early morning.

Warm sunshine filtered into the room through the thin window paper. As soon as Lin Jiangnian opened his eyes, he felt something was wrong. He subconsciously lowered his eyes and saw a delicate and beautiful oval face in his sight, very close at hand.

Very close!

Almost glued to him.

In a daze, Lin Jiangnian could clearly see even the smallest details on this face.

The fair and flawless face has no makeup, no blemishes, is as smooth as jade, delicate and delicate. A few strands of black hair fell slightly, seemingly not covering her delicate facial features. The two thin red lips were slightly pursed, the crystal clear nose, and the slightly closed eyes.

Quiet, elegant, and the years are quiet.

Lin Jiangnian, who had just woken up and was still in a daze, felt that his brain was shutting down at a certain moment.

what happened?


When he woke up slightly, he blinked and made sure that the scene in front of him was not a dream.

The girl's delicate face is still close at hand, pink and plump, making people have the urge to kiss her.

You can smell the fragrance of the girl in your nose, mixed with the hair and the girl's original body fragrance.

Elegant and refreshing!

It seems to be mixed with some kind of elegant plant fragrance.

Lin Jiangnian stared at this scene in confusion. The girl faced him like this, lying on her side with her head resting on his arm. Perhaps because he had been pressed for too long and the blood was not flowing, Lin Jiangnian felt vaguely numb in his arm.

At the same time, a pair of snow-white and slender catkins stretched out from under the quilt and hugged Lin Jiangnian's neck tightly, like a koala, tightly and forcefully.

It was so tight that Lin Jiangnian's neck felt heavy.


Lin Jiangnian, who had just woken up, hadn't even realized what was happening? !

My head was drowsy, feeling the soft and delicate body of the girl in my arms. Even through the clothes, I could still feel the softness under the clothes.

Soft and fragrant!

Lin Jiangnian, who was confused for a while, finally realized what was going on.

...He was taken advantage of? !

Lowering his eyes, Lin Jiangnian gradually came to his senses as he looked at the sweet girl sleeping in his arms with her eyes still closed and her breathing slow.

The fox's tail is exposed?

This little maid had been reserved for a few days, but finally couldn't help it last night, coveted his body, and took the initiative to throw herself into his arms?

A few nights ago, we slept together in the same bed, guarding against him as much as we guarded against a thief, but what happened now?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at the face so close to him unscrupulously.

Such a delicate and flawless face, I don’t have the opportunity to appreciate it up close on weekdays. But at this moment, it was revealed in front of Lin Jiangnian without any concealment.

He quietly looked at the girl's small and exquisite facial features and pink skin, followed his gaze downwards, and his eyes fell on the girl's slightly squeezed breasts.

You can vaguely see it beginning to take shape.

Under the quilt, where Lin Jiangnian's eyes could not reach, he could only use his mind to carefully feel the softness and warmth of the girl's delicate body.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes still fell on Zhiyuan's pretty face with her eyes slightly closed. From such a close distance, he could even see the girl's slightly trembling eyelashes. Staring at the fair and delicate face and the girl's plump pink lips, a bold idea suddenly came to mind.

Isn't this... delivered to your door?

Since you threw yourself into my arms first, don't blame me for not being a human being!

Lin Jiangnian made good excuses in his mind for his ill-intentioned behavior, and took the moral high ground in advance. Lowering his head, he could even feel the gentle breath of the kite hitting his face, with a faint fragrance.

Just when Lin Jiangnian was about to approach the girl's slightly pursed red lips, Zhiyuan, who had closed his eyes slightly, seemed to be frightened and slowly opened his eyes.

The next second, their eyes met!

At such a close distance, the two looked at each other.

Lin Jiangnian's movements froze him on the spot.

Stealing a kiss is very unethical, and it would be difficult to explain if caught on the spot.

Lin Jiangnian's face felt a little hot, and he felt inexplicably guilty.

Rao is thick-skinned, but being caught ready-made is a bit embarrassing.

At the same time, Zhiyuan, who had just woken up, seemed a little confused. He was still in a daze, and his eyes still revealed a bit of confusion and stupidity.

As if he still hadn't figured out what was going on, he looked at him blankly.

The two looked at each other, so close that they could even feel each other's breathing. The breath fell on each other's face, and the atmosphere gradually became a little weird.

"woke up?"

Zhiyuan still didn't speak, and his eyes gradually became clear from being confused at first.

She was still looking at Lin Jiangnian, motionless.

But Lin Jiangnian could clearly feel that the girl's body in his arms gradually stiffened and stiffened. A touch of red gradually rose up on that pink and white face.

Apparently, she had realized something.

"Get up, get up..."

As if he finally came to his senses, Zhiyuan looked away slightly, his voice trembling with a bit of nervousness.

The chest rises and falls more intensely!

"Oh, okay!"

Lin Jiangnian nodded subconsciously, and when he was about to stand up, he seemed to think of something. He paused and looked down at the pink-white skin of the girl in his arms, who was clearly blushing and beyond control.

very nice!

