When Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing rushed outside the dungeon, the atmosphere at the door was dull. The city defense troops surrounded the dungeon on three levels, inside and outside.

Every city defense soldier had a serious look on his face.

They had just taken over the governor's mansion, and the murderer broke into the dungeon easily under their noses, which was like a slap in the face.

more importantly……

The people who died in the dungeon were enough to cause a major earthquake in Xunyang County.

Therefore, everyone looked extremely solemn and shrouded in gloom.

The city defense troops at the gate blocked the way of Lin Jiangnian and Lin Qingqing. After Lin Qingqing showed her identity token, she successfully approached the dungeon.

Outside the dungeon door, the crime scene has not yet been moved. Several cold corpses are lying at the door. They are wearing armor, but the chest and heart are slightly sunken.

"The murderer's martial arts skills are very high!"

Lin Qingqing spoke in a low voice from the side.

"How did we meet?"

Lin Qingqing explained in a low voice: "These people were all killed without any reaction... The expressions on their faces were normal, without any pain or fear, which is enough to show that they were not even aware of the murderer before they died. arrival……"

"There are also fatal injuries on their chests. It is obvious that someone's heart was shattered with palm energy from a distance. To achieve this, the other party's internal strength is extremely strong..."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "In your opinion, what is the level of the murderer's martial arts?"

"It's hard for my subordinates to say!"

Lin Qingqing thought for a while and shook her head: "However, at least above the subordinates. The subordinates cannot do this, and even if they can do it, they will never be able to do it quietly like the murderer."

Lin Jiangnian nodded thoughtfully and glanced at the corpses at the door for a moment.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

Lin Jiangnian was the first to step into the dungeon.

There were city defense troops at the door, but after Lin Qingqing took out the token, no one stopped him.

As soon as he entered the dungeon, a cold air hit him, along with a strong smell of blood.

Lin Jiangnian covered his nose and looked forward.

Not far away, there were also several corpses lying on the ground, and they had long since made no sound.

Lin Qingqing stepped forward to check and found that the causes of death of the corpses of the city defense soldiers were almost the same as those of the people at the door. Either the heart was severely injured, or the neck was cut with a sharp weapon.

Seal your throat at the sight of blood!

One move is fatal and clean.

"Judging from the traces of wounds, almost all of them were done by one person."

Lin Qingqing frowned and said, "Could it be that the murderer broke into this place alone?"

Lin Jiangnian withdrew his eyes from the corpses and continued walking deeper into the cell. The closer he got, the rich smell of blood became more pungent.

Not long after, Lin Jiangnian came to the deepest part of the dungeon.

At the same time, there were already several figures in the deepest part of the dungeon. Yuan Zhongnan, the governor of Yanzhou, is in the cell.

When Lin Jiangnian approached, he saw two corpses lying in a pool of blood inside the cell. Yuan Zhongnan was squatting in the cell with a gloomy expression.

The sound of footsteps behind him made him turn around and catch a glimpse of Lin Jiangnian outside the cell. The two looked at each other.

After a while, Yuan Zhongnan stood up and walked out.

"Prince Yuan?"

"His Royal Highness Prince Lin!"

Yuan Zhongnan's eyes fell on Lin Jiangnian and nodded slightly.

The two had met before and had reached some agreement. Now that we meet again, nothing can be said.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on the two corpses in the cell: "Dead?"


Yuan Zhongnan's voice was a little deep.


"Wang Shiquan and his master Zheng Chang."

Yuan Zhongnan's voice was a little low, without any emotion except for a hint of gloom.

Vaguely, you can hear a trace of anger in his tone.

Lin Jiangnian heard this and didn't say much. He glanced at it and said, "Can I go in and have a look?"

"Your Highness, please excuse me."

Lin Jiangnian stepped into the cell, and the strong smell of blood came straight to Tianling Gai. Even though his psychological quality is excellent, he can't help but feel a little nauseous at the moment.

Lin Jiangnian frowned slightly and came to the two corpses while hiding his breath.

The two people lying in a pool of blood were Wang Shiquan and Zheng Chang. Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian was a little silent.

In his sight, Wang Shiquan's throat was cut with a sharp weapon, and his body was stained red with blood. Wang Shiquan's pupils were wide open, as if he was a little frightened.

Zheng Chang, who was on the side, was easily pierced through the heart as if protecting Wang Shiquan, and died an unexpected death.

The methods are sharp and almost always wiped out instantly.

Even the city defense troops at the door were instantly killed, and Wang Shiquan and Zheng Chang in the cell were naturally not surprised.

He died miserably!

Lin Jiangnian stared at the dead faces of the two men, his brows gradually deepening.

Yuan Zhongnan walked into the cell again and came to Lin Jiangnian's side. His eyes fell on the two people on the ground and then on Lin Jiangnian's face. He was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "I was careless!"

"I didn't expect that the other party would attack so quickly!"

