Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 158 Continue to warm my son’s bed

It's quiet at night.

The villagers in the small mountain village turned off their lights early and went to sleep, and the autumn night wind added a lot of coolness.

Small courtyard, inside the room.

The cold wind was raging outside the window. Although this small room was simple, it was clean and tidy. There was a bit of warmth in the small nest.

The dim yellow oil lamp on the table was about to go out, leaving only the last trace of fire. When it burned out, the room was completely plunged into darkness.

This also means it’s time to take a break.

There are not many recreational activities in the small mountain village, and there is nothing else to do after dark except sleeping and exercising.

"It's time to rest."

Across the table, Zhi Yuan's calm voice came.

The voice was very soft, as if there were no waves.

However, I can still detect some nervousness.

Then, she slowly stood up and returned to the bed. As usual, he took off his shoes and socks, got into bed with his clothes on, turned over, and rolled himself into the bed, leaving half of the bed as if he was clearly separated.

Very tacit understanding.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiangnian felt happy.

Obviously, Zhiyuan has acquiesced to the fact of sleeping in the same bed with him.

Starting from the first night a few days ago, and in the following nights, the two of them maintained the same tacit understanding. We slept in the same bed, but no one mentioned it.

It is exactly the same as the process of applying medicine to the paper kite, and it seems to have become a little secret between the two of them.

And Lin Jiangnian could also feel that Zhiyuan was tense from being alert on the first night, but gradually relaxed a lot later...

Obviously, she recognized Lin Jiangnian's behavior as a gentleman.

Of course, there may be other reasons.

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't care.

That arrogant and cold little maid who used to treat him with disdain, now not only undressed and tied her belt in front of Lin Jiangnian, allowing him to touch her skin, she was even willing to sleep in the same bed with him. This was already enough.

For Lin Jiangnian, a deep sense of accomplishment surged into his heart.

Although the truth is not the case, but...does it matter?

At least the result was that the two of them slept together.

In this era where a woman's integrity and chastity are extremely important, rounding up is equivalent to two people having slept together!

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian felt more and more happy. After seeing that there was no movement on the bed, he slowly got up and walked to the bed. Take off your shoes and clothes, and get under the quilt with ease.

The warmth from the quilt drove away the chill in his body, and the faint fragrance from Zhiyuan's body made Lin Jiangnian feel relaxed and happy.

It was unusual for a girl to be soft-hearted. In the past, Xiaozhu would warm the bed every night and wait for Lin Jiangnian to fall asleep. This time, it’s someone else!

Glancing over the sight, in the dark environment, it was vaguely visible that Zhiyuan still turned his back, leaving him with a lonely and beautiful back.

However, compared to the first night when he was so nervous that he could be seen with the naked eye, Zhiyuan was obviously much more relaxed tonight. Although he is still a little cautious and cautious, he is no longer cautious and fearful like the first time.

Sure enough, girls will be nervous and scared for the first time.

In the darkness, Lin Jiangnian stared at Zhiyuan's back quietly for a long time, and suddenly sighed softly: "How about I discuss something with you?"

Zhiyuan didn't speak, as if he didn't hear.

"Always sleeping in the same position is not good for your health. It will affect blood circulation and development..."

In the past few nights when they slept together in the same bed, Zhiyuan always turned her back to him and remained motionless all night, which made Lin Jiangnian somewhat regretful.

He also wanted to see what Zhiyuan would look like when he fell asleep, but she never gave him a chance.

"How about you turn around and let's chat?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke tentatively.

But still didn't get any response.

Zhiyuan remained motionless, as if asleep, and didn't hear anything at all.

She definitely wasn't asleep, though.

For a master like Zhiyuan, once she recovers from her injuries, her body is extremely sensitive to her surroundings, and it is impossible for her to fall asleep easily.

Then the only explanation is simple...she was pretending to sleep.

Pretended not to hear.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiangnian became more active.

The past few days of sharing the same bed, coupled with Zhiyuan's acquiescence, made him a lot more timid. He turned his head and quietly looked at Zhiyuan's graceful body under the quilt. Although he was wearing clothes, he could not hide Lin Jiangnian's fiery gaze at all.

"Zhiyuan, do you know..."

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "The back of you is actually more attractive..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a cold and angry breath coming from him.

Looking up, he saw the kite beside him moving.

Almost in a panic, he turned around with difficulty and stared at Lin Jiangnian, his eyes full of shame and anger, staring at him warily.

In the darkness, those bright eyes were full of shame and anger, her pretty face was slightly red, and her breathing was a little quick. She wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, her back almost pressed against the wall, and she cried angrily.