Especially the appearance at this moment made Lin Jiangnian feel ready to make a move.

After a moment of silence, he suddenly lowered his head quickly and kissed the girl's thin lips.

It's soft and feels great, like kissing some kind of mint marshmallow.

They were separated at the first touch, and before Zhiyuan could resist, Lin Jiangnian had already stood up and walked away gracefully.

"This is your reward for taking advantage of me last night. We are even!"

On the bed, Zhiyuan looked at Lin Jiangnian who had fled the room, his head confused.

It wasn't until a while later that I finally realized what had happened. Zhiyuan subconsciously reached out and touched her lips, her eyes still blank.

But that plain white face has already been covered with blush, and it is white and rosy, like finely carved jade, and it is so beautiful!

Located outside Xunyang City, this small mountain village is almost isolated from the rest of the world. The pace of life of the villagers is slow and peaceful.

Although he only stayed for a few days, Lin Jiangnian had a pretty good impression of this place. The world is unstable, and the world is full of intrigues and intrigues. The people in this small mountain village are simple and kind, and after a long absence, Lin Jiangnian feels that there is still some true love in the world.

Eventually, though, it was time to leave.

Lin Jiangnian said goodbye to the old couple. Thanks to the kind old couple's shelter, Lin Jiangnian saved a lot of trouble. In addition, living here these days also caused a lot of trouble to the old couple.

The old couple lived a simple and humble life. Lin Jiangnian wanted to leave some money to express his gratitude, but he did not carry any money with him. In the end, Lin Jiangnian left some medicinal pills and gave them to the old couple.

These pills are worth a lot of money and can be sold for astronomical prices outside. They are left to the old couple and are extremely effective in treating common typhoid and colds. In this era when colds and colds can kill people, medicine like this can save lives.

Lin Jiangnian noted down the location of the small mountain village and planned to send someone to thank the old couple properly after he returned. After saying goodbye to the old couple, Lin Jiangnian left the small mountain village with Zhiyuan and officially embarked on the road back to Xunyang City.

It's not far from the small mountain village to Xunyang City, but if you walk back, it might take a lot of time. The two left the small mountain village and followed the path to the official road. Then he stopped a carriage along the official road and exchanged a piece of jade pendant for the carriage back to Xunyang City.

I haven’t seen you for a few days. There are many more soldiers and horses guarding outside Xunyang City.

From a distance, the outside of Xunyang City was heavily guarded. Many soldiers in armor were guarding the door. There were also many troops stationed outside the city not far away.

The entire Xunyang County gives people a solemn atmosphere, a depressing atmosphere that is filled with storms and storms.

The carriage stopped far outside Xunyang City. Lin Jiangnian got off the carriage, but had no intention of entering the city. When he turned around, Zhiyuan, who was wearing a coarse linen gown, also got off the carriage.

He was still wearing a simple burlap gown, but he couldn't hide his charming aura.

A graceful figure, a beautiful face, and an ever-present cool temperament. After getting off the carriage, Zhiyuan stood aside with an expressionless face, looking cold and cold as if strangers were not allowed to enter.

After giving Lin Jiangnian a cold glance, he said nothing.

"Let's go."

Lin Jiangnian spoke, turned around and walked towards the other side. After walking a few steps, he noticed something was wrong. He turned around and saw Zhiyuan still standing there, motionless.

"Why don't you leave?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at Zhiyuan's expressionless expression, as if he could read her thoughts: "Don't go into the city yet, Qingqing is waiting for us."

Only then did Zhiyuan react, retracting his gaze, and walked forward expressionlessly.

From beginning to end, not a word was spoken.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows.

Are you still angry?

When she woke up in the morning, she took the initiative to throw herself into his arms, so Lin Jiangnian kissed her naturally.

This time, something happened to the kiss!

So far I haven't paid any attention to him.

Along the way, he treated him like air and completely ignored Lin Jiangnian's existence.

This little maid dares to look down on her master like this, it's going to be a big shock!

Lin Jiang young sighed, but he wasn't angry at all.

The last time he kissed her face, Zhiyuan was even angrier than now. This time I kissed him on the lips, but I just pretended to be dumb and ignored him.

Progress has been rapid!

In this case, next time it should be...

Lin Jiangnian is looking forward to it!

The two of them followed the path outside Xunyang City and soon came to a private house.

Outside the house, someone with sharp eyes had already spotted the two of them. When the two of them first arrived outside the house, a familiar figure had been waiting outside the door for a long time and walked forward quickly.

"Your Highness? Sister Zhiyuan?!"

"Great, you are finally back!!"

Lin Qingqing's eyes filled with tears. Seeing the two people who had been "resurrected from the dead" appearing in front of her, she was so excited that she almost cried on the spot.

In the past few days, she had really experienced what it meant to go from heaven to hell, and then from hell to heaven.

