Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 178 The Wang family was exterminated


Dim light, dirty environment, and depressive atmosphere.

Zheng Chang's face was pale and his eyes were blank. He was stunned for a long time before he finally raised his head with difficulty and stopped talking.

In the end, nothing was said.

"Zheng Chang."

Wang Shiquan's deep voice sounded.

"grown ups?"

"How long have you been with me?"

"Almost twenty years..."

"Twenty years..."

Through the prison window, Wang Shiquan looked into the distance and said solemnly: "In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed..."

"This time, my Wang family may not be able to escape this disaster!"

Zheng Chang trembled slightly and his face became paler: "Sir, is there nothing we can do?"

Wang Shiquan was silent.

Zheng Chang gritted his teeth and whispered: "It's not the worst yet, we still have a glimmer of hope..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Shiquan waved his hand gently, interrupted him, and said in a deep voice: "It's useless, our Wang family is doomed!"

Zheng Chang said in a deep voice: "My lord, please don't be so pessimistic. We have not been without foundation in Xunyang County these years... Even though we suffered heavy losses this time, we still have green hills and don't have to worry about having no firewood, my lord..."

"They won't give us that chance!"

Seeing Wang Shiquan smile slightly, Zheng Chang's pupils shrank.

"When our Wang family gained power, those people naturally followed the trend. Now that they have suffered such a catastrophe, how could they let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

"Don't say it's timely help, as long as you don't step on it a few times, it's fine."

"They dare?!"

Zheng Chang's eyes were filled with anger: "They and our Wang family will both prosper and suffer. If something happens to our Wang family, they will not end well!"

Wang Shiquan shook his head slightly, closed his eyes, and looked a little more tired.

"Over the years, the major families have gradually developed dissatisfaction with our Wang family, and our Wang family has gradually become a thorn in their side, just like the Jiang family back then, not to mention..."

As if he thought of something, a trace of despair flashed in Wang Shiquan's eyes: "Yuan Zhongnan, I'm afraid he also wants to kill our Wang family!"

"I have known too much over the years, and the threat to him is too great... This time our Wang family loses power, he will never let me leave here alive."

Zheng Chang was startled, with a look of panic on his face: "Sir..."

Wang Shiquan waved his hand and interrupted him: "Listen to me."

"My death is not a pity, but the Wang family cannot exterminate the next generation... I still have evidence in my hand that makes Yuan Zhongnan afraid, and he does not dare to kill them all."

Wang Shiquan raised his head and stared at Zheng Chang: "Zheng Chang, you have been with me for more than twenty years. Now that the Wang family is facing life and death, everything depends on you!"

Zheng Chang's heart trembled, and he immediately understood what the Lord meant: "Sir, please give me your orders, and I will not let you down!"

Wang Shiquan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Our Wang family is probably really doomed this time. Once the Wang family falls, the families in Xunyang County in the past will definitely not let you go..."

Could it be that the Wang family has become another Jiang family?

Their fate will not be any better than that of the Jiang family.

"I will use the evidence I have in hand to exchange with Yuan Zhongnan and ask him to let you go... You find a way to find Qin'er, take Madam and the others away from here, stay away from Xunyang County, the further away the better, go to the southwest, then , someone will pick you up..."

In the dim dungeon, Wang Shiquan spoke in a deep voice, explaining the funeral arrangements.

Having anticipated that such a day would come, Wang Shiquan had prepared an escape route in advance.

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely protect the safety of my wife and young master."

Zheng Chang felt heavy in his heart and gritted his teeth. Your Excellency has been so kind to him, and now that he is in danger, he must find a way to protect his wife and son no matter what, and leave a heir for the Wang family.

In the dungeon, just as Wang Shiquan was explaining his funeral in a deep voice, a figure sneaked into the dungeon quietly.

Behind you, at the door.

Several city defense troops wearing green armor were lying down, but there was no movement.

Under the dim light, the red dress was stunning.


In the dungeon, two city defense troops soon discovered the existence of this uninvited guest.

But just as they reacted and reached out to pull out the weapons from their waists, the figure in red passed by like an afterimage, bringing with it a strong gust of wind.

The next second, the two city defenders didn't even have a chance to react. They fell softly and made no sound.

The methods are sharp and show no mercy.

After casually dealing with the two city defenders, Hong Yi glanced around the dungeon with his cold eyes and walked towards the depths of the prison.

Deep in the dungeon.

Wang Shiquan breathed a sigh of relief after explaining his funeral arrangements. He has made up his mind to die, but his family is his biggest concern.

Zheng Chang next to him had slightly red eyes: "Sir..."