I'm afraid no one expected that the murderer would take action within a few hours of the Wang family being imprisoned.

Even, it’s still in the prefect’s mansion!

Lin Jiangnian turned around: "Who does Governor Yuan think the murderer will be?"

"It's not clear yet."

Yuan Zhongnan's face turned a little livid, and he said in a deep voice: "However, there is probably a ghost in this prefect's mansion, and someone has tipped off the news!"

What happened last night was too sudden. Except for the people in the mansion, no one knew what was going on in the prefect's mansion.

And how did the murderer know all this?

The only reasonable explanation is that there is a ghost in the prefect's mansion. There was even a traitor around him, Yuan Zhongnan!

"What Governor Yuan said makes sense."

Lin Jiangnian nodded calmly and looked at the two corpses on the ground: "The murderer was able to take action in such a short period of time. His purpose is not simple..."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian glanced at him: "Yuan Governor, where are the other members of the Wang family?"

"They're all dead!"

Yuan Zhongnan's face was expressionless, with a bit of sullenness in his eyes: "There are more than thirty members of the Wang family, and none of them survived."

When he said this, Yuan Zhongnan's eyes were angry, but at the same time, there seemed to be a trace of panic flashing through him.

His whole person was shrouded in gloom, and it was obvious that he was very angry.

As for the reason for the anger, it is not clear yet.

After Lin Jiangnian glanced at Yuan Zhongnan for a few times, he looked away and nodded: "Although the Wang family collaborated with the enemy and treason, they deserved death. But Wang Shiquan is the governor of Xunyang after all. How to deal with him needs to be decided by your Majesty..."

"Now that Wang Shiquan and his relatives have been killed, this matter is not simple... It is not clear whether the Wang family has been silenced or is seeking revenge. But in any case, this matter needs an explanation."

Yuan Zhongnan naturally understood the meaning of Lin Jiangnian's words and said calmly: "Your Highness, don't worry, since this matter is happening now under the hands of this governor, I will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it."

"Now that the Wang family has been silenced and murdered, this governor will definitely find out the murderer and find out the truth."

Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows: "Does Governor Yuan have any clues?"

"Not yet."

Yuan Zhongnan glanced around, his face slightly gloomy: "The murderer was extremely skilled in martial arts. He took advantage of the chaos in the prefecture last night and sneaked into the dungeon. He killed more than thirty members of the Wang family and then left quietly..."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to find clues."

This answer was within Lin Jiangnian's expectation.

If Yuan Zhongnan did not do all this, it would not be that simple to find out the murderer of Wang Shiquan.

No clues were left at the scene, and it would be extremely difficult to find the real culprit.

Seeking revenge?

Or silence?

At this moment, a soldier outside the door came to the door and said, "Sir, the causes of death of all other victims have been found out..."


"The cause of death of all the people was the same. Their throats were sealed by a sword, or they were pierced through the heart, leaving them unable to fight back..."

"The murder weapon was a narrow sword three feet long, which was found outside the dungeon."

"Bring it!"

Yuan Zhongnan waved his hand, and the soldiers brought the murder weapon forward. Yuan Zhongnan picked up the long sword and looked at it for a few times, frowning slightly.

This sword is the standard long sword of the city defense army. Does it mean that the murderer just grabbed a sword at random and killed everyone?

Except for some blood stains on the sword, there are no clues.

Yuan Zhongnan stared for a moment, then glanced at Lin Jiangnian next to him: "Can your Highness see anything?"

Lin Jiangnian took a look and shook his head slightly. Apart from the blood stains and the remaining gaps on the sword, there are indeed no traces on the narrow sword.

"Check, seal off the entire city and strictly investigate all suspects inside and outside the city!"

Yuan Zhongnan spoke expressionlessly.

The Wang family was exterminated and the governor of Xunyang was killed. Sooner or later, this matter would not be hidden. Once the news gets out, it will definitely cause a sensation.

Fortunately, with Yuan Zhongnan in charge, there would be no big trouble. But the destruction of the Wang family was also a deep provocation to him.

No matter what, he had to find the murderer.

After giving instructions, Yuan Zhongnan left in a hurry. As the governor of Yanzhou, such a big thing happened in Xunyang City, and he needed to clean up the mess as soon as possible.

Lin Jiangnian did not leave immediately. After Yuan Zhongnan left, he went to other cells and checked on other Wang family members who had been killed.

As the investigation revealed, almost all of the Wang family members died tragically. There were expressions of horror on these people's faces before they died. In particular, some of them died with their eyes open and their expressions were ferocious, which was different from those of the city defense troops.

Apparently, they saw the true face of the murderer.


Why did the murderer do this?

Lin Qingqing, who was behind her, saw His Highness looking so deep in thought, and asked tentatively: "Your Highness, do you have any clues?"