The secret room in the back mountain collapsed. It was originally thought that His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan were buried deep underground and had a narrow escape. At that time, Lin Qingqing was devastated and grief-stricken. However, he did not expect that His Highness would suddenly send a letter informing him of the news of his survival.

One moment heaven, one moment hell!

However, even so, Lin Qingqing was still uneasy. It was not until she finally saw His Highness and Sister Zhiyuan with her own eyes that Lin Qingqing finally let go of her hanging heart.

Lin Jiangnian looked at Lin Qingqing who was crying with emotion in front of him and was also filled with emotion. All in all, Lin Qingqing should be the most loyal subordinate to him in the entire Prince Lin's Mansion.

Whether she was instructing Lin Jiangnian in martial arts at Prince Lin's Mansion or protecting Lin Jiangnian's safety on the way to Beijing, she was methodical and abided by her duties without any slack.

At the same time, when Lin Jiangnian had an accident, he was extremely anxious and uneasy. When he came back, he cried with joy and was extremely excited. How can people not feel affection for such a loyal subordinate?

In such a comparison, some subordinates appear to be particularly...

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian glanced at the cold little maid behind him who still had no expression on her face.

What a difference!

As if aware of Lin Jiangnian's gaze, Zhiyuan, whose expression was already expressionless, remained silent, but the coldness on his body was even deeper.

After crying with joy, Lin Qingqing wiped away the tears on her face and said excitedly: "Your Highness, what is going on?"

"伱, how did you and Sister Zhiyuan... come out?!"

The previous letter sent by Lin Jiangnian reported that he was safe, but did not mention how to get out of the secret room in the back mountain. Lin Qingqing was trembling with excitement when she saw His Highness alive in front of her and Sister Zhiyuan whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Behind him, Zhiyuan's eyes fell on Lin Qingqing. His originally calm expression was a little moved, and he nodded slightly.

Lin Jiangnian did not explain much: "This matter is complicated to talk about. I will tell you later when I have time... By the way, how did you go about what you were asked to do?"

Hearing this, Lin Qingqing calmed down and said, "Your Highness, don't worry, my subordinates have already followed your instructions... I'm afraid the Wang family still doesn't know that Your Highness is still alive!"

"The Wang family is so ambitious that they actually want to murder His Highness. Damn it!"

Lin Qingqing's tone was indignant.

Although His Highness came back alive, this time the Wang family killed His Highness. No matter what, this revenge must be avenged.

"Your Highness, my subordinates have already reported to the prince and sent people to mobilize the soldiers and horses in Linzhou... If the Wang family doesn't give an explanation this time, we might as well..."

Lin Qingqing looked sharp.

As expected of a subordinate trained by Zhi Yuan, his work style is vigorous and resolute.

However, Lin Jiangnian shook his head gently: "There is no rush, there is no need to really mobilize the troops and horses for the time being."

Lin Qingqing was startled: "No need to really transfer?"

Didn't understand the meaning.

"The troops and horses in Linzhou must indeed be mobilized, but they cannot really be mobilized..."

Lin Jiangnian said something in a low voice.

After hearing this, Lin Qingqing was stunned for a moment, and then said with some worry: "Your Highness, what if..."

"Don't worry, I have a way."

Lin Jiangqing shook his head softly: "The soldiers and horses in Linzhou cannot really move, otherwise they will be used by the imperial court to target our palace."

The matter of deploying troops is no small matter. If it is not handled well, trouble will continue. The Wang family was probably waiting for this move, so Lin Jiangnian certainly couldn't let them get their wish.

"However, although we can't really move, we can take advantage of the situation!"

Lin Jiangnian sneered.

"I listen to Your Highness."

Seeing that His Highness had already made up his mind, Lin Qingqing nodded immediately: "Your Highness, what do you think we should do?"

"what to do?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Of course it's revenge!"

Nearly lost his life and suffered minor injuries. Especially since Zhiyuan was so seriously injured trying to save him.

He had to settle the score with the Wang family for this grudge.

"Where's Wang Qin?"

Lin Jiangnian asked: "Where is he?"

"In the city."

Lin Qingqing gritted her teeth and said, "He has returned to the prefect's mansion."

"Do you have any information about his recent itinerary?"

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes, thinking about something.

Lin Qingqing nodded: "Don't worry, Your Highness, there are spies in our city watching his movements."

"very good."

Lin Jiangnian nodded with satisfaction. Just when he was about to say something, he looked back at Zhiyuan behind him: "What do you think?"

The Wang family now not only had a grudge against him, but also had a blood feud with Zhiyuan. Lin Jiangnian naturally planned to ask her for her opinion.

However, Zhiyuan did not pay attention to Lin Jiangnian, but glanced at Lin Qingqing.

"Qingqing, come with me."

After saying that, Zhiyuan took a light step and walked towards the house behind him.

Lin Qingqing stood there, looking at Sister Zhiyuan's back with some confusion, and then at His Highness, sensing something was wrong.

"Your Highness, you and Sister Zhiyuan..."


I've been writing this chapter for almost three hours, and I still have one more chapter to go!

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