He has been with you for more than twenty years, so why don't you have deep feelings for him?

Now that he realizes that he will be separated from the adults, a burst of sadness inevitably arises in his heart.

How could he not realize that Sir, he wanted to sacrifice himself to preserve the blood of the Wang family!

"Don't be sad, I had expected such a day for a long time, but I didn't expect it to come so soon!"

Wang Shiquan's expression gradually became calmer. When he learned of the death of Prince Lin Wang that day, he realized that the Wang family was about to be in disaster.

I just never expected that things would come to this point.

Prince Lin is not dead!

But the Wang family has reached a dead end.

Wang Shiquan wanted to say something else, but he glanced out of the cell window from the corner of his eye and happened to catch a glimpse of a red dress.


Wang Shiquan looked up and saw a figure standing outside the cell.

A woman!

Wearing a long red dress!

She has a beautiful appearance and cold eyes.

Very beautiful!

But for some reason, Wang Shiquan's eyelids twitched suddenly, and an ominous premonition hit him.

"Who are you?!"

Wang Shiquan spoke in a deep voice, staring at the woman in red at the door.

never seen it.

Very strange!

Outside the cell.

The woman in red looked at the two people in the cell with cold eyes and spoke coldly.

"The person who sends you on your way!"


It's bright.

In Xunyang City, there is an inn in the western suburbs, in the backyard.

A figure dressed in red quietly fell into the courtyard and walked quickly to the door of a room.

Open the door and walk in.

"Saint, are you back?!"

In the room, Ling'er, who was dozing off at the table, heard a trembling step and stood up excitedly. The next second, he spoke in panic: "Holy girl, are you injured?"


Liu Su spoke expressionlessly, glancing at her clothes.

The red skirt was stained with a lot of blood. Although it was not obvious, there was a strong smell of blood on her body.

She frowned slightly, forgetting when she accidentally contracted it?

"That's good!"

Ling'er breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Holy Girl, I'll prepare hot water for you to take a bath and change clothes!"

Ling'er quickly prepared hot water. Liu Su took a bath and changed clothes. She washed away the dust and blood, changed her clothes and returned to the room. She sat in front of the bronze mirror. Ling'er stood behind the saint and carefully combed her hair.

"Holy girl, what, how is it?"

Through the bronze mirror, Ling'er carefully looked at the saint in the glasses. Feeling uneasy, he asked tentatively.


Liu Su spoke expressionlessly.


Ling'er was stunned for a moment and still didn't come back to her senses: "People from the Wang family..."


"All dead?"

Ling'er opened her eyes wide and looked at the saint's calm expression, and her heart jumped suddenly.

Everyone in the Wang family...are all dead? !

The saint last night...


Ling'er quickly wondered, since everyone in the Wang family was dead, why did the saint still look... not very happy?

Just when Ling'er was wondering and thinking wildly, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the yard outside the door.

Then, a deep voice sounded.

"Liu Su!"

The rough and low voice was vaguely angry.

"Great Elder?!"

Ling'er opened her eyes wide and spoke with worry on her face: "Holy girl, I'm afraid the First Elder is here to hold me to account..."

In front of the bronze mirror, Liu Su looked at the cold eyes in the mirror, her murderous intent never fading.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again after a long time, the cold and murderous aura had dissipated a lot.

"I gonna go see!"

Liu Su said expressionlessly, slowly stood up, opened the door and walked out.

In the courtyard.

The great elder in gray robes stood in the courtyard, followed by several people. When Liu Su appeared, the great elder looked gloomy and ugly: "Liu Su, who told you to act without permission?!"

Liu Su glanced at him with a calm expression: "Is there a problem?"

Hearing this lukewarm tone, the great elder suddenly became angry: "Do you still take me seriously?!"

Liu Su said calmly: "I just follow the orders of the leader, what's the problem?"

"But I didn't ask you to do it now!!"

The great elder's face was ugly. He never expected that Liu Su would act without permission behind his back.

"Do you know that you are trying to alert someone?!"

Liu Su glanced at him and said expressionlessly: "The Wang family has been arrested. If we don't take action, it will be too late!"

"Who told you that everyone in the Wang family was arrested?"

The First Elder stared at her coldly: "Although something happened to the Wang family, it won't happen for a while. More importantly, Wang Changjin's whereabouts are still unknown..."

"Killing members of the Wang family is nothing more than alerting the enemy. If something goes wrong, can you afford the consequences?!"

Facing the great elder's questioning, Liu Su only felt noisy and irritable.

He was already in a bad mood, and his eyes were even colder and unkind at the moment.