The reaction was extremely intense!

When she noticed that Lin Jiangnian had such a look on his face and couldn't stop his playful smile, how could she not realize anything?

This guy did it on purpose!

Did he say that on purpose?

Zhiyuan felt ashamed and angry, glared at him angrily, and said coldly: "Don't look at it!"

However, Lin Jiangnian did not let her get her wish. He looked at Zhiyuan with a smile on his pretty face, a blushing face, and a slightly panicked look in his eyes.

"You are wrong. What do you think of my prince?"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly: "I am a gentleman!"

Zhiyuan said nothing, still staring at him with shame and anger.



"Look, have I ever touched you in the past few days? Have I ever forced anything on you?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke eloquently: "Not only did I not offend you at all, but I also enthusiastically helped you with the medicine. I worked diligently and worked hard without complaining... Where can you find a gentleman like me?"

Zhiyuan was still silent.

Although what Lin Jiangnian said was true, she still felt that it was strange for some reason.

I wanted to retort, but didn't speak.

"Look, isn't this nice?"

Lin Jiangnian silently stared at her shy, angry, restless and vigilant face. Her fair skin, delicate facial features, and cautious and vigilant expression with a bit of uneasiness and trance made Lin Jiangnian couldn't help but look at it a few more times. Eye.

There was a hint of strange color in his eyes.

This hint of strangeness was instantly caught by Zhiyuan. She became increasingly wary, biting her lower lip and staring at him.

Lin Jiangnian looked away with difficulty.

No, I can’t watch it anymore.

Ever since he met Zhiyuan, this little maid has always had a cold, arrogant and aloof temperament that seemed to have everything under control.

But now Zhiyuan looks weak and innocent, uneasy and nervous, and actually looks a bit cute.

So cute, I miss the sun!

Lin Jiangnian looked away and sighed softly.


Putting his hands on the pillow and staring at the dark beams, Lin Jiangnian changed the subject: "By the way, what are your plans next?"

Zhiyuan was originally feeling ashamed and angry, and her mood was complicated and confusing. Suddenly, she was startled when she heard Lin Jiangnian's sudden serious talk.

After a moment of silence.

"what's the plan?"

"What's your next trip?"

Lin Jiangnian turned to look at her: "You left Prince Lin's Mansion this time and came to Xunyang County to avenge your parents, right?"

Zhiyuan remained silent.

Lin Jiangnian already knew about this and there was no need for her to elaborate further.

"As far as I know, there were too many shadows of Xunyang County family forces behind the fall of your Jiang family. But in the final analysis, it was indeed the Wang family that caused all of this to happen!"

"The Wang family is indeed the real culprit."

At this point, Lin Jiangnian glanced back at her: "Then what are your plans?"

"Avenge the Wang family? Or should we eradicate all the family forces and people who participated in it?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes, remained silent for a long time, and said, "I don't have that ability."


“Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner!”

Zhiyuan's tone was slightly cold: "The mastermind behind the murder of the Jiang family was the Wang family. As for other families..."

After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "Everyone who participated in it will die."

Lin Jiangnian understood.

With her ability, it is true that she cannot compete with the family forces in Xunyang County, but it would be much easier to assassinate and eradicate those members of the family forces who participated in the murder of the Jiang family.

"That is not bad……"

Lin Jiangnian breathed a sigh of relief, with a hint of joking in his tone: "I thought you wanted to eradicate all those family forces?"

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time and then said: "I'm not stupid."

The force behind the murder of the Jiang family was too huge, and countless people were involved. If they were really eradicated, they would almost become enemies of the entire Xunyang County.

With the paper kite's ability, how can it do this?

Not to mention him, even if King Lin comes, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it.

This is no longer a matter of simply killing a few people!

Lin Jiangnian naturally knew it, so he just made a joke and seemed to have something in mind: "What's next?"


In the darkness, Zhiyuan raised her eyes, slightly puzzled.

"What about after eradicating the Wang family?"

Lin Jiangnian spoke loudly: "After avenging your parents, the Jiang family, what are your plans?"

A somewhat confused look appeared in Zhiyuan's eyes: "I don't know."

"Have you not thought about it?"

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes.

Not speaking was equivalent to acquiescence.

"Will you come back to Prince Lin's Mansion again?" Lin Jiangnian asked.

Zhiyuan glanced at him and said nothing.

Lin Jiangnian chuckled lightly and didn't bother to try to sell things to her anymore: "If you don't have anywhere to go, why don't you go to Beijing with me?"

