anyone who can pass the news back, do you?"

The great elder's face turned pale and he was extremely frightened.

How come he doesn't know this?

It was precisely because of this that Liu Su dared to attack him. He died here, and who knows who killed him?

In fact, most of the church members would think that he died at the hands of Lin Jiangnian. The real murderer Liu Su is at large.

What a trick to frame the blame, perfect!

Thinking of this, the great elder's heart sank to the bottom.

"What a plan, what a plan!"

The Great Elder stared at her, "So, I will die today?"

Liu Su looked indifferent: "If it were you, would you let me live?"

The great elder was silent.

The answer is obvious. If it were him, he would never let Liu Su live.

How could he let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

"For the sake of you and me being from the same sect, I will give you a decent opportunity!"

Liu Su quietly looked at the great elder whose face had lost all color at this moment, and said calmly: "You can commit suicide."

The great elder was silent, looking down at his embarrassed self, and slowly closed his eyes.

He knew that there was no way to survive!

Meeting Liu Su in the wilderness is already a dead end!

Maybe, this is life!

He didn't die in Lin Jiangnian's hands, but he died in hers.

The great elder is unwilling to give in!

But, so what?

After a long silence, the great elder slowly stretched out his hand and tremblingly patted himself on the head.

Suicide was his chance to die a decent death.

Just when the great elder was about to slap him on the head, a glint flashed in his eyes the next second.

Rage surged instantly.

"Even if it means death, I will drag you with me!"

A sharp voice sounded, and at the same time, the Great Elder suddenly burst into violence.

The figure disappeared from the spot and turned into a ball of fire towards Liu Su.

Even if he dies, he will die together with Liu Su!

The great elder looked extremely ferocious.


The unexpected attack rushed towards Liu Su like a flashback.

However, just when he was about to pounce in front of Liu Su, Liu Su suddenly disappeared from the place.

The great elder's pupils shrank, and the next second, his body froze.

Lowering his head, his heart was penetrated by something at some point, and blood slowly flowed out.

He felt no pain, his whole body seemed numb, and he turned his head stiffly.

Behind him, Liu Su stood quietly.

"I've known you for so many years, do you really think that this saint doesn't understand you?"

The voice was soft and somewhat mocking.

There was a playful smile on that cold face, as if mocking him for not overestimating his abilities.

The great elder is very angry!

But he could no longer get angry, his whole body seemed to be cold and stiff, unable to move.

Then, he fell to the ground with a thud.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

The great elder of the Tianshen Sect died here.

Liu Su, the instigator, watched this scene quietly, indifferent.

After a moment of silence, she took out a porcelain bottle from her arms and poured the water in the bottle onto the great elder's body.

After a while, the great elder's body began to dissolve, his whole body was unrecognizable, and an unpleasant smell filled the air.

Liu Su frowned slightly and slowly turned around and left.

Just as she turned around, the grass behind her suddenly burst into flames. At first, it was just a flame, igniting the withered grass on the side. The flame gradually grew bigger and quickly swept around. After a while, the remaining body of the great elder was enveloped in a raging fire.

On the official road, Ling'er waited anxiously.

It wasn't until she saw the figure of the saint appearing not far away that she quickly chased after her: "Saint!"

As he spoke, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced behind the Saint, and said with great concern: "The Great Elder..."


Liu Su's answer was gentle and calm.

Ling'er's heart skipped a beat, Great Elder, is he dead? !

Died at the hands of a saint? !

Although he already had the answer, Ling'er was still stunned for a long time.

The great elder who had always been against the saint died like this?

Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, she became frightened.

"Holy girl, the great elder is dead! What will the leader say?"

"It doesn't matter."

Liu Su looked calmly and glanced at the two people beside the carriage.

These two people are also members of the Celestial Sect. He is a close confidant around her. Apart from that, there is no one else here.

No one knows the truth about the great elder’s death.

"Let's go."

Liu Su spoke calmly and got on the carriage.

Ling'er followed Liu Su and asked in a low voice with some confusion: "Saint girl, where are we going now?"

"go back."

"go back?"

Ling'er was puzzled: "Where are you going back?"

"Earth Pony Town!"

Liu Su glanced out the window, with a bit of joy and hope in her cold eyes.

It seems that I can't wait.

The carriage slowly returned.

Behind him, there is a fire that is gradually burning. With the help of the cold wind of the autumn night, it is getting bigger and bigger and spreading continuously!

A fire swept through the mountains!

Earth Horse Town.


After spending two nights resting in Luma Town, Lin Jiangnian was ready to go on the road.

At this moment, an uninvited guest suddenly came to the door.

Shen Lingjun.

Shen Nuxia suddenly visited the inn and found Lin Jiangnian.

"Let's talk."

"Let's talk?"

Lin Jiangnian was a little surprised and confused: "What do you want to talk to this prince?"

Shen Lingjun took a deep breath, hiding any emotion in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Let's talk about Miss Yingying!"

Yesterday I yelled at him to kill him, and today I suddenly came over and calmly said I wanted to talk to him?

Something is wrong with her.

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down and seemed to understand something.

This heroine reacted strangely today. I guess she had some bad ideas?

I don’t know if it was a trap deliberately set by Zhiyuan?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't bother to appreciate it.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about? Let's talk about it?"

Lin Jiangnian's tone was playful.

Shen Lingjun stared at Lin Jiangnian for a long time, as if he was hesitating about something. After a long time, he turned his head unnaturally and said silently: "How did Miss Yingying die?"

"Don't you already know?" Lin Jiangnian said calmly.

"I don't believe it!" Shen Lingjun gritted his teeth.

"If you don't believe it, why do you come here to ask me?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Shen Lingjun was discouraged and realized that she had asked nonsense.

After another silence, he continued to grit his teeth: "Miss Yingying is not that kind of person!"

"how do you know?"

"She doesn't look like it!"

"You can tell whether a person is good or bad with just one look. What else do you need the government to do in the world?"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

Shen Lingjun was speechless and couldn't speak for a moment.

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and asked, "Then do you think I am a bad person?"

She didn't want to, but Shen Lingjun had to admit that what the prince said was indeed right.

However, she was still unwilling to believe that the kind-hearted, weak girl Yingying would assassinate Prince Lin.

Miss Yingying is so kind, how could she do such a thing?

"How do you know that Miss Yingying is an accomplice in your assassination?"

"Of course it was found out."

"How did you find out?"

Lin Jiangyoun took a sip of tea and glanced at her.

"I don't seem to have any obligation to explain this to you, right?"


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