"Killing them is the order of the leader. I can do it whenever I want!"

Liu Su glanced at her coldly: "If you are not convinced, you can go to the leader and file a lawsuit against this saint!"

After saying that, Liu Su stopped talking to the elder in the courtyard and turned around to go back to his room.


The door is closed.

In the courtyard, the great elder stared at the closed door, furious.

He never expected that Liu Su wouldn't even give him any face now.

Are you trying to break up with him in public?

"Great Elder, what should we do now?"

The cautious voices of the Celestial Cult subordinates came from beside me.

This time they came to Xunyang City under the orders of the leader to eradicate the Xunyang prefect and the Wang family.

Cut off the roots!

But since arriving in Xunyang City, too many changes have happened.

The grievances between the Wang family and Prince Lin caused a huge change in the direction of Xunyang City, and their identities were almost exposed.

They had already made a plan and planned to do it quietly, but they didn't expect that the unexpected situation last night caught them off guard.

The great elder immediately changed his mind, but he didn't expect Liu Su to go his own way and sneaked into the dungeon of the prefect's mansion behind their backs...

As a result, the original deployment was completely disrupted.

"Wang Changjin is still alive and his whereabouts are unknown. He must still know some secrets..."

The great elder glanced at the closed room with a gloomy expression: "If anything happens, I'll see how she, Liu Su, will explain to the leader!"

Taking another deep breath, the Great Elder gradually calmed down.

"If a member of the Wang family dies, Xunyang City will definitely be in chaos. We can't stay in Xunyang City any longer. Let us notify everyone and ask everyone to evacuate Xunyang City quickly!"



early morning.

inside the room.

Lin Jiangnian, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.


Lin Jiangnian spoke angrily.

I worked hard for half the night last night and didn't fall asleep until almost dawn. I didn't sleep for long before I was woken up again.

"Your Highness, something big has happened!"

Lin Qingqing's anxious voice came from outside the door.


After hearing the big news, Lin Jiangnian immediately woke up and sat up.

"Come in."

The door of the room was pushed open, and Lin Qingqing stepped in dusty.

She was still wearing the armor that she hadn't taken off last night, and she looked a little more tired, obviously she hadn't slept all night.

At this moment, her face was full of anxiety and she said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, I just received the news..."

"Something happened to the Wang family members who were imprisoned in the dungeon!"

"All, dead..."

Lin Jiangnian, who was still a little moody at first, suddenly raised his head when he heard the news: "What did you say?!"

"Who died?!"

"Wang Shiquan, Wang Shiquan's wife Situ Xuan, and the Wang family members who were imprisoned in the dungeon last night..."

Lin Qingqing's voice was low: "Just this morning, the city defense army discovered that someone had broken into the dungeon. Something happened to the city defense army in the dungeon. Everyone in the Wang family who was imprisoned in the dungeon last night was also killed..."

"The murderer was extremely skilled in martial arts and left no trace. Wang Shiquan was stabbed through the heart with a palm, and the military advisor beside him did not escape death. As well as the family members of the Wang family, they were all brutally murdered, leaving no one alive... …”

"The methods are cruel and no one will be spared!"


Lin Jiangnian's face was solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Who did it?"

"My subordinates don't know!"

Lin Qingqing shook her head, her expression equally solemn.

How long did it take for the Wang family to be arrested?

He was killed within a few hours... Is this too much of a coincidence? !

"Where is Yuan Zhongnan?"

"My subordinates don't know."


Lin Jiangnian was no longer sleepy at this time. He stood up, grabbed the clothes on the side and put them on his body, and walked towards the door: "Take me to the dungeon to have a look."

The governor's mansion fell and the Wang family was imprisoned. This was part of Lin Jiangnian's plan.

But someone from the Wang family was killed in the dungeon, which was something he didn't expect.

Caught off guard!

Lin Qingqing quickly followed Lin Jiangnian and whispered: "Your Highness, could it be Yuan Zhongnan who did it?"

It had only been a few hours since the city defense army occupied the prefect's mansion, but the Wang family was immediately silenced, which had to make people suspicious.

And the only person who can do this quietly seems to be Yuan Zhongnan?

"He doesn't seem like such a stupid person!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head.

As the governor of Yanzhou, Yuan Zhongnan would not be so anxious even if he wanted to attack the Wang family.

By taking action so quickly, wouldn't it confirm that Yuan Zhongnan is the murderer?

"However, this possibility cannot be ruled out!"

Lin Jiangnian frowned.

Yuan Zhongnan really didn't seem like someone who would do such a stupid thing, but if it wasn't him, who would it be?

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