Lin Jiangnian looked away and sighed softly: "These people died too simply, and the murderer left no clues. Look at these people, their throats were cut by the murderer's sword, clean and neat. Don't say it was me. yes……"

Halfway through speaking, Lin Jiangnian was suddenly startled. He suddenly remembered something and his eyes were fixed on the corpses of the murdered members of the Wang family.

"Your Highness, what, what happened?"

Lin Qingqing on the side noticed something was wrong with His Highness and subconsciously spoke.

Lin Jiangnian stared at the wounds on the necks of these corpses for a long time. The more he looked at them, the more familiar they seemed.

This sword seems familiar.

Each martial arts school in the world has its own characteristics and habits. For example, kendo is good at continuous sword energy, breaking the path with the sword, and making quick and violent moves.

As a representative of the famous and upright sects in the martial arts world, Kendo would probably not strike so sharply or harshly, which is inconsistent with the swordsmanship concept of Kendo.

Now these people are dying tragically under the sword, their deaths are cruel, their methods are fierce, and their methods are clearly ruthless.

And this familiar feeling seemed to Lin Jiangnian.

Liu Su?

If he remembered correctly, when he was in Prince Lin's Mansion, Liu Su had taught Lin Jiangnian about the martial arts of the Tianshen Sect. Although the Celestial Sect is good at poisoning, it also has sword and stick martial arts.

At that time, Lin Jiangnian didn't care about the masters of various martial arts schools. He just remembered them all in order to survive and become stronger.

Now that I think about it carefully, it seems to be somewhat similar?

At the same time, Lin Jiangnian suddenly remembered the few people he met by chance in the teahouse in Xunyang City not long ago!


Lin Jiangnian suddenly turned around.

Lin Qingqing was startled: "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

"Do you still remember those people I asked you to check at the teahouse last time?" Lin Jiangnian asked in a deep voice.

Lin Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then thought about it for a moment, and quickly remembered.

Not long after His Highness arrived in Xunyang City, His Highness and her met several strange people in a teahouse in Xunyang City.

His Highness asked her to send people to keep an eye on those people...

If I remember correctly, those people are from... the Celestial Sect?

"My subordinates still remember, what happened?" Lin Qingqing asked.

"Where are they?" Lin Jiangnian asked in a deep voice.

"They live in an inn in Xunyang City. Last time, my subordinates sent people to keep an eye on them, but..."

After this series of things happened, Lin Qingqing had no time to care about the disciples of the Tianshen Sect in the inn. Now that His Highness asked, she was indeed not very clear.

"Go and have a look."

Lin Jiangnian had some kind of guess in his mind and said in a deep voice: "Be careful, don't scare the snake."

How smart is Lin Qingqing? He immediately realized what Lin Jiangnian was thinking: "My subordinates will go immediately."

After that, he left in a hurry.

"Wang Shiquan and the Wang family were assassinated last night and are dead..."

In the courtyard, Lin Jiangnian spoke loudly and sighed.

"Unexpectedly, I still missed a step."

Under the eaves on the side, Zhiyuan sat by the railing, looking at the horizon indifferently.

After a long time, he looked back.

"No one left?"

"That's not true."

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "Wang Changjin's whereabouts were unknown last night. He was not caught by Yuan Zhongnan, so he escaped."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, his eyes still cold: "He must die."

"Don't worry, he won't survive."

Lin Jiangnian came closer, sat down next to Zhiyuan, looked at her cold face, and said softly: "Wang Changjin not only almost killed you and me, but he was also the mastermind behind the murder of your Jiang family. He will definitely die."

"However, it is an unexpected blessing that he is alive now."

Zhiyuan looked at him with confusion.

Lin Jiangnian said meaningfully: "Although I don't know what the connection is between the Wang family and Yuan Zhongnan, I am sure that the Wang family must have something in their hands that Yuan Zhongnan is afraid of..."

"The Wang family was suddenly silenced, but Wang Changjin is still alive. The clues are probably in his hands. Yuan Zhongnan will definitely believe in all means to kill him!"

"In this way, it actually helped me a lot!"

Zhiyuan's eyes became increasingly puzzled.

Lin Jiangnian shook his head gently, took her hand and said with a proud tone, "Just wait and see, I have my own plans."

Zhiyuan didn't speak, with a cold expression, he took out his hand and moved it to the side.

Just as Lin Jiangnian was about to approach, footsteps were heard outside the courtyard.

"Your Highness!"

Lin Qingqing rushed back in a hurry.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian sat up.

"How's it going?"

"Sure enough, everything is as expected by His Highness!"

Lin Qingqing's eyes were excited and she reported in a deep voice: "My subordinates just went to the inn and learned from the innkeeper that the people living there have been acting strangely for the past two months and have been living in seclusion..."

"And just a few hours ago, a group of them checked out and left in a hurry, and their whereabouts are unknown..."

"As expected, it has nothing to do with them!"


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