"Entering Beijing?"

Zhiyuan seemed to be stunned and stared at Lin Jiangnian for a few times. Only then did he realize why Lin Jiangnian appeared in Xunyang County.

He plans to go to the capital!

Go to the capital... to marry the eldest princess? !

Zhiyuan is very clear about this matter.

However, for some reason, when I suddenly thought of this tonight, I had a vague feeling in my heart.

Can't tell.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and remained silent: "What should I do in the capital?"

"You haven't been to the capital yet, right? If you have time this time, why don't you go to the capital with me?"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her face, not concealing his purpose at all... When he came to Xunyang County this time, he came just for Zhiyuan.

Lin Jiangnian wanted to take this disobedient maid with him. On the one hand, Zhiyuan's martial arts skills were extremely high. Staying by his side was equivalent to having the protection of a top master, which gave him a sense of security. On the other hand, Lin Jiangnian decided to influence and train this disobedient little maid so that she would call her master willingly.

This is Lin Jiangnian's real purpose.

However, Zhiyuan remained silent.

Facing Lin Jiangnian's scorching gaze in the darkness, she didn't speak for a long time, hesitating about something.

When she left Linjiang City, she had no intention of going back, just as she didn't expect Lin Jiangnian to appear here.

Prince Lin's Mansion didn't have any deep memories for her, and there wasn't anyone worth remembering. When I entered Prince Lin's palace, it was just to repay a favor. To repay Princess Lin for her life-saving grace and to repay King Lin for his nurturing grace.

But now, Prince Lin has...

Her favor had been repaid, and King Lin allowed her to leave Prince Lin's palace.

She originally planned to wait until she had avenged the Jiang family, then travel around the world, travel to various parts of the dynasty, explore the rivers and lakes, go to the old Miao territory in the south, and see the woman who had a relationship with her father...

Or go back to Jiangnan, that's where she grew up!

But the appearance of Lin Jiangnian disrupted all her plans.

Tonight, at this moment, facing Lin Jiangnian's invitation, she hesitated.

Perhaps a few days ago, she would have refused without hesitation... She didn't want to go to the capital with him.

But tonight...

She hesitated.

Lin Jiangnian saw the hesitant look on Zhiyuan's face and raised his eyebrows: "What? Not willing?"

Zhiyuan raised her eyes and glanced at him, but stopped talking.

"I heard that my prince's aunt is in the capital now. Don't you want to go and see her?"

Hearing this, Zhiyuan was startled: "Auntie is in the capital?"

"I heard that I went to Beijing to take refuge to avoid being forced to get married by my family..."

Lin Jiangnian seemed to mention it casually: "Counting the days, we should be arriving in Beijing soon. When we arrive in Beijing, we should still be able to see her."

Lin Jiangnian had no impression of the cheap aunt, but Zhiyuan was different. After the death of Princess Lin, Zhiyuan has been living with that aunt, and their relationship is extraordinary.

"Counting the time, you shouldn't have seen her for a few years, right?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "What, you don't want to see her?"

Sure enough, when he heard that his aunt was in Beijing, Zhiyuan, who was still hesitant at first, was silent for a while and gradually made up his mind.

"Have you thought about it?"


"Going to the capital with this prince?"


"Then you will continue to warm my son's bed from now on?"


In the darkness, Zhiyuan suddenly raised her eyes and stared at him warily: "What did you say?"


Lin Jiangnian waved his hand and coughed slightly: "It's getting late, go to bed, go to bed."

Zhiyuan bit her lower lip lightly, a bit of a woman's shame and anger appeared in her eyes, and she glared at him.

But he saw that Lin Jiangnian had closed his eyes and looked like he was asleep.

In the darkness, Zhiyuan stared at his face for a while, staring at Lin Jiangnian's familiar and tender face, with sharp features, as if muttering to himself.

"Like, so similar..."

A complicated expression flashed across her eyes, a little dazed, and an indescribable emotion.

It wasn't until a long time later that a deep sleepiness came over her, and she closed her eyes in a daze.

That night, Zhiyuan had a dream!

In her dream, she felt like she was wrapped in some kind of stove, feeling warm. She almost subconsciously hugged the stove and let the warm breath wrap around her.

That night, she slept very peacefully.

The next morning, the first ray of sunlight shines through the window.

When Lin Jiangnian woke up, he felt inexplicably difficulty breathing.

It was like something was holding his neck, making him breathless.

You can also smell a faint aroma between your nose.

Very close.

Lin Jiangnian subconsciously opened his eyes and looked